
Monday, January 31, 2005


为什么功课这么难 。。。为什么天天得晚回 。。。为什么 pe 还是得跑到累死人!!!????
为什么。。。十万个为什么 ?? 。。。

haizzzzzzzzz..........y y y ....为什么!!??为什么!!!?????>.<
today first thing fmaths lect lor.....wa lao.......the qn soooooo chim.....expect us to do meh......Zzzz.......n during the lect.......i was 100% asleep....lolx.....WIT MY EYES OPEN......wahahhaha........somemore i sat at a place tat tat cher could see mi lor.....lol....

then chem tutorial.......not bad...=)

after tat phy tutorial....not bad...=D

next gp!!!!wahhh...heng ar.....we last grp to present....got no time...=P

then.......fmaths tutorial....hohohoho....not bad tooo ^ ^

then ate lunch wit peiyu...angeline...n weida.....then ate finish liao...tok tok tok....then tat shun gui (sitting next table) walk oso cant walk properly....then 撞到 the bench....lol...then sit on the floor!!wahahha.....rubbing his legs....n he said,"heng ar...my knee taller...or else..."....lol....

then they got chinese...left mi alone...T_T....so i went to do my maths lor....kana shit!!!dunnoe how to do.....spent the time staring at it....ZZZzzz......then do until frustrated...then suddenly one hand flash over mi n someone said hi.....-__-....it's jonathan....then ok fine....smile to him....continue frustrating...then someone said "MEILING.....GO CALL MR CHUA!!!" >.<...it's william.....wit some other guys....holding to piles of big big cardboard....they kept telling mi to call mr chua.....but.....but.......WAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!??.....i was blur blur lor.....(cos stare at the maths until my brain siao siao....cant function properly...).....later then noe the cardboards were 4 the cny deco...-__-.......

then in the end......maths did oni a few qns...-___-"".....then went gp.....ZZzzzz......practise the presentation....wan mi to act faint n act sick....>.<....then peiyu kanna replaced by another guy.....T_T.......为什么!!??....argggggg.......i oso wan to be replaced!!!!!! haizzzz.....

then PE!! 地狱
的开始。。。。thought dun need to run liao....who noe......haizzzzz.....kanna shit lor....my lung going to vomit out liao lor.....

then finally OVER!!while walking down the staircase....going to reach the ground liao....tat weida suddenly said,"bye bye priya....(my name in my gp presentation)..." -______-"""".....害我差点跌倒....-____-.....then tat peiyu kept laughing....>.<.......then she said i today veri funny....in wat way she oso dunnoe...-____-""....

then wa lao....soooooooo tired areadi......still NEED TO CLIMB THE BRIDGE!!!!kanna shit....@#$@$...... then bus 22 came....RUN LIKE HELL AGAIN!!!!Zzzzzzzz......heng could catch up.....phew.....

希望不要跑步!!!(impossible again...>.<)

<猪猪上> ^@^
7:08 PM

Sunday, January 30, 2005


hmmm...............today pia hw lor......sianzzzz.....finally did finish the inequality tutorial......but phy n trigo identities haven finish...>.<.......actually both dun need to do la......cos haven teach finish......but then............haizzzzzzzzzz............maybe over-stressed myself la.....bo bian......谁叫我们是龙的后人。。。lolxx.....but realli la....mani dragon kids...tat's y more competition....not oni mi think like tat leh....some of my CT pple oso think so....wat's more my CT one all so clever one....mi i think is the worst of the CT lor....haizzzz........

aniway......today wanted to go out wit my mother n sis one.....but then in the end didnt go.....cos.....HAVEN FINISH HW.....ZZzzzz...... now slacking again......lolx.......haiz...... 江山易改,本性难移。。。lol.....got to do hw n revise now....if not......=P

希望用功一点 。。。

<猪猪上> ^@^
2:57 PM

Saturday, January 29, 2005


ahahhaha......wondering y i put this title??hmmmmmmmmm....=P......ahahhahahah

today woke up early....haizzz.......took bus....saw william.....then saw jonathan....didnt tok much....actually didnt tok anithing...hahhaha.....

while walking to sch....willaim tok abt yesterday outing lor....lolx...they bad leh....left elvin there cos they dun wan to go outing wit them....hahaha...poor elvin....

we were toooooooooo early lor.......went to music rm nobody
there....@$@!$.. tat idiot chairman says must come early then she late lor....Zzzz......so we stayed at there lor.....then.......

then jonathan blew dizi....lolx......early morning sky still dark....pple haven woke up n he BLEW DIZI....wahahhahahha........n played so loud sia (next building oso can hear lor)......but......he realli plays veri well leh.....>.<....envy......

u noe.....when heard him play right....an image flow in my mind.......

“在江南一带的西湖上。。。有一艘小舟。。。。小舟上有一个萧洒 (lolx...) 的小生吹着一首惆怅中带点思恋的曲子。。。”

wahahhahaha.........soooooo funny.......but the song realli gave mi tat feeling la......>.<......aiyoyoyoyo......the song so nice......have a sudden 冲动 to learn dizi.....hohohhohohoho.........wan to sing zhou chong qin( the dj) 的 《有一股冲硕动。。。》.........ahahhahahha..............

but then tat william n two other erhu guys hor....realliiii........haiz.........kept crapping.....破坏气氛。。。lol......n other pple was like walked past dizi guy n diao him...n said siao....wahahhahah.....funny man....

then finally someone came to open the door......it was 20 mins later.....

then........hohohhohohho.........ONE BIG SURPRISE!!!!wheeeeeeeeeee............i am soooo happy.....tat pipa gal who first left the co CAME BACK!!!!wahahhahah......becos tat co chairman asks her to come back...n.......her parents ask her to come back.....-____-"""".....aniway...realli happy la....got someone to accompany again......=D.....

then practise practise practise.....then dunnoe y leh......feel like going back to ngee ann co n play......maybe becos there mani pipa friends.....oso more pple......big place....most imptly....i feel tat nasco is better than nyco lor.....not tat nyco is bad la....but feel tat still haven reach tat standard lor....-____-.......dunnoe can win gold or not.....haizzzzz......aiyoyoyo...touch wood...lolx...sure can win one la....=P

then today ended early cos jc2 got CIP...=P.....then...aiyoyooyo......tat chairman nag nag nag again la.....Zzzzzz......

aniway now come home areadi.....^^


<猪猪上> ^@^
1:13 AM

Friday, January 28, 2005


haizzz..........today abit sad cos of one small maths test.....-___-......tok abt it later....

hmmm.........today morning again fell asleep on bus....hahahha.....then when i was closing my eyes right....suddenly heard one 'bong' sound....then i immediately woke up n looked at my side to see who was tat fatty idiot who made this......then....lolx....IT'S TAT DIZI GUY!!wahahhaha....aiyoyo...he not fat leh....y can make tat sound one.....lolx.....so i was abit shocked....my fiery eyes 冷静下来.....lolx.....then smile to him....then....lolx...continued sleeping...wahhahaha.....(sorri hmm....jonathan i suppose....haha....sorri didnt tok to u...hohohoh....dun think i cool k....lolx....-___-.....haha...aniway he wont be seeing this....lol)

then first thing fmaths lect lor...Zzzzz........tat cher realli @#@$@.....everytime wan to rush through tat topic...-___-......

then got chem lect.....hmmmmm........oso felt like sleeping....dunnoe wat cher toking abt...haha

then got break....went to the tutorial rm early.....did maths....revise maths....did chem....Zzzz....then sleep....haha.....

then my sad day began......-____-........got fmaths B tutorial.....got test....Zzzz.......I NOE HOW TO DO THE QN!!!!!!but.......but.........I GOT THE ANS WRONG!!!!!!!T_T......i was veri sad.....i noe this topic quite well leh....but in the end......haizzzz.........y i always like tat....so careless one....then always kanna 扣分。。。haizzzzzzzz........

then got fmaths A tutorial.....but i got no mood to listen to anithing....i was just like looking at the cher.....but my mind was wondering off.....>.<.....then i didnt tok 4 the whole tutorial....then peiyu kept ask mi if i am ok.....lolx....(sorri peiyu...made u worry.....).......hahhaha.....actually nt la.....just felt tired....dun feel like toking.....

then after tat got birthday celebration 4 huixin n janice.....ok la...the cake looked nice....tasty....hmmmmm......... like ani birthday celebration.......they played wit the cake lor.....weida n one jc2(dunnoe who.....maybe ogl of janice....) kanna attacked.....haha.... then some went 4 the china study.....others wanted to pon n go outing......n i.....i siam lor....haha.....firstly becos i realli veri tired lor....DYING OF EXHAUSTION...lolx.....secondly not in gd mood.....thirdly peiyu didnt go....lastly i dun feel like going to arcade n play....cos i will 破坏 the 气氛......

haizzzz.............realli must buck up.......got alot of tutorial.....got alot of revision to do.......tml still got co.....Zzzzz.......n worst.....tml i am going to be left alone AGAIN!!....cos jc2 going to collect old newspaper....-______-...........天啊!!!!

