
Sunday, February 27, 2005


hmmm.......today........i got oni one wd to describe my feeling now...S I A N ZZZ.........u all sure noe y right....tml is THE RELEASE OF O'LEVEL RESULT!!!!!....... -____________-.............




okok...4give mi.....i am crazy now....let mi 冷静 abit....呼。。。息。。。hahahhahah.........

hmmm.............kind of feeling blue now.... n tat william is crapping n crapping beside mi......ZZzzz.........

wat will happen tml?? nobody noe....haizzz........ =.=

tml...I AM NOT GOING TO GO NAS EARLY....this is crazy.....go early there n scare myself izzit...siao....if i go early right...all the pple will surely say wat i veri scare la...die liao la...sure fail one...watever.....i will not be stupid to go there early n be influenced or bluff by them...cos those who say these later sure get gd result one...then i will be the one disappointed... -___-

dunnoe wat to say noe...this maybe my shortest blog in 2005....lolx.....yesterday wrote long long... u all sure @_@ right...so today let ur eyes rest....hmmm....lame...not funny...4get it....

灰色的流星雨 ~~~~~

<猪猪上> ^@^
6:48 PM

Saturday, February 26, 2005


F***.....today damn angry wit the idiotic f***ing damn old mother chicken no.2....nonono....i think she can replace no.1 fmaths lecturer liao........>.<...............n tat jc2 zr gal...she can be no.2 liao.............

today morning areadi bu shuang liao.....went there practise on my own a little bit....then the f***ing zhong ruan jc2 gal borrow my 调音器....k lor...lent her la....then u noe this f***ing gal said wat..." jiewan...got better 调音器 or not..." kao....she this idiot.....THIS IS B*** S***....( now i can understand y william likes to say this)...kindly lent her still 嫌 here 嫌 there....n somemore heard her said st like "this thing cannot 调 one " or watever...but i noe she wanted to say my 调音器 lan la....wa lao.....she stupid or wat....she 弹 the string damn soft n expect my 调音器 to detect it izzit...wa lao......she nv listen to ding cher izzit...last time she said u wan 调音 then must play as loud as u play during the song....i bet she SURE NV LISTEN......nv hear then 4get it la....dun blame everything on my 调音器 k....it's HER FAULT....n one more thing....mine IS THE ONI 调音器 LEFT 4 弹拨乐(i think).....if u dun wan it...4GET IT...then dun use la....since u find it sooooooo lan......if i leave co liao...see how u going to 调 ur zhong ruan....u will have to go beg from other grps....then i will stand aside n laugh until siao......hahahahhahahah...........=P (i am not trying to be proud ya...dun be mistaken...)

i'm beginning to get frustrated over lending my 调音器 to other pple......@#$@$....... lend my senior n xiufang nvm...cos THEY R 自己人......lend liuqin pple oso nvm...cos THEY R MY SENIOR'S FRIENDS...n they r gd pple....but Y SHL I LEND TO ZHONG RUAN PPLE!!!???? they r damn f***ing......borrow liao nv return...as if is their own one....then i have to look here look there then they return...then somemore nv say thank you one.......wat the hell.....=.=.....this is the bad thing of having my own 调音器......n somemore i jc 1 oni....so must lend the jc2....if not they say i got ap....

i am wondering y pple so shock when i have my own 调音器....as if got own 调音器 is veeeeeerrrrrrii rare like tat.......n just becos i got my own 调音器 pple kept asking mi 4 it...WAT IS THIS!!! k la...lend them n they shl appreciate it....BUT...WAT KIND OF ATTITUDE THEY GAVE MI!!!!.....late late then return la...nv say thank you la...pls la....DUN TAKE MY 调音器 4 GRANTED K!!! maybe i shl charge them(apply to zr pple oni) if they wan to use it...hahahhahah

HEY ZHONG RUAN PPLE..THIS IS A STERN WARNING TO U ALL.......u all better dun ask mi 4 调音器 AGAIN...if u all wan it...WATCH OUT UR ATTITUDE...RETURN MI IMMEDIATELY AFTER USE!!!! n to tat f***ing jc2 zr gal....if u wan it...ASK MI!!!DUN BOTHER JIEWAN K....n after use...RETURN TO MI HOR!!!N PLS SAY THANK YOU.....

but i bet this is rubbish...cos no zhong ruan pple will see this n i will still have to lend them...

now going to scold tat co chairman EMILY!!