希望 maths 不要再犯错...-_____-

<猪猪上> ^@^
7:34 PM

Thursday, January 27, 2005

ding dong ding dong

Zzzzz.....yesterday didnt write blog...cos tooo tired then fell alseep...haizzzzz........yesterday the X-country suxxxx.........haha.....the road damn uneven lor....wan us to fall down izzit....

hmmmmm..............today first thing fmath A tutorial....quite fun...cos playing wit the graphic calculator.....hoohohhohooho.........太好玩了!!!......

then got phy lect...alamak......half conscious throughout the whole lect.....Zzzzzzz........

then fmaths B tutorial.....ok la.....i was asked to present one qn on board...Zzzzzz........made mi look like an idiot....cos i did an xtra useless part.....

then is CT......wahahhahahah.............soooooooooooooo funny...............we made it to the second round of the cny decoration.........lolx..........like tat oso can..........ahahhahahah

then lunch...=P

then chem prac....hohohoho.....still the same.....first 30mins veri sianzzz...wanna sleep.....then did experiment........ veri fun......hahhax..........

then gp......Zzzzzzzzz...........at first saw the other grps present....lolx.......veri funny.......aiyoyo.....got wat george bush...tony blair....n SADAM HUSSIEN.....lol......they still can sit together lor.....wahhahahaha.........tat yoga realli funny leh....he realli looks like sadam hussien....lol.........then got another grp....lolx...although they didnt act.....the pple r veri funny lor.....dunnoe how to say la......

then the worst part came.......our CT guys realli sexist leh......>.<......sabotage our team....(our team all gals lor....n is the oni gals team......got another 2 gals la....but they didnt get 陷害...>.<)......the guys....
@#!@$!..... dun wan to present in inter-class gp presentation....then sabo us to go present... -__-.........wa lao.........I DUN WAN!!!!!!!!!!!!T_T....i will haunt them in their dream....i will make sure they wont have a gd sleep........wahahhahahahhaha............

希望不要 present gp!!!!!!!!-_____-

<猪猪上> ^@^
7:26 PM

Tuesday, January 25, 2005



today first thing chem tutorial lor...nt much....

then fmaths tutorial....woooooooo......got 满足感.......haha.....noe how to do all the qns....yeah!!!

then got break.....nt to do....go LT4 n 霸占 place.....lolx.....then still got much time ma....so did maths lor....lolx.....then peiyu was -___- lor.....said i keep doing maths....she so stressed...hahahhahaha.........bo bian la...realli nt to do ma....i oso dun wan to go home do....cos.....i wont do one lor....hahhahaha.......(finally.... 明智的选择。。。=P...cos....later then u will noe...)

then phy lect ok la....but veri sleepy....Zzzzzzzz......almost slept.....didnt realli hear wat tat lecturer was saying.....aniway....could understand la......so sleep oso nvm....=D

then got maths lect.....hahahhaha.....suddenly 清醒过来....lolxx....maybe cos i cant afford to sleep in maths lect ba....hahhaha....wa lao....tat cher so kiasu one...wanted to finish 5 pages in 1 hr lor....then she like bullet like tat....tok extremely fast just to finish b4 time...-____-......wahahhahaha....heng i could understand....hohohohoho.......wow........suddenly 开窍 like tat....suddenly noe everything.......wahahhahahahah.........realli veri happy...=)

then again....got 2 hrs break........wanted to eat one...but hor...Zzzzz......soooo mani pple....peiyu n i kept !@#!#!#......hahahhaha......we even suggested tat there shl be 2 common lunch....more canteen....bigger pathway(cos tat stupid times magazine booth was blocking our way...
-__- )......bigger entrance.....hahhahaha.......anithing so tat we could find a place to eat....
haizzz........just think think oni....then bo bian....went to i-space to do...MATHS AGAIN....hhahhah...

on the way to there....peiyu said i veri hardworking n got....Zzzz...perservance...lolx....oni at sch lor.....at home i lag one....dun do hw...dun revise...hahahhaha......so must do at sch ma....(peiyu....u realli 看走眼了....lolx...)

then do do do.....hohohoho.......finished my hw....hooray!!!!!haha...first time in my jc life i finished my work n GOT NT TO DO!!!lolx...then peiyu realli....lolx....
-____- <<<<<<< her face

then veri hungry.....went eat lunch.......

then went back i-space again....nt to do...went through phy....=P....oso first time in my jc life......

then got phy practical......Zzzzzzz.........as usual......yoga was the first to reach there.....today practical quite fun......then tat yoga so funny....like deprived of childhood like tat...kept playing wit the plasticine....lolx.....then during the process kept laughing....got mani 小插曲。。。hahah

then got early dismissal....=P......but quite early.....so waited 4 william lor.....alamak...this guy realli crappy....kept crapping wit the other guy.......then i abit ZZzzz....so gave him 脸色看 lor...loxx.....then he O.o....so quickly finished the prac...

then went co room....Zzzzzzzzzz..............still said 3.40 must reach there.....then went there oni
小猫两三只。。。。nvm lor...i waited.....then finally went to hall.......wa lao......went there 3 hrs ++ oni to stand at the stage to see the position n played for 5 mins!!!! lor.....-_____-""".......

ya n my senior told mi tat ying ying...(another pipa one) OSO QUIT!!!!!!wa lao.....everyone quit quit quit quit lor...Zzzzzzzzzzzz........nvm.....still gave the same excuse.....kao......-____-.......不爽!!

then went back co room areadi 7++ liao lor.....then again....DEBRIEF...Zzzzzzzzzz......as usual....nag nag nag....realli cant ta han tat chairman liao....she sooooooo idiot....opp....haha...dun wan to say abt her liao.....

then went home.......=P......on the way to the bus stop....again.....tat william CRAP AGAIN!!!! -__-.........then while walking down the brigde.......bus 22 came...hahahhaa......just in time......lolx...then tat william n tat lollipop guy walked damn slow....then bus came liao ran like hell.........wahahhahahahah...........

then on bus....wa lao.....again crap......-_____-........n they(william n lollipop guy) realli veri noisy leh.......then got another dizi guy....call jonathan i think oso crap wit them...-__-...but not so jialat....hahah......

let mi list some part of the crappy conversation... tat william said he is beckham...(zzzz......highly impossible...lolx)....then his wife victoria la....then said he veri rich...n crap crap crap....he oso said wat i msging my boyfriend la...my girlfriend la...then said i lesbian...-_____-"""........so i crapped wit him lor...say i les....then tat co chairman les wit mi.......lolx.....then he continued to crap abt anithing...realli ANITHING HE COULD SEE....lolx.....

then ok.....jonathan left.....lollipop guy left....n then MI!!lolx....so i decided to suan william......i said,"慢慢欣赏外面的风景“ wahahahahha........ Zzzzzzzz.............just ate dinner....sooooooooooo late.......waaa...heng finished my hw sia...if not.... -_______-...................hooraaaaayyyyy!!!!!!!!!!