she hor....O M G....she is even more f***ing than tat jc 2 zr gal......after ding cher left liao still hold us back...k la.....hold us back but nv said wat we going to do leh....she just said 5 mins break...then went into the storeroom wit the committee members liao.....then we dunnoe wat to do...so slack here slack there lor.....then this f***ing chicken came out n shout,"y r u all slacking here...你们以为自己很厉害了是不是....还不去练..." WAT THE F***......she nv gave instruction lor...then like this 莫名其妙 scold us.....she pms izzit....then bo bian lor...practise practise practise....

still haven end yet....

after long long time....she came out.....came out liao continue scolding....asked those who haven written the MST thing thing to stand up....(we were asked to write it).......then u noe wat...she said,"those who stand up owe mi 3 rounds".......wat the hell.......k la....those who nv write is their fault la....but then......she has no authority to punish them physically lor....she think wat...just becos she is chairman then can ask we all 做牛做马 izzit....>.<......

still haven finish.....

after tat got debrief....as u all noe...she's going to nag again la......but today realli veri bu shuang her lor.......

u noe wat.....she said,"丁老师 just now said abt the 意境 right...i think is quite true....we shl have this 意境....just 放开地拉lor....then must have some movement la....cos this makes the music more st st la....then we shl not be too embarrassed to move lor....just relax..."..........this is b*** s***....i mean she is b*** s***......

dun teach us wat we shl do when u urself DIDNT EVEN DO IT!!......u urself oso nv move...somemore play until so lan....n kept toking toking.....u broke all the rules n nv set example...so DUN EXPECT US TO DO WAT U SAY!!!!........n telling abt wat 意境...pls la...we noe it better than u lor....we learn for 4 yrs liao lor...sure noe wat is 意境 wat...need u to say meh...
-___-......... (again...i am not trying to be proud...just wanted to show tat we noe wat to do)

this is wat i wan to say to her:
1) if u have learnt erhu for 6 yrs...i oni have one thing to say....u realli veri LAN.....this is according to professor william...hahahha......
2) if u learn oni 2 yrs...U BETTER SHUT UP!!!we learn more yrs than u....u have no 资格 to say us k....so dun try to teach us wat to do...u will oni malu urself.....

fine....but....STILL HAVEN ENDED!ZZzzzz........she realli got ap....

she asked we all to make a choice of which concert to go....n IS MUST CHOOSE!!....then we bo bian lor...i chose dunman high...-______-..........I DUN WAN!!!!! got 3 choices la....nus or ntu
(i think) n dunman high........ZZzzz.......nus n ntu sooooo far away.....i bo dai zi zou izzit....travel such a long dist just to hear the concert? then dunman high....wa lao....they r my sec sch ENEMY!!always fight the gold wit us one.......y shl i go see their concert....(aniway...i shl not say like tat la...cos they realli gd...we shl appreciate the music n not be bothered by who play it...hmm...)...but then...aiyo....i am human wat...so will have emotion one ma....cant help....aniway got to choose one...of course choose the one nearer la.....

then i realli 佩服 william...he dare to 顶嘴....he said,"hey emily...we need to buy meh....these concerts r like on march...then we may not stay in ny leh...then buy liao is 浪费钱...." GD JOB WILLIAM....hahahhaha..........tat was wat i wanted to say in my heart.......=P

then...finally....she finally let us go.....ZZZzz.......谢天谢地....but then got to wait 4 william cos he had to stay back n write the reflection or wat thing thing.....then after he n his friends finished n came out....the vulgarity conversation began.....muahahhahaha.........

while walking from co room to the bridge.....they nv stopped scolding n saying those vulgar wds........i think 4 abt 10 mins?......haha.....li hai......i am impressed by their skill of scolding....they scolded emily until she is 一文不值 like tat...hahahha......n I LIKE IT!!woooohuuuuu.....they had helped mi to relieve my anger....i shl thanx them.....hahahhahah........

then tat william still crap....he suggested a new club...the AEC....ANTI-EMILY CLUB....muahhahaha......purpose of this club is to eliminate emily....lolxx....then he still said wat co need to have 80% of attendance to get the 2 cca pts...then join AEC right...1 mth attend once can liao....then every mth go 揍 emily...lolx...then somemore got competition like putting emily pic on the dart board then see who can aim the most 准 one..hahhahah.......

sounds attractive...tempted to join....but then.....hahah.....this club will end after 1 yr cos...firstly emily will be 揍 till death...secondly she jc2 liao ma....after she leave...nobody to 揍 liao...hahhahahha.........

then william is not going to attend co animore....cos he realli frustrated abt emily liao....then a few erhu pple,william n his friends, r not going to join co again.....oso got one sheng guy i think......hmm.....dunnoe how nyco is going to die.....they r like sooo experienced lor....if they leave....nyco will realli die.....

then i still considering whether shl quit co or not....tat william kept persuading mi to quit co n oso not to go co next wk liao....then said wat pipa oni 3 pple lor...then co still dun appreciate n treat us like this....then staying in nyco is a waste of my talent n i have no future if i stay....(quite true)

but it's like if i can join nyjc without appealing...i maybe will not join co la....but if i have to appeal to get to nyjc......then bo bian lor...have to continue 忍受 tat chairman.....n 为 nyco 效劳...谁叫 nyco help mi stay in nyjc....haizz....

i realli dunnoe la.....maybe will decide after mon o'level result release.....

but i realli got one advice to chairman la....if u wan nyco to achieve gold in syf right...u better treat the jc1 well la....tok to us nicely....if u continue this bad attitude(actually we oso bad attitude la...but it's becos u treat us like this first then we oso treat u like this one la )....u will scare all jc1 away(n u r areadi scaring away mani of them including mi liao...) n nyco will not even get to participate in syf lor....so u think think la.....

ok...i shall stop all this nagging.... i tok until william n they all scold from co room to the bridge...then they walked sooooooo slow lor....i was like at the other end of the bridge liao(haven walked down the steps..) n they all still at the starting end of the bridge(walked up the stairs areadi...).......then an gei pointed n shouted...then i looked at the direction she was pointing lor...OMG....my bus came liao lor....n william n minghao still so far away....then i kept looking back but they too engrossed in discussing the AEC n didnt notice it......so i thought 4get it lor...will nv catch up one la....

then william finally noticed it n shouted....then he ran like hell n asked mi to run....but then i said,"can catch up meh?" lolxx....but he still ran n said,"run la!!"......so i oso ran lor....

then when william reached the last step of the bridge...he waved to the bus driver but then the bus still drove off...-___-......lol........just abit more....haizzz.....then william still dun give up n told mi to run to the next bus stop...0.0....then minghao told mi dun be stupid...come back...lolx...then i oso dun wan to run....so i walked back lor....lolx.....then william bo bian...muahahhahahha.......

then on bus william kept saying he going to pon la....meiling dun go co la...@_@....i dunnoe la...then oso tok abt tml mini outing....lolxx.....still dunnoe where to go n wat to do...still deciding...hmm.........

hahahahhhha.......today is my longest blog......0.o.......thanx to my "dear" co chairman n tat jc2 zr gal.......hahahha.......now i 气消 areadi...lolx....hmm.....writing blog is a good way to 发泄....lolx.....

n sorry 4 being so vulgar cos i realli cant stand them....i oni used it on tat chairman...tat jc 2 zr gal n the fmaths lecturer....so 4get abt all this after u read finish....

okok...got to end now...if not those who see my blog their eyes will become like this >>> @_@

希望 o'level 考到好成绩。。n dun need to join co again.....0.o

<猪猪上> ^@^
6:09 PM

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


hahhaha......aiyoyo......yesterday wanted to blog cos it was an exciting day...haizz...but got to study 4 maths test....-_____-.........

tok abt yesterday.....

during fmaths lect....tat lecturer was wondering where our CT ganeshan aka ganesh was...cos he always nv jot down note....then everyone said "vanish"......lolx....ganesh had vanished....

then during the 2 hrs long break.....a big grp of us (weida peiyu angeline william zaiyi eric vikram) went out to eat......then while we walked....kept toking to william to abt co thing...then william sensed tat weida n peiyu they all were toking st abt him....so he turned back n asked if they were toking st abt him...haha....then they all wanted to go serangoo central or wat to eat...but weida dun wan...so we the MAP accompanied him lor....then u noe wat...tat stupid weida said i n william veri 配.....-_____-"""" cos the grp was like veri noisy but both of us kept toking to each other n ignored other pple....diao diao diao......wat the h***....friend cannot tok meh......zzzzz........then tat weida realli veri crappy leh....不愧是 da lamos no.2.....hahhaa......we couldnt stop laughing from the pt where we separated from william they all till walking back to sch.......haha.....