<猪猪上> ^@^
10:01 PM

Monday, January 24, 2005


wa lao...today realli pissed off....write later....

early morning damn suay liao.....walked until half way to the bus stop then realised tat i didnt bring my pe shirt....-_____-"""........then got to run back n then run back to the bus stop.....wa lao...veri tired leh.....Zzzzzzzz.......heng catch up wit the bus...if not would be realli late 4 sch....phew........

today firstly got fmaths lect lor...ZZzzzz.......TAT CHER REALLI KANA SHIT!!!!!!!!wa lao...cant stand him liao lor.....everytime tok so fast....nv even ask we understand or not...-____-.......then he tok hor no tone one leh.....Zzzzzz......somemore i today veri tired lor...(slept during the whole bus ride).....he like tat make mi even wan to sleep.....>.<.....heng i can understand wat he toking abt....if not...I REALLI GOING TO PUNCH HIM!!!!!!!!-______-......

呼。。。。息。。。。呼。。。。息。。。。ok....i cooled down.....

then got chem tutorial....not bad......relaxed n comfortable....

then got break....went eat lunch....(hahhaha....at 9++.....siao....)....so early eat cos later break got time to discuss...(but it turned out we didnt discuss anithing....-___-)

then got phy tutorial...nt much to elaborate....

then got gp...ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz..........super sianzzz....tat cher kept toking n toking....n i find it all rubbish lor...(sorri cher....realli no use...lolxxx).....then got watch some short parts of 2 movies.....-_____-.......standard american eng...plus no chinese subtitle....ZZzzzzz.......cant understand a single wd lor....haizzz.....

then got fmaths tutorial....haha..tat cher not bad la....BETTER THAN TAT FMATHS LECTURER!!!!!!!he at least speaks more slowly.....got tone.....n constantly look at us to see if we understand lor....sooooooooooo gd......=P

after tat got break...as i said...didnt discuss anithing.....so i ordered a cup of coffee.....WRONG CHOICE AGAIN!!!!wa lao....y everytime like tat....wanted to try st new...then always...Zzzzz....it was not hot.....but it was veriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 苦!!!!!-____-.....got add sugar areadi lor....haizzzz.....

then my friends got chinese....so i go find table n did maths....hohohohoho......first time in jc life i felt soooooooo happy.......cos........i noe how to do all proving qn(n got no headache =P).......so 有成就感......hahaha....

after tat....-____-.....got gp........wa lao....our CT guys no use one(no insult)....oni noe how to bully gals.....made us go first 4 the presentation.....>.<.......we haven even run through once lor....n I DUN HAVE SCRIPT!!!!!!wa lao....like tat wat i shl say......>.<.....bo bian lor...anihow 编 lor....lolxxx....veri short one....hahhahaha......after tat was another grp....hohohoh....fierce debate b/w the grp n our CT guys......they were debating whether s'pore shl set up casino....lolx....aiyo....at first debate one....then later like 吵架 like tat...hahahhax....

then GOT PE.....Zzzzzzzzzzzz...........must run AGAIN!!heng 3 rounds oni....but then hor...3 rounds i areadi cant ta han liao....haizzzzz........fine.....finished the run liao still must do the exercises....(dunnoe call wat la).......Zzzzzz....

then finally can go home at 4.30++....wa lao...veri sweaty....>.<........then still thinking go home study first then write blog one.....kao....got heavy traffic jam......-_____-.........the bus was 卡在 ubi 4 more than 20 mins++ lor.........argggggggggg..........xxxxxxtreme hungry.....n tired.....n headache ...... @!$!!@#$@........ my mind kept cursing lor.....then realli hungry....sms my sis to ask got food to eat or not....then carried on crapping la.....like wat i dying of hunger...then she must be prepared to collect my body...lolxxx.......then the bus realli didnt move lor....so did maths again....hahahax.....see see can do or not...(looking back at all those tat i dunnoe how to do one).......then........waahhahahahhaha...........managed to do.....ONE QN.....lolx.....

the traffic was finally smooth at eunos.......felt relieved........n happy....cos.....CAN GO HOME EAT...=p..........hahahahha.......then finally reached my bus stop.....waaaaa.....suddenly felt 解脱...haha......but.....poor william....lolx....(he took the same bus as mi)....he still got 5 stops to go...hahahhaha..........

then when reached liao....i sms my sis.....u noe wat i wrote?......hahahha......."finally reached....我太感动了!!".......lolxxxxx..........

now finally at home.....realli tired....n HUNGRY......got to stop here liao....I WAN TO EAT DINNER!!!!!!hahahhahah............

希望吃饱饱。。。hahahhaa =P

<猪猪上> ^@^
7:25 PM

Sunday, January 23, 2005

HEaDaCHe!! -_____-

haizzz.........today whole day doing maths....maths maths maths....-______-.........haizz...报应....who ask mi fri n sat dun do...now then do....Zzzzz.....

today dunnoe y woke up so late...yesterday didnt sleep too late leh....lolxx.....maybe my tiredness 累积 until sat....so woke up so late....haizz.....then still have flu + sore throat....n now headache...ZZzzzzz.......

morning do maths n chat lor...hahahha....cant resist.....tok to kenneth....actually he not bad leh...veri hardworking....(he went out today to study lor...O.o)....then veri helpful.....i told him i always dun feel like doing hw on fri n sat...then sun must pia....then he said he will help mi....=P....so gd....haizz...but this kind of thing must depend on myself one la...(thanx kenneth =D ).....

then....maths maths maths lor......wanted to give up....but then....thought of wat he said to mi lor...must change myself......then if i gave up...abit 对不起 him...hahahhahahhaa....

but hor...haizz....oni finish a few maths ws lor....still got phy haven go through...one maths ws haven do...then haven do research oso...>.<....later realli must pia liao......

haizzzz.......bet tml will be veri sick...cos today...hahhhaha.....got sore throat still eat potota chip n fries....=X......tml die liao.....lolxxx.....but think think not bad...hahahha....cos tml if i kanna ask...i just tell cher i cant speak...hohohohoho......(hmm.....weird thought...ignore mi...=P)

希望赶快作完功课 >.< 。。。

<猪猪上> ^@^
7:11 PM

Saturday, January 22, 2005


today still the same....nt special....had co this morning....abit tired....reluctant to wake up this morning...ahahaha.....morning took a risk....veri late then took bus...but heng went there just in time...actually still abit earlier lor...others haven come yet.....

then practice was ok la...crap a little...then cher abit angry...cos made a lot of noise...(she doesnt like pple to tok during practice...).....other than these was just ordinary practice lor....

but today dunnoe y veri tired...almost slept while practising....then got flu n sore throat....veri 难受....dunnoe y like tat...yesterday ok one leh...-___-.....

then abit dun like the co chairman...i noe she oso mean us gd lor...but she sld oso understand our feeling la...after practice veri tired liao...she still wanted us to stay...then ok lor...everytime she oso like reprimand us lor....n dun quite like her attitude lor...last time said wat "who is more superior?".....wa lao....in jc liao lor...still tok abt superiority....-___-.....i thought we shl be equal lor....not 骑在 their 头上 la...they r senior ma...must respect them....but then the wd "superior" is realli too 严重 lor....maybe she sld said it in another way lor...then maybe we wont have so big reaction lor....

then this time...abit better la....said we must sit straight during the practice...etc..i realli noe she wanted us to have gd impression to the cher la...but then must understand la...realli cant possibly sit straight through the whole practice lor...veri tired leh....haizz...but i will try la...

then aiyo...today 4got to photocopy my timetable n give to the chairman lor...>.<.....totally 4gotten...then she like abit...not abit...is veri pissed off....can understand her feeling la...she said so mani time areadi...but i must say...I REALLI 4GOT!!!! (sorri chairman)

after she tok finish liao...i quickly siam....ahhahaha...first to reach bus stop n first to leave....wahahahhahaha =P.......

ahahhaha...then went home liao...my sis abit pissed off cos of this morning la.....then i went to toilet....saw st in the toilet bowl...dunnoe wat was tat....so looked closely lor...wa lao...a dead lizard....Zzzzz.....how can i p*** wit the dead lizard inside!!!!last time got cockroach(somemore the cockroach haven die...still struggling lor)..this time got lizard.....-______-""..........

haizzzzz............must do my sch stuff later....ZZZzzzzzzzz..........