then after sch......walked to the bus stop wit usual pple...william peiyu n zhi hong......then while we walked to the gate.....a football was rolling in front of us......then tat william wanted to show off....(cos he david beckham ma...-___-"").....so he kicked the ball n u noe wat....the ball hit the netball pole n rebound back....diao......帮倒忙.......lol....

then pei yu william n i took the same bus......then when reached peiyu's bus stop right...she kept looking at us in a veri strange way....-____-""""........pls la....y everyone has to think tat way just becos william n i tok!!????? cannot have pure friendship meh....ZZzzzz........this naughty peiyu...i must find one rumour bf 4 her n let her taste the feeling of being said like this n being looked at a veri strange way...hahhahahahhaha.......

hmmmm....tok abt today.......today we went to hall 4 the gp oral presentation.....they were all recorded beforehand.....the first one was veri funny....the others were ok la......

then got fmaths lect......ZZzzzz......again maths test...going to fail AGAIN!!!!haizzzz......sad.....then tat idiot shun gui kept looking at my ans.....>.<.........but aniway he pointed out my mistake...muahhaha....got to thanx him aniway cos or else i will get even lower mark...lolxx....

after tat got pe....ZZZzzz.......veri sian......separated into odd n even no. becos we going to have inter class game....i was separated from peiyu n angeline....T_T...then i was abit sian....throughout the whole pe i was like stoning there nt to do.........i got oni one word to say...SIANZZZZZ!!!!!!!.........

next got chem lect......wow....almost slept 2 time....heng peiyu woke mi up.....but i was like 吓一跳.........haha.....but...but....I UNDERSTAND THE WHOLE LECT K.....i slept becos i areadi did the qn.......muahhahaha........it was soooooo easy.....=P....opp.....too proud......hahhahahaha........

after tat was phy tutorial.....>.<......dun realli noe how to do the qns.....haiz....almost every qn was mrs chan taught liao then i noe how to do......

then today went home early cos of some reason......so didnt attend co......>.<.......y i am like have being skipping co so often in jc.....i wasnt like this in ngee ann..... -_____-.........

but aniway sat the same bus as william again.......then saw a guy who took the same bus at the same bus stop wit mi.......i find it quite 玄 abt the relationship of this guy wit william n MI!!!......

firstly i realised tat this guy took the same bus at the same bus stop as mi....n he is from nyjc....(cos no nyjc pple take bus at my bus stop )......

secondly i realised tat HE WAS WILLIAM FRIEND!!!......cos i went to the upper deck of the bus n i saw him sitting n toking wit william...fine....just 巧合......

thirdly was the most amazing one......today he took the same bus as mi n william ma....so obviouly he alighted at the same bus stop as mi........then we walked n william tok to him.....then walk walk walk.....i was wondering where he actually stay cos we were like walking in the same direction.....then william asked him where he live....n u noe wat...he said he LIVE IN BLK 622!!!!!waaaaa....he live the same blk as mi leh....some more he live in storey 9 n i live in storey 5.....tat means we have being living in the same blk 4 16 yrs...taking the same bus at the same bus stop for 2++ mths!!!!!!!!!!!!.................lolx....but y we didnt meet leh....so weird...haha...like the

y this world is so small???i have being wondering abt this ever since i came to nyjc...i realised tat we r like all connected.......for example my sec friends noe my jc friends....my jc friends noe my sec friends....then my jc friends same primary sch as my sec friends....

the most amazing part was abt william n his friends n mi....u noe.... it all started wit minghao...firstly i danced wit minghao during the couple dance....then minghao takes the same bus as mi...then he was william's friend....then william is my CT one....then william oso takes the same bus as mi...then william noe my sec friends n MY COUSIN!!....then william's tat friend live in same blk takes the same bus at same bus stop wit mi......i am veri curious y everything was connected to my jc friends...esp william......0.o......hahhaha......缘分真是太奇妙了!!not implying anithing...lolxx.....

jc life was realli amazing compared to sec life...so dull n boring...in jc...everyday got fun n unexpected things happening...it is so adventurous....n jc realli brighten up my life....it allows mi to interact more wit guys (haha...cos i didnt tok to guys in sec...) n oso allows mi to make more friends....hhahahaha......I LIKE JC!!!!!JC 万岁!!!!!=P


<猪猪上> ^@^
8:00 PM

Monday, February 21, 2005


hmmm.........yesterday was a interesting n fun day.....haha....wanted to blog one...but then realised tat i haven study 4 tests....3 tests leh....haha.....but heng today dun have....cos chem shl be after term 1....phy was cancelled....maths is on wed....=P........haha.......

hmm...tok abt yesterday....0.0.....went to play badminton wit william n lollipop guy(minghao) n oso MY SIS!!......hahaha...surprise?? lolxx......so at first quite pai seh....not close ma...after tat warm up liao then crap alot.....haha.....realise tat tat minghao can oso be veri crappy....hehehhex.....

then after tat played basketball......wooohuuuuu......my ball went in mani time...=P......then tat minghao crapped...said wat becos he was present ma....diao....haha..... after tat crap lor....tok lame joke....haha.....but veri funny la.......

then minghao went home...n william came to my house....lolx......weird......haha.....aiyo......my every 秘密 he oso noe liao.... -_________-............lolx......then we ate...played com.....played cards....played board game...played uno stacker....lol.......at first said eat lunch oni.....in the end oso ate dinner.....i cant believe it.....nobody has ever stayed at my home 4 so long one......haha......then he funny leh....always 进退两难......wan to go home dun wan to go home.....lolx....still wan us to chase him hom.......muahahhahahha.........

aniway.....took alot of pics on minghao n him......n my sis la....haha......aiyoyo......they gay leh....haha......took pic of him n minghao "kissing" n dancing indian dance...0.o........lolxxx

MiNg HaO n WiLLiAm... Posted by Hello

tat's abt it 4 yesterday.....tok abt today......

hmm...........today first thing went to hall on the JAE thingy....sian...bored...i areadi noe liao...muahahhahahaha.........NYJC IS SOOOOOO SLOW....lolxx......tpjc areadi told their students liao lor....

then got chem tutorial.....hmm......didnt do much.....lol....n tat mrs so soooo funny....told us to do our tutorial but then kept asking some qns n tok abt other things...then in the end we couldnt do anithing....muahhahahah......

b4 phy tutorial......i took photo of my best friends n some CT guys.....muahhahahah...

then phy tutorial.....wheeeee.....................no test!!!!.........haha........n then angeline secretly took photo of my phy tutor....muahahahaha........

after tat fmaths tutorial......haizz.....failed my test....lolx....aniway mani other pple oso like tat...including william =P muahhahahha..........so at least felt comforted........

then break.....tat idiot william( haha) n some ct guys came back veri early from lunch....so sat together lor.....then jingxiong passed by n tat idiotic william shouted his name soooooo loud....diao diao.....4 everyone info.....jingxiong dunnoe who is william......n jing xiong was wondering just now y these strangers( CT guys) noe his name...hahhahaha........sorri jingxiong...say sorri in place of william 4 causing u some sort of harrassment? hahhahahah......

okok...gtg do my project...ZZzzzz........n chem n aiyoyoyoyoyoyo..........

累了的流星雨 〉〉〉〉

<猪猪上> ^@^
10:05 PM

Saturday, February 19, 2005

有点闷的一天 。。。

today hmm....veri reluctant to wake up...haha...cos got air-con...then oso feel abit headache....拖拖拉拉...then finally woke up...

haha...today 学乖了...decided not to go so early...abt 7.10 then reached....0.o....to my surprise...TAT CO CHAIRMAN FINALLY CAME EARLY!!! 放鞭炮.....lolxx.....

so the practice began....abit sian...veri tired..cant open my eyes....haizz....then oso veri boring....then abit 不爽 the zhong ruan gp....haha....becos they just couldnt get the notes n feeling right...ZZzzzzz.....then always got to stop becos of them.....i noe i cant blame them...some learn oni 1 yr....but then....taught so mani time areadi still like tat...abit peh chek.....thought nasco zhong ruan abit tat one liao....nyco zhong ruan worst...haizz.....haha...dunnoe y in sec abit dun like zhong ruan grp....in jc liao oso dun like zhong ruan grp....lolxx....难道琵琶和中阮是相克的??.....

lolx...even the conductor abit haizz....can feel a sense of 无奈 in her...haha....
she even said,"天啊,我要哭了。。”....i oso wan to cry liao la.... i realli see no future staying in nyco...haha...jk la...i maybe still got to depend on nyco to appeal in nyjc leh....let's hope nyco will have 出头的一天吧....haha.....

then realli tired...haha....slept on bus..wooohuuu....came back liao still veri tired...then slept again...hahahahhahaha............... hmmm........skipped the parent meeting session...haha....bo liao one la....

oh ya....lolx...tml playing badminton wit william n lollipop guy...haha...but haven confirm yet...later cancelled... -________-..........my sis oso going...=P.....muahhahahah

ohohohohhohoo.........gtg revise 4 phy n fmaths liao..haizzz....悲哀.....lolxx....