<猪猪上> ^@^
2:49 PM

Friday, January 21, 2005


ahahha...today festive day...dun need go to sch...=P......yesterday so late then sleep...today 9++ then woke up...ahahahhahaa...my breakfast 冷掉了...lolxx....

wa lao..then hor....early morning my father kept nagging leh....烦死人了!!he realli @#!$@!# leh...everytime public holiday like tat one....一大清早(actually not realli early liao la..ahhaha) wan us wipe the window lor....Zzzz.....surf net awhile oso cannnot...still threaten to switch off my com power sia....-___-...bo bian...give in lor...if not...got world war 3.....ahahhahaha

then aiyo...realli pissed off by kenneth...a guy from my OG one....actually wanted to piss him off one...in the end i kanna pissed off....>.<.....haizzz....

u noe hor..he realli alamak leh....can be crapping sometime....-___-.......u noe he got 癖好one.... he like to take special pics....(eg..pic of nycj DUSTBIN!!!-____-"""" n peishan's chocolate bar....dotzz...realli special).....

then hor....realli pissed off...he called mi sadist yesterday leh...wa lao....like tat call mi....4get it lor...nvm...but he today told mi to GO N DIE...Zzzzzzzzzzzz........k lor...i said i go die then haunt him....then he said sorri lor(felt abit better)...he sld be the one to die...n then he said bb....i thought he realli going lor...cos he previously said he going somewhere ma.....so i said bb lor....then hor...dotzz...he said bb wat....i said,"u going ma"....then u noe wat he said...ZZzzzzzzz........he said he just joking one lor.....-_____-"""".......made mi look like an idiot....lolxxx......

not oni this lor.....yesterday crap abt suing him....then he said my lawyer so li hai lor...festive day still work...his lawyer is malay...got holiday...-___-....then today crap wit him lor... i said he shl go his malay lawyer's house n 拜年....then he said bai wat nian....(i abit not sure...so asked my sis if hari raya haji is new yr or not n sis said yes lor...)....so i said malay new yr ma.....then....I KANNA PISSED AGAIN!!!!!!!!he asked mi to go n die lor....new yr is puasa not haji.....(my idiot sis....made mi 推脸...... $%@$!#!#@)......

Zzzzzzzzzzz.......after tat tok abt his thing lor....*beep*...censored....cannot say...must respect his privacy...lolx..if not later he sends his malay lawyer to sue mi...(alamak...affected by him la...crapping again...-___-)

ahahhahahhaha.....just got st to say to him la....(kenneth...if u see this.....just wanna say 加油 to u la...).....lolxxxxx........

hmmmmmmmm...........today gd day.....feel sleepy...ahahhahahaha.....lack of sleep.....maybe taking a nap after writing this......=P.....haiz.......but.......I HAVEN DO MY SCH STUFF....T_T...haizzzzzzzzzz...........dun care la...sleep more impt...ahhahahahah.......


<猪猪上> ^@^
3:18 PM

Oh YEaH!!!!

hohohoho..today was a looooonnnnnnngggg day.....just came home 30 mins ago....=P

today first lesson is fmaths A tutorial....hmmmmm.......tat cher not bad.....didnt realli do much things....

then got phy lect....ahahahahhahaha.......my CUTE CHER....lolx....haiz...but today last lect wit him..T_T....(cos the topic he taught was over).....got new lecturer......hmmmm...quite handsome la.....N FUNNY!!!!!!!...ahahhahahha....wondering if every phy lecturer oso like tat one...like to crap....ahahahhahah.......i'm beginning to luv phy....lolxx....every lect always brings laughter.....

then after tat got fmaths B tutorial....ok la....but the cher abit dead leh....always sian sian one...Zzzzz

next got CT...chose computing n welfare rep....lolx....they damn crap man...make it like election like tat...still went around 拉票。。。wahahhahaha......i'm not in computing....so cant vote....as expected....shun gui(lolx...find his name quite funny....u all noe wat i mean la....like a food name...) being voted 4 computing rep....then i voted william as our welfare rep lor...cos think he quite gd la....veri sociable....but huixin oso not bad leh....(sorri huixin...didnt vote u....)...but nvm la....in the end william proposed to have a asst rep....cos..."male rep console male...female rep console female....-___-"").....so huixin become our asst welfare rep.....then tat william quite idiot la.....give his task to huixin...(william....BAD GUY!!!!BULLY GAL!!!!LOLXX).....

then have lunch.....they said eat as a CT....BUT!!!!.......some eat liao then went away areadi....some nv eat as CT!!!!!idiot....-___-.....i changed my seat to eat wit my CT lor...but i dun dare to move pei yu's bag...scared she later cant find....then on the whole process of eating...she was not wit us lor......u noe y....SHE CANT FIND US!!!!-____-.......idiot la...shln't have move lor....left pei yu alone.....(sorri pei yu).....

next got chem practical...=P.....first 30 mins...almost wanna sleep...cos the cher was briefing us on QA lor....aiyo...sianzzz.....next 1 hr then fun!!!cos DID EXPERIMENT MA!!!....ahahhahahah...quite fun la.......

then got gp......the cher quite nice...veri friendly...hehehehehx...=P.......(wow....i am glad to have wonderful cher 4 almost every subject...=D ) ....... ahahahha...at the beginning of gp...we got "entertainment"....lolx....got one guy pon gp lect w/o reason...so kanna "punish"....our GREAT welfare rep (william) suggested to make him do couple dance wit our asst welfare rep.....lolx...in the end...自食其果...he had to dance wit tat guy.....WAHAHHAHAHA!!!!.......活该!!(who ask him to crap...lolxxx)......

then after tat was OG OUTING!!!!ahahahha...not bad la....we combined wit other OG too...=P......

we walked to the mrt ...wa lao...the pple walked damn slow lor...like snail like tat...aiyoyoyo...."youngster nowsaday ar...."(exact from zu hui).....lolxxx....then reached marina bay...waited 4 bus....aiyoyoyooyo........the bus damn slow tooo...(alamak...wat's happening to the world!!!????).....while waiting....someone from a restaurant approached us lor...as in the whole OG pple lor....wa lao...they soooooo irritating leh......keep bothering us lor...can see they realli desperate....lolx....they even got mini bus to transport pple to their restaurant lor...Zzzzz....

nvm..4get it...next the bus finally came...aiyoyoyoy....typical s'poreans....KIASU!!!!!everyone kept squeezing into the bus lor(cos the bus veri slow ma)......dotzz...we nyjcians oso cannot 小看 one....we almost occupied 3/4 of the bus...wahahhahah......but hor...aiya...our OG elton couldnt squeeze in....-___-...left him alone there....

but hor...when we reached right....elton was standing right in front of us lor...wow..he superman sia....we thought he was God or st like tat...lolxxx......(actually he ran there one la)....

then we went eat steamboat....didnt realli eat much....aiyo...心痛 leh...$10 man!!!!but i realli cant eat much lor....不划算...>.<.....

then our OG(some pple oni) played 终极密码...wa lao....their punishment r: boiled apple wit butter or chilli....boiled orange wit butter or chilli....raw egg....cucumber in egg n chilli...n the worst......guava in butter+egg+chilli!!!!!!!!!!!yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.......so 恶心.... poor OGL(not from our OG) kanna punished 4 times lor...he damn suay...lolxx......n poor elton....he was sick lor...but still must kanna punished.....but he li hai lor(n lucky)....last round they played dai di....then the winner dun need to eat the "special guava".......then elton is 黑马 lor.....at a later part is all his game lor...n he was the winner...lolx...the other 3 poor guys must eat tat "special guava"...wahahhahahah.....saw their expression soooo funny one......i kept laughing lor...(lolx...one of the guy told mi just now in msn tat the "special guava" got foul taste lor...lolx....)

then after tat nt much...abit sianzzz.....they went played bowling....but i dunnoe how to play la....then oso cant realli see how they played lor...haizzzzz....so decided to go home.....aiyoyoyoy....the bus realli damn slow.....an gie n mi was veri scare lor...scared later no mrt or bus....so when reached marina bay again...we walked veri veri quickly...n managed to catch up n took the mrt...=P....