希望明天会更好 。。。
yeah yeah 的流星雨 (-____-"""" haha...)

<猪猪上> ^@^
9:22 AM

Friday, February 18, 2005


haha...today veri shuang....cos no lesson....wheeeeeeeeeee.........=P........lolx......spent the 1st hr in com lab....doing the experiential learning ws......then spent abt 3 hrs++ in com lab 1 doing the photo essay....lolx....didnt do much.....just crapping around....this was wat we wrote....

"the weather was damn hot....n we became roasted chicken.....wow....taste gd....lolx......we melted n became watery ice cream.....everyone was drinking us....." st like this....cant realli remember...but just CRAP...lolx.......

then realli veri veri hungry...so went to eat......after tat angeline went to celebrate her friend's birthday.....so peiyu n i made use of this time to write our wishes 4 her n our CT pple n put it on the wish web.....=P......it's fun.....haha......wooohuuuuuu......

then...lolxx...we were almost late 4 the dunnoe wat thing...must go to hall....haha...then went hall liao angeline asked us wat we did during the break...lolx......i lied to her...=(...sorry angeline....lolx....lied to her cos dun wan her to noe we wrote st to her on the wish web....hehex...must keep it a secret.....

then......aiyo.....the whole assembly dunnoe wat they toking abt.....cos i didnt listen.....haha....we were writing wish 4 our class da lamos...lolx...this includes of course firstly WILLIAM...haha...secondly weida...n lastly shun gui.....=P......thanxing them 4 making our life so interesting.....hehex......

then...yo-the-leh-huuu........haha.....can leave early.....yeaH!!!!!......lolx.....

then on bus...lolxx....took the same bus as lollipop guy n jonathan....then tat jonathan walk walk walk in front of mi n said,"u got coins or not??" lolx...

after tat...veri tired.....slept on bus.....haha......

just now my senior told mi tat the pic of angeline,pei yu n i sitting the wet n wild was put on the nyjc website....lolx....muahahhahahha......funny man.....WHO IS TAT ***** GUY WHO TOOK THE PIC!!??? lolx.....but realli quite surprise la....then i went to the ny website n looked at the photos....haha....found a pic of yoga n eric....think they quite suay...sit the wall's revolution i think n still can kanna take photo by the whoever it was....u noe it's so hard to take a photo cos the seat was spinning n spinning n spinning...i can oni say tat they r VERI VERI FORTUNATE...lolxx....

wheee.......gtg sleep....nite.....

希望大家都开心 =)

<猪猪上> ^@^
10:00 PM

Thursday, February 17, 2005


MUAHAHAHHA......today veri veri shuang....lolx..can wake up late late...cos live near escape theme park.....=P......wahahah.....today veri fun leh......shiok sia......all the rides veri fun......esp the pepsi one....soooooo cool......but oso abit scary...haha.....then oso the wet n wild...wooohuuuu.......made mi feel cool....lolx.....cos the weather veri hot....=P.....then haha...got make our own sunblock....lolxx........clay + oil + water....*~*...lolx.....got food smell..but dunnoe wat it is....then hor...sianzzz.....line up 4 the alpha 8.....ZZZzzz......waited veri veri long...then somemore got pple intersect....-_______-.......how can like tat.....in the end....didnt take the ride.....T_T.....haizzz.....

after tat went watch movie wit angeline n some CT guys....wow..tat constantine veri veri nice......=P.......special effect shiok.....can scare u unexpectedly....lolx.....but hor...haizzz....no chinese subtitle....T_T.....so didnt realli noe wat it's abt la.....then lolxxx......i became guy while watching the movie....cos angeline kept hiding behind mi....muahahhahahha.......funny.....she so scared....haha.....

aniway...today was fun..........=)

快乐的流星雨 〉〉〉

<猪猪上> ^@^
6:27 PM

Monday, February 14, 2005

WAT THE H***!!

wat the h***......just going to be hardworking then my lect note lost....

today maths lect........tried to be attentive but failed....lolx...at first eyes big big one...like this 0.0...then wa lao....tat cher realli tok veri sian one...made mi wanna sleep...then at the end...my eyes like tat -__-.........muahahhahaha.........

after tat chem tutorial....aiyoyo....tutorial half dunnoe how to do.....then tat cher assumed tat everyone in class noe how to do cos most pple can ans the qn ma...then i pai seh....so didnt ask...ZZZzzzzzz......have to figure out myself later....

then phy tutorial.....ohohohoho.......find myself quite strange...like chem...dunnoe how to do....dun like phy...but noe how to do.....muahahahah.....weird..

aiyoyoyo....no time to write liao...gtg sleep....ZZZzzz......part 2 of today will be published tml...lol

没特别心情的流星雨 〉〉〉=P

<猪猪上> ^@^
10:01 PM

Sunday, February 13, 2005

=P 好开心!!!!~~~~

YuNa!!~~ pretty right!? haha

hahahhaha.......today did st to my blog....=P......changed my blog song......月光 by cyndi.....veri 符合 my blog...cos got moon got stars ma.....muahahhahaha.......then oso learnt how to put pic....^ ^....this pic of yuna (ffx) was my first pic on blog.....hohohohohohoho.........like her cos she veri pretty n cute......

hmmmm.....................nt to write liao......lolx......ohh ya....yesterday i drew a pic of yuna.....lol....mi bo liao ma....aiyo...but just couldnt draw her 神情 leh....she too cute liao la...muahahhahah....

OMG!!!!!!i haven do my tutorials....lolx.....die liao la....dun feel like doing leh....>.<........hahahhahahahah.......

but today realli happy la......feel satisfied......lol.......next time must put more pics.....=P.......

ohhhhhhhh.......tml is VALENTINE'S DAY!!!muahahhaha.......wish everyone a happy valentine's day n happy friendship day....=)

希望天下有情人终成眷属 。。。

<猪猪上> ^@^
1:34 PM

Friday, February 11, 2005


today...hmmm......passed quite fast....=P.....

first was fmaths lect..... -_____-......wanna sleep.......

then chem lect......even wanna sleep....Zzzzzz........

then fmaths A tutorial....woooo...heng heng....didnt go through much.....N DIDNT CALL MI...=P

after tat fmaths B tutorial....haha....here haha there haha n wasted 15 mins++...lolx....
then janice told mi tat i look like the fmaths A sian sian tutor miss yau...-______-........i where got look like her.....then tat janice said govin(i think) said one..... O.o.....so they asked fmaths B tutor lor....even Mr neo oso said i dun look like....^ ^ .......then i shook my head to her lor...then u noe wat....someone from behind said,"meiling....dun shook ur head...u like tat even look like miss yau..."......Zzzzzz....diao diao diao....I DUN WAN TO LOOK LIKE HER!!lolxx....she so sian sian one...i not like her k....muahahhaha....

then....whee....dismissed........went to bus stop....saw cilin's sms...wahh...she at ngee ann...>.<....so decided to go ngee ann lor....so waited 4 bus lor...then look here look there then saw jonathan...-__-....didnt 打招呼to him....(so sorri...)....then took 50 mins bus ride to ngee ann...

wooooooooo.............got a diff feeling....=P.....n waaaaahhhhhh...ngee ann changed alot man.....the pe shirt....the canteen....O.O.....then went to look 4 chers.....got mrs lim...mrs pong...miss lee...=P.....haha...dun need mi to tell them my situation liao....got cilin....lolx....then stayed until 3++ then went home...hohohohohoho......

went home liao...aiyo...slacking....hehex.....chat chat chat...then O.O....there is a CT outing again...on sun....Zzzz....abit dun feel like going...peiyu oso not going....but then aiya...so 对不起 angeline....so go lor..
then tml got visit to mrs sim's house.....Zzzzzzz......dun feel like going.....think i not going le....hehex

now abit tired....got to sleep le....^ ^


<猪猪上> ^@^
10:32 PM

Thursday, February 10, 2005


hmmm..........today not in gd mood ya....becos of my father..... -________-.......sometime realli cant stand him.....esp during cny.......always make a fuss out of a thing.....then always act like he veri 有道理 like tat....Zzzzzz.......

in case u all dunnoe....this beep beep thing means 三字经 tat r censored......lol...

okok...now 气消 areadi...... =D

yesterday......hmm..........passed quite fast....=P...... didnt stone there.....sat there a while then we all played cards....abit sianz la....kept playing the same things....but then got some laughter la....