after reached home...bath n COOK MAGGIE!!lolx....aiyoyo....spent $10 eating little food...then at home ate maggie....lolx....pathetic....wahahhahahah

希望明天睡到 siao>>>>

<猪猪上> ^@^
2:05 AM

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


waaaaaaaaaaaaaa............today came home sooooooo late....8.30 then reached home leh.......xxxxtreme hungry leh.....>.<.......think co shl oso provide dinner 4 us...hehehhex....(jiewan...if u see this...pls pass this suggestion to the co chairman....=P)........

today went sch early...firstly to keep my promise to my friends tat i will go early today...secondly today assembly at CT room...scared i late....lolx...realli regret......go there nt to do.....(tat's y i always go to sch veri late....O.o).....then hor...went CT room...the room not open lor...ZZzzz....made us wait wait wait...then actually no teacher or staff noe we having assembly there lor.....dotzzz.....then finally one man came n open the door.....go in liao the national anthem areadi started half way lor...-____-"".......then...ahahhaha...still dunnoe how to sing sch song....(sorri NYJC....)

then after tat got fmath lect......Zzzzz........tat cher is toking to himself AGAIN!!!!!he tok like bullet like tat.....wa lao....haven even digest wat he taught us then he carried on toking n toking....-_________-.........heng in the end still can understand...if not.....hahaha....I WILL KILL HIM!!!!!!!............

then got PE!!!!ZZZzzzzzz........must run AGAIN!!!!!>.<>

next got phy tutorial...ahaha...tat cher quite gd.......=D......

then got break...ZZzzzz......but i'm alone!!!!!lolx....then tat william n some guys ask mi go eat lunch...aiya...but hor.....firstly....meeting angie to eat lunch at a later time....secondly...pai seh la....oni mi one gal....>.<......so went to "study corner"(dunnoe wat to call) to do maths tutorial...ZZzzzzzzzz....so mani dunnoe how to do man......n abit hungry at tat time...so my brain cant work......(just now msg pei yu then realised tat got mani qns cant do...cos....CHER HAVEN TEACH!!!!!!!!dotzzzzzzzz......-___-""")

after tat ate lunch wit angie n jessica...n then waited 4 og lor....tml got outing....but veri late leh...dunnoe wan to go or not....

then got tat MST....aiyo...sianzz one....completely no use....(wat close my eyes.....feel the clothes exerting pressure on u....feel how ur hands r put...-___-""......breathe slowly......imagine u r on the stage wit friends around u...u was getting ready 4 syf.....playing the music u like.....n finally the song ends....u feel happy becos u played well...ur friends oso feel happy....now....1 2 3....open ur eyes)....wa lao made mi feel even more sleepy....lolx.....but got one thing i think is quite true la....she(or he...i dunnoe) said,"there is no i try...is either do or do not"......

after tat went co lor....then practise lor.....practise practise practise...until 7.50++......ZZzzzz....TIRED!!!!!!!HUNGRY!!!!!!!!i realli realli think co shl provide dinner....haizzz.....yesterday tired...today tired....tml going to be tired....ZZzzz....like tat i will become 行尸走肉 liao......>.<........haizzzzzz.......

希望天天睡 24 hrs!!!

<猪猪上> ^@^
9:36 PM

Tuesday, January 18, 2005


HaiZzzz.........today came home realli late....cos got phy practical...Zzzz...ok...let's start again......

today morning...lolx...almost late again....even later than yesterday lor....ahahhahaha....but still made it....

then got chem tutorial....ohohohooho.....tat cher quite nice....n i like today tutorial..u noe y...COS TODAY DIDNT GO THROUGH ANITHING...WAHHAHAHAHHA!!!(-___- ignore mi...lolx)....

then after tat got fmaths tutorial...aiyo...tat cher looks so fierce.....n i DUN LIKE TODAY TUTORIAL...haizzz...cos i DUNNOE HOW TO DO....T_T...realli feel like crying leh....my friends noe how to do n i dunnoe...like i so stupid like tat....n others did so fast one lor....i almost every qn oso dunnoe how to do....every qn i copy from board one lor...Zzzz.....then after this i was like long n black face lor....haizzzz.....

then got break...so went to canteen....Zzzz....soooooooooo mani pple....n we were standing like in the middle of the pathway...ZZzz... kept kanna 撞 by pple lor...-___-....

after tat got PHY!!!!WHEEEEEE.....lol....see my cute cher again...ahahhahah....as usual....he kept making us laugh...ahhahahahha....realli enjoy his lect....cos help mi 4get the unhappiness....^ ^
let mi tell u one of his funniest joke today...ahahhahahhahah....

he was teaching components of a vector.....then he said,"y learn how to find summation force areadi...still wan to learn this leh....(then he drew a 2 circles....).....one day a cake drop on this place (1st circle)....the mother cockroach (lolx) always pull the cake in this direction to her home (2nd circle)...this home inside got 2 baby cockroach...then one day mother cockroach sick...so 2 baby cockroach must go take the cake themselves....then they cant possibly move in ani direction...if not like tat 4ever wont reach home...so mother cockroach must learn phy (wahahhahahah....-__-...lolx)...then one cockroach move this direction the other move the other direction....then they can go home"...(the last part i 编 one la...4get last part liao).....

then after tat got fmath lect...-___-....but can understand wat the lecturer was toking abt la....

after lect got 2hr!!!!! long break....Zzzzz......wa lao...must wait long long....again....angeline went find her og....so pei yu n i went eat lor....then decided to go to a place call i-space to study...(went there during orientation...quite gd...got air-con)......but went there liao found tat there oni got jc2....lolx...abit paiseh...so decided go library....Zzzz....again...no place to sit....n today not so lucky...outside oso no table....so...haizz...went back to i-space again....lolx....can exercise...then finally pluck the courage to go in...went in liao then realised got jc1 one lor...-___-"".....then we did maths....(Zzz....realised tat i could do the qn lor...dotzzz).......

then after tat got phy practical....went there liao oni see yoga....so we waited lor....phy practical do pendulum....>.<....dun realli noe how to do....kept looking at others...ahaha....

then after 2 hrs of torturing...lolx....went home lor....on the way walking down.....angeline suddenly asked mi,"u noe who william is??"...i was 奇怪 lor...y she ask mi this...so i said,"ya"....then she told mi william told her tat he sat the same bus as mi...but i always didnt notice him...n he is 5 bus stop away from my bus stop....lolxxx.....aiyo....how i noe.....dun realli noe my CT well lor....dotzzz....

ok.....so i took the bus...i saw him...(WILLIAM...I NOTICED U!!!!LOLXXX)....ahahahhahah......then i realised tat i actually got somehow 留意 him lor...cos...lolx....he always took bus wit a guy...u noe....tat guy was the one dancing couple dance wit mi lor....(lolx...can remember him cos he was eating lollipop all the way during the dance....the LOLLIPOP GUY....ahahhahahha).....then i noe tat guy takes same bus as mi ma...then notice he like always take bus wit a guy(william)....lolx...but realli dunnoe he is from my CT one lor...ahahhaha...(sorri la...william...lolxx).......wahahhahahha......then...wow....he stay further than mi leh...ohohhooho....i thought i live the furthest one...ahahah...so ok...must show him tat i noticed him...lolx...so when reaching my bus stop...i LOOKED at him...ahahha...then he waved his hand...i waved my hand...lolx...


希望明天不要太晚回家( realli impossible..>.<)

<猪猪上> ^@^
6:38 PM

Monday, January 17, 2005

YiPeE YiPeE!!!

lol....today quite relax la...just CT n gp oni....but hor...Zzzz....must wait 4 so long...2++ hrs lor...sianz...

ok...today as usual...slept on bus...lol...almost late 4 sch...(nvm...i am not the last..=P)....then after tat CT...hmm...angeline n yoga(aha..dun be mistaken...is a tamil guy...his short form name la...)were voted 4 CT rep...not bad la...they got the potential..=P....during CT quite sianz lor....angeline kept toking to pei yu...feel abit neglected...ahahhahahha...haiz..(but say the truth...veri hard to have 3 pple tok la...can understand...)....

then after tat was long long longggggggg break.....Zzzz....go canteen to have a drink....went to the vending machine n decided to have a cup of HOT milo...(cos cold weather....WRONG CHOICE!!!tat cup of milo is damn HOT!!wa lao...kept shaking the milo n blowing at it to make it cooler...lol...then angeline was wondering y am i staring in the air...(ahaha...nt to see ma)...then pei yu thought i was.....wahahhahahha...PLAYING WIT MY MILO....-____-""...ahhahahhaha

then after tat...as usual...angeline went to find her og..ahahha...left mi n peiyu...so we decided to go library lor...on the way one woman stopped us...cos she was like promoting TIMES la...actually wanted to siam...but hor..think think i shl listen lor....have st to do wit gp ma...so listen to her lor...i think TIMES not bad leh..better than business wk..(-___-...i dun like business..lol..)..heng haven order business wk...but then the free gift one i think business wk better leh..they give gp guide leh...tat TIMES one give the 100 essay bk...(-__- abit no use..ahahhaha)...

after leaving contact...we went library...wa lao..no place to sit!!didnt noe jc1 so guai one..everyone went there study...do hw...Zzzz...so bo bian...go downstair...got table (n chairs..of course la..lol)...then sat there n did our hw....dot...the fmaths tutorial realli kana shit...some nv learn b4 lor...as if we noe like tat...(if realli noe how to do then we genius liao..dunneed to study...)....

after tat went gp lor..ZZZZZZZ......SIANZZZZZZZ!!!!!!feel like sleeping...n realli scare sia...tat cher kept asking qn...scare kana called by her man...cos i this person cannot think one la..(so pls cher...dun ask mi this kind of thinking qn!!!)then got watch one show...R(A)one...(ahahha...not tat 三级片 la...lol..just abit violent lor)...hmmm...this show abit extreme la..then aiyo...abit violent...realli...dunnoe how to say...feeling bad 4 a woman in the show 4 being humiliated(as in being poured wit all kind of sauce lor...)...

then...ahhaha...finally released...then while going downstair...angeline saw her og...so...u noe wat she did la...common sense...n i thought she oni went in 4 a while oni lor..so pei yu n mi waited 4 her...but then pei yu felt st wrong lor...so decided to go in n ask her need to wait 4 her or not...lol...the ans was.."ohh...i'm staying here..."...lolx...heng pei yu suggested to go ask her..if not we would be standing there like an idiot...ahhahahaha.....

so pei yu n i walked all the way to the bus stop lor...while on the way...we tok lor...i asked her y no msn...n got blog or not...lol..she thought wat "block"??ahahha...(sorri pei yu...i got poor pronunciation...haizz...the bad thing of growing up in a chinese family...>.<) so i apologised to her lor...then i decided to ask her one thing...(i have been asking this qn since the first day i came to nyjc...lol)..i asked her.."ermmmm...u normally speak eng or chinese at home?" (ahahha...just wan to noe if she...n other pple... can speak chinese or not...=P...if possible..I DUN WAN TO SPEAK ENG!!!..ahahhaha) n she told mi tat she usually speaks eng to her friends...but...BUT...she speaks CHINESE to her mother...YEAH!!! (看到一线曙光..lol..) ...then i think she noe wat was my purpose of asking her this qn...(真聪明。。)...she said,"u speak chinese izzit?"...aha...realli clever...so i said YES!...then i explained to her tat i'm not used to speaking eng...n she understand...(Ohhh..so touching...T_T..ahahhaha)...then she said she will try to speak chinese to mi =P...i oso try to speak eng to her la...but...ahahhahah...realli weird leh..toking to her in chinese..n...listening to her speaking chinese...ahahhaha....cos have been toking to her in eng 4 the past 1 wk lor...不习惯 leh...lolxx...she oso find it quite 奇怪lor...ahahhahahahahhaha....aniway i am quite happy la...got “志同道合的朋友"..lol...

then again...slept in the bus...ahahahhh....on the way raining lor...Zzzz...then 懒惰 take 雨伞..so use my file to cover...then...CAME HOME....THE END...lol... WOW...today write so long again...ahahhaha...dunnoe y leh...everyday oso the same...but can write so mani things...ahahhaha ...


<猪猪上> ^@^
3:02 PM

Sunday, January 16, 2005


today..ahahhaha..sure wont write long long one la.....lolx =P....

hmmmmm........today morning wanted to do tutorial one...T_T.....but....i watched show...千金百分百.....ahhhhh.....felt bad....

then actually wanted to go out wit my mother n sis....but thought of my tutorial...i decided not to go.......

then my mother veri funny....she changed her clothes n then....she came in wit a scissors....hmmm....u noe wat she wan mi to do....ahahhaha...she wan mi to cut a string on her jeans....u noe where....lol....at the crotch...lol...wa lao...sensitive part leh...wahahhahahah....but she managed to cut it off....(sitting down...ahahha...so funny...)...then i realised....muahahha...her jeans got one hole...lol...

then stay at home do tutorial...firstly do phy lor.....wa lao........headache......realli.....n i'm having flu...veri 难受。。。。haizzzz.... n phy tutorial dunnoe how to do......haizzz.....

but still managed to do finish la...(but got a few realli dunnoe how to do)....then realli cannot ta han...so relax a while...play pipa...haiz...sianz one la....then carry on do chem tutorial....aiyo...ok la...but part A abit dunnoe how to do...Zzzz....dunnoe y..maybe my brain cant work...but now see see...aaaaaa....noe how to do liao leh...Zzzz....ahahhahaha....

now haven do finish...T_T...haizz..............

希望把 tutorial 做完

<猪猪上> ^@^
7:00 PM

Saturday, January 15, 2005


ahahhaha.....just came back from co~~~~ohohohohohoho....not bad la.....but hor must early wake up leh......7.30 leh!!!!!!!!!kana shit.....wkdays everyday wake up so early...always sleep on bus....today still cant let mi off... T_T ...today i oso slept on bus lor.... Zzzzzz.....

morning 7.10 reached sch liao lor....everyday reach at 7.20 one...today soooooo early....
-___-... first thing reach sch go to co room lor....dotxx....nobody there.....so went to toilet...then saw the notice board...new timetable.....Zzzzzz......wa lao.....mon oni CT n gp ....but in between got 2 hr++ break lor....-_______-........sianz...

then after tat sit at the bench....staring at 空气....-_-...actually was waiting 4 an gie lor...but...she was late....i waited until 7.30 u still nv come...then saw other pple go co room liao..so i followed lor.....then i was like feeling lost lor...new there ma...dunnoe wat to do....then saw my senior....ahahha...i felt a moment of release...lolxx..after tat....arrange the chairs...take pipa...tune it....then wait 4 conductor....

but just when the conductor finally came....dot...some jc2 pple need to go tok....including my senior....T_T....she haven play then left liao....left mi alone lor....somemore the new song haven hear b4.....

ahahhahaha...but........it's actually quite easy la....then some pple was oso left alone...their senior oso go 4 tok..so kinda of 安慰 lor...lolxx....

the conductor aka my pipa cher...quite nice la....but somehow i seem to feel being neglected lor...cos she ask the other pple wat their sch is...but nv ask mi lor...T_T....nvm lor...maybe becos i oni 1 person ma...so nv notice mi or wat....(dotx...i was sitting so near from her...in the front row)

then when practising the song...she oso kinda of neglect mi lor....make mi feel tat pipa is not impt in co....-____-......but i was wrong la....she approach mi during break....lol..i was 受宠若惊...hahahahaha....too exaggerated..lolx...she oso 指点 mi on some 弹法 ...she tok like a 慈母 like tat...realli nice....

but hor...i feel quite bad lor...cos i was eating sweet when she was toking to mi....feel quite irrespectful to her....>.<...

then after tat...i tried to play loud lor (she said i play too soft...so must play louder) ...so as to 弥补 wat i did just now lor...ahahhahha...but quite embarrassing leh....the last part when playing the mi mi note......oni pipa n zhong ruan play lor...then i one pipa oni....so pai seh...so i played softer n softer....lol...then when finished...i realised some pple were looking at mi (n zhong ruan ....of couse la) lor....reallllliiiiii pai seh...-____-.......

hmmm...then 11++ finished liao...sooooo fast.....hehhehehex.......i think this yr jc1 realli gd lor....this is oni the first practice areadi played so gd....able to play the whole song so nice n full of 感情...ahhahahah....can see tat conductor is realli happy lor...(she is aiming 4 gold...=P).....ahahah

then after tat pack up lor....T_T.....have to keep pipa 4 senior.....(heavy leh).....then must pile up the chairs....put all instruments in storeroom....then....ahahahha...DISMISSED!!!!....lol.....

aiyo..then an gie veri urgent...(ahhhaa...u noe wat i mean la....nature call la)....immediately after dismissal...she desperately looking 4 toilet....lol....n this stupid sch...(opps...sorri nyjc...ahahhaha)
...(ahahha continue)....nyjc got veeeeeeerrriiiiiii few toilet lor...in the new extension block esp....wa lao.....such a long dist from main block to extension block lor...n so few toilet....
-______-""""........poor an gie...lol....so we walked all the way to the main block....(looking here n there 4 toilets).......then aha...found toilet....-____-""""....STAFF TOILET...dotx....ok fine...go downstair......aha...finally found toilet.....-____-"""......STAFF TOILET AGAIN!!!!!......wa lao....teachers need so mani toilet 4 wat!!??....lolx....then reached ground floor..ahahahhaha...finally found toilet....realli....TOILET 4
STUDENTS!!!......wahahhahaha........an gie finally is released....lol....

then aiyoyoyo....must climb the bridge again.......(NAPFA SURE PASS...LOL).....on the way nt to tok to an gie leh....haizzz...we both negative la(quiet).....must positive wit negative....shl not be together...lol...jkjk....

then her bus reached first..-______-......i wait wait wait...lol..a while oni la...just a min after her bus left...my bus came....ahahhahahah.....then....lol.....slept again lor......ahahhahahahha

yohuuuuuu....back home.......but.....but..........but.........BUT I STILL GOT TUTORIAL!!!!!!!WAAAAAAAAAA....... T_T...sobx...sobx......sianzzzzzzzzz.......haizzzzzz........poor jc students.....haizzzz

希望不用作 tutorial.....(veri highly completely impossible.....-____-)

<猪猪上> ^@^
2:18 PM

Friday, January 14, 2005


AHHHHHHHHHHHH............just now damn suay....realli angry man......i will later elaborate it.......

today first lesson is fmaths......wa lao......I DUN LIKE IT!!!!tat lecturer ask pple to go out show n EXPLAIN the ans lor........i hate this man....i keep pretending i'm still doing my qns lor..so tat she wont ask mi....(ahahhaha.....my 独门绝技 used in pri n sec)....better dun ask mi go out n explain!!!!

(highly impossible -______-)

then after tat got chem.........wa lao....DUN LIKE IT TOOO!!!!!!tat lecturer hor...idiot one la......one simple definition wan ask to ask qn on it.....i like cant find anithing abt this definition lor.....then he keep ask us to ask him...dotzzz......then when he gotten a few qns.....he told us to copy them down....u noe y.....BECOS HE WONT TELL US THE ANS!!!!!!!wa lao......白痴.......then hor...cant stand him leh....tat chap got 3 parts lor...then he teach oni 1st part....the rest tell us to read on our own...-_______-"""""...like tat dun need him to teach mi chem liao la....can study on my own...dot dot dot...dun teach us 4get it lor...still got ws to do!!!!!!!T_T....so mani qns....

then after tat is my fav!!!!ahahhahah........see my cute cher again........lol....he realli cutttttteeeeeeeeeeee leh......he kept making us laugh lor....lol......let mi give examples

Eg 1: "900 kg/m^3 ar....900 once...900 twice...."(lol...having audition sia....)

Eg 2: "(facing us)(was teaching us vector n scalar) "power here strong"(then facing sideway)"facing the other SIDE OSO STRONG MA....WHERE GOT FACING HERE STRONG..FACING TAT SIDE NOT STRONG ONE....SO POWER IS SCALAR...."
(opp...dun seem to be funny here...but his action realli funny...sooo cute)

Eg 3:(almost the same la)"u like tat energetic...the other side U OSO ENERGETIC RIGHT...SO ENERGY IS OSO SCALAR...."

Eg 4:(the funniest)(teaching us how to draw vector)"hey..my drawing on laptop veri accurate one leh....dun believe u all go measure...(pointing to the screen....)"(his action oso veri funny...)

still got more examples la...but cant remember...lol....i realli like his lesson man...but hor....he realli "cuttttttttteeeeeeeee" leh.....he every qn put one person name there leh....he so 聪明 lor...like tat dun need to point to pple to ask them ans qn....高招高招...佩服佩服...we like SHOCK N LAUGH OUT LOUD LOR....he realli...lol..nt to say.....but we students oso veri intelligent one..lol...those pple name on the screen one pretend they not present lor....lol....

ahahhaha...just one thing to say abt him....爱你!!ahahhahahahhah

then today veri early can go home lor...i was like so happy..cos my other friends still got chinese...then i see the side gate close...so i go by the front gate lor...then i remember last time when i decided to turn left..i walked a veri long dist...so this time i turn right lor....A BIG MISTAKE AGAIN!!!i thought i learn my lesson areadi...who noe...-_____-""""...the road was even LONGER LOR......N DANGEROUS...wa lao...wed run like hell..legs pain man..haven recover lor...then today walk sooooooooo longggggggggg dist...T_T....worst still..today is big big sun lor....waaaaaaa.......

then hor... got one woman walking in front of mi one...she like keep looking back lor...her face suggest to mi tat:"y is this gal keep following mi"....

-_____-"""".....maybe is my illusion..but...but...she realli give mi tat feeling lor....dot...she think she got $$$ ar...she think i wan to rob her ar....wa lao...somemore she so BIG lor..lolx...scare of a gal...
-____-"""....wahahahhah.......(maybe realli is my illusion....lol...sorri madam...if i mistaken u...lol)

wahahhahahhah....then finally...FINALLY...I SAW BLOCK 307!!!ahahhahah.....i finally reach the bus stop...omg...i was thanking God man....then...ahhaha..the bus came in a few mins time...wheeeee....God treat mi not bad...lol....

then...I GOT HOME!!!YEAH!!!!!!! 12pm....not bad la.....hehehehex =P

haiz......today got lots of hw to do...T_T.....SIANZZZZZZZZ ARRRR!!!!!!!n tml must go co....7.30!!!!!!ahhhhhhhhhh....Y SO EARLY!!!!!!!!!!!??????? T_T

希望明天不要太早起来>>>(highly highly impossible -_____-""")

<猪猪上> ^@^
1:48 PM

Thursday, January 13, 2005


YEAH!!!today come home quite early.....=P dunnoe y....very happy today....ahhahahhahaha

today nt much la.....after assembly got 1 hr break.....so mi n 2 friends go canteen lor.....not to eat...but.....lol...do maths...ahahhahahah.....heng we decided to do the qns ar...cos fmaths lect got go through those qns....=D

then...got phy lect....lol...today one quite funny........the teacher damn lame......ahhahahahhaha....he sooooooooooo cute.........like the zhou bo tong in 神雕侠女。。。ahahhaha....wooooo...a gd description...lolxxxx.......

then after tat got fmaths lect lor.......wa lao.....the cher hor.....dot dot dot....he realli toot leh.....when teaching us nv eye contact one...lolx....keep looking at the paper n tok...as if he is toking to himself.....lol......then he teach hor....haiz.....nt to say....he realli is toking to himself lor!!!!lol....he think we understand like tat....lol......heng still can understand abit......but behind one think i need to figure out myself lor....haizzzzz.......

then after tat.....thought can go home one......who noe got tat CT......my tat ct tutor...ahhahaahha...oso veri cute.....head no hair one........(ahhaha...no insult)......but he abit sian la..tok realli his age lor...tok veri slow......wan to sleep sia......

finally finish......but.......my tat friend ask mi to help her write the list 4 cross country....yeeeeeeee....I DUN WAN TO RUN!!!!!!!!!but bo bian.....our CT gals veri few lor..then my friend wan mi n the other friend to join...cant reject......T_T........yesterday run 6 rounds areadi cannot ta han.......cross country sure cannot one lor......

haiz...4get it....then after tat go home lor.....hehhehehehex.........wheeeee.......

oh ya.......got one veri veri veri unhappy thing......yesterday my senior tell mi tat the gal experienced in pipa one wan to quit!!!!!!!!!!wa lao.....how can like tat.....somemore her reason is damn stupid lor.....say wat go home too late.....mother wan her to quit...-___-...pls la......almost every cca oso go home late one lor.......so 烂 excuse.......thought got someone accompany mi...then like tat like tat.....soooooooo idiot......cant 4give her......

nooo...shl not let her spoil my mood......ahhahahahhahhahahahahahh......dun join dun join la.......who care......lol......

希望 SYF 拿第一

<猪猪上> ^@^
2:00 PM

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

VERI TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!

WAAAAAAAAA....veri tired!!!!!going to die liao....

today morning go to hall 4 assembly.....quite a mess....no label again!!!
always like tat one...then make us blur blur........

then pe lesson......soooooooooo idiot!!!!!!!!make us run 8 rounds!!!3.2m leh....kanna shit....first lesson areadi make us run.....then my friend n i wanted to cheat...run 5 rounds...then tat stupid pe teacher keep saying some have not finish running...got no integrity.....@#!#@#... make mi n my friend feel so guilty....bo bian...go run lor.....then hor...-___-...still wont let us off....do some push-up...sit-up....anithing to make us more painful....T_T.....

then got chem lect.....wa lao....tat lecturer keep asking qns....heng nv kanna ask...ahhahah....but hor..abit scare leh....all he ask one i dunnoe leh...T_T

nvm..then after tat got f.maths lect lor...quite ok...can understand....hehehhex....

next got library tok....sianz...wan to sleep....tat teacher like toking to himself like tat....lol...nobody listen one...ahhahahh....feel sorri 4 tat cher....

then meet an gie....go eat n find the co room....we find here find there oso cant find....then heard tat it is in the extension block...ok lor..go see see....then think go the wrong side....one jc2 tell us it's at the other building....dot...we thought wat other building....keep thinking got other building meh...-___-...later then realised tat wat the jc2 meant.....she meant the other direction lor...
-___________-""""..diao....finally found the room..but...........nobody is there....dotz.....so we go library lor...shun bian find the book 4 the lect.....

finally time up...go co....not bad la....got mani pple join pipa...yeah!!!!but they all dun look interested leh....half way go home liao....oni yating stay lor...she sooooooo gd.....she oso is a fast learner......she is gdddddddd!!!!lol.....hmmm.....today learn one new song.....ahahhaha....

haiz.....time pass realli fast....7pm then leave sch...reach home 8pm!!!!!! -_____- ...

now veri tired...almost brain dead..wanna sleep!!!!!!butttt............i haven revise my phy.....ahhhhhhh.....later tml the suay suay kanna ask then how!!!???T_T....

haiz haiz haiz haiz.......

想睡的流星雨 Zzzz

<猪猪上> ^@^
9:10 PM

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


today sianz one....morning is a total mess....suddenly ask us to line up in CT....n nv put the label beforehand lor....make us blur blur....then later make us sit at the hall for almost 2 hrs!!!!muscle pain leh.....but nvm.....got to noe 2 gals from my CT....pei yu n angeline....but didnt tok much..ahaha.....

then.....found out tat 3 of us r in diff grps!!!!!mi osiris....pei yu n angeline in nazgul n zelda or ithor (can't remember)....waaaa....

then still got quite much time b4 phy lect....haiz....the 3 of us separated lor....they all go find their own friends...-___-...bo bian la....we in diff grps....so i oso go find my friend lor.....in the end...i attend the lect wit this friend...-____-""".....dun look like the 3 of us r in same CT leh....nv go together one....

n the lect real sian one....almost slept...lol....

after tat got the house meeting lor...sian la...nt much....then come home areadi....

@~@ today must dl the fmaths note n do qn...phy oso...ahahhahaha... not mani la.....but......................my head seem to stop functioning..or maybe i still in holiday mood....i just 4got wat i had learn in sec....n i need to think quite a long time...haiz...rusty areadi....must brush up today..or else......#~#

希望明天不会在 lect 睡着。。

<猪猪上> ^@^
2:24 PM

Monday, January 10, 2005


wheeeeeeeeee...today come back quite early...oni got chem lecture....aha...

early morning quite 乱...cos dunnoe where our class is....then saw an gie.....so we tok lor.....we wait n wait..still haven put the class label sia...quite frustrated...then an ogl told us to line up according to OG...


almost half of the day at sch listening to talk by principal n mr X(dunnoe wat name la) ....listen until wan to sleep...but quite funny la...tat mr X is such a "joker"...lol....

then the chem lecture...nt much...tok abt wat we going to do 4 the term....the mrs Y(oso 4get the name) oso quite funny la...although she look fierce...ahahha...then finally...the lect ended....she asked us to collect the ws...lol...n tell us to put.................20 cents...-________-.....

after tat...wa lao....the side gate didnt open...cos until 1pm then can go home....lol...i dun care la....saw peiwen then we "sneak"(actually is 大摇大摆 go out one..ahahhaa..) but..............I HAVE TO WALK ROUND THE GATE OF THE SCH!!! -______________-....so tiring sia...n somemore i anihow walk one..dun realli noe how to walk to the bus stop.....ahahhaha...nvm....now come home areadi..others haven leh...ahhahahahhahah...muahahahhaha...YEAH!!

希望天天都早回。。。(highly impossible..lolx)

<猪猪上> ^@^
12:00 PM

Sunday, January 09, 2005


yeah!!!!!!!!finally finish changing my blog.... =)...quite nice...I LIKE IT!!!!hehehehhex....haiz...except dun have to cursor....if not perfect areadi...aiya...can't be greedy la...so nvm la...

haha..realli happy...hohohohohohohohohoho....

疯了的流星雨 =P

<猪猪上> ^@^
11:35 AM

Saturday, January 08, 2005


haha...orientation over liao...quite fun actually....haiz...but over areadi..so fast sia..5 days!!so fast...yesterday pon the disco nite...ahahhaha..can't believe man...i this kind of person oso pon...lolx...haiz...mon start lesson liao...sianzz....the time table so 乱 sia....dun tok abt this animore...

wheeeeee...change template...add animation....kawaii neh!!!ahahhahaha...

ohhhhhhhhhh...must thanx my sis...u noe y...cos she will see my blog...then if dun write hor...she
sure....@#!$#%@$!#.....ahahhahahhahaha..... "thanx thanx....dearrrrrrrrrr sis" lol....ahahhahahahhahah

希望赶快弄好 blog **

<猪猪上> ^@^
10:29 PM

Thursday, January 06, 2005


waaaaaaaa...so long nv write blog liao..break record liao........4th day in nyjc liao...ok la..not bad la......

buttttttttttttttttttt......................tat stupid XXX(cannot say=P) of my grp realli sux man........n the councillors....hate them..........

stupid sia....can't let other pple (not nyjc one) to go 4 the disco...n somemore still got teachers n councillors guarding the doors....-_-"""".......so idiot....

n tat XXX....seen like quite gd....can joke....who noe 知人知面不知心 sia....so 讨厌one........like to make damn crappy joke...then realli got attitude problem sia...

希望不要看到他(不可能的希望 -_______________- ")

<猪猪上> ^@^
8:59 PM

Saturday, January 01, 2005


hahahhaa!!!today is 1st day of 2005..........dunnoe shl be happy or sad....lolx....cos going to open sch liao...hahah

yesterday crazy....stay until 12.00pm 4 nt sia.....lolx.....stay until midnight just to say happy new yr to those who haven sleep....lolx....realli crazy

haiz..........countdown....1 more day to sch.....T_T........haiz haiz haiz....new sch leh...dunnoe how to go...lolx.....dunnoe who go there....haiz..........must be hyper active tat day to befriend mani friends....

haiz..........aniway...wish all people happy new yr...may all bad things passed...n happy things come...


<猪猪上> ^@^
9:46 PM



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