then played the murderer...aiyoyo....must wink one..I DUN NOE HOW TO WINK LA....then somemore first round i suay suay 中 murderer......-______-""...then got to wink....-______-.....so i first wink my sis lor...easy target.....then aiyoyo...the rest veri diff leh..i wink dun look like wink ......those i wink one didnt noe they r killed....then one of my cousin suspected was mi liao....then kept looking at mi.....dun dare to wink her...later she detective then i die liao ma....but then i still wink her lor...then...lolx..she said,"i supposed i am killed." >.<>

then aiyo....so 明显 liao was mi lor....so i suggested NOT TO WINK....haha.....so use squeeze hand one lor.....Zzzzz...i kanna murderer AGAIN.....then must not make it sooo 明显 is mi ma.....so i killed veri slowly...then kanna said by them.....>.<....." this murderer veri slow leh..."......then somemore i killed myself....-____-"".....then my cousin was wondering y i didnt die....lolxx........

then fine....i kanna detective.....then aiyo...i am killed....so i said i am killed....then i realised tat detective wouldnt be killed.....-_______-""""""......diao diao diao...so i 将错就错......in the end...i tiam tiam lor....but them they asked who was the detective...ZZzzzz....wanted to keep quite one...but then...纸是抱不住火的.....so i owned up lor...then kanna laughed by them...>.<.......then next round i was killed.....then my cousin asked mi if i am sure i was not murderer or detective....-____-""".....

so i became the veri blur one yesterday....Zzzz....

haha...today dont need go uncle's house liao....cos we protested.....hohohoho......go there oso sianz one la...wait go there liao my sis go tok to her two buddy cousins....then left mi alone there...-___-......better to stay at home....YES....

有点 sianz 的流星雨>>>

<猪猪上> ^@^
2:05 PM

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


muahhaha......gong xi gong xi....today chinese new yr....yeah!!!mani hongbao....lolx....

hmmm...yesterday got cny celebration in sch.....haizz.....didnt realli get to see every performances cos i oso perform ma....aiyoyo....then stood outside n see....veri tiring leh....>.<....

then aiyo...our performance abit....hehehex...=P.... when on stage liao hor....suddenly feel nervous leh...heart pong pong pong pong one....then hor...Zzzz....got to 3 pple shared one pu jia...cos a liuqin guy 4got to bring...=.=....then lolx....tat vice chairman(our conductor) kept waving to jiewan(cos she need to nod her head to everyone to signal tat conductor is coming)...but she couldnt see...muahahha...then see here see there but nv see him....i kept pointing but she kept saying where where where...she funny leh....

then play the songs lor...aiyoyo...half way through cannot catch up..cos i didnt realli follow the pu...i was half day- dreaming...lolxxx......so must pretend pretend lor....aiyo...pretend until veri lan....cos jiewan n xiu fang's hand were at lower part of pipa...but my one was in the middle of pipa...but heng....finally catch up later....muahahhahh.....

then waited 4 the finale lor....then finally our turn to go up....alamak....i was standing at the veri front of co (at the first row)....-___-..... then went home lor....lolx.....i walked past peiyu n didnt see her.....muahahhaaha...then took bus together lor....wahahhahha.......tat william walked sooooooo slow......nv catch up the bus.....

hohohohohohoho....... then after tat evening went my uncle's house (mother's side).....woooo....condo leh......but hor...waa...must walk veri long dist...heng got car.... went there liao...aiyoyo.......not mani pple....so we ate first lor....got buffet downstair...then veri sian...my sis n i went upstair....wahahahha.....waited a while b4 someone open the door....my cousin was sleeping...-__-.....

then watched tv lor....hohoho....watched ch 5....the monkey sooooooooo cute....... hohoho....got mani hongbao...=P....then 10++ went home......then watched ch 8 lor...got countdown......wahhahaha.......i waited until 12am to send greeting to those online....lolx....heng i did all the copying 30 mins earlier.....veri tiring leh.....20++ pple...O.O....then oso sent sms to those not online...wahahhaha.......

hmmm...just now went to temple to pray....aiyoyo....walked a veri long dist....later going to uncle's house (father's side)....but veri sian leh....everytime go there nt to do one...Zzzzz....hope can go home early...at 8++!!!....=P


快乐的流星雨 〉〉〉〉

<猪猪上> ^@^
1:49 PM

Monday, February 07, 2005


haha...yesterday didnt blog...cos...HAVEN FINISH MY TUTORIALS....T_T...hehex...but it's all over liao....yeah!!.....yesterday went shopping wit my mother n sis....muahahahahha......the main aim is to go see the shuai ge...=P....aiya....okok la....75 pts....then so 亲切...10 pts....n gd service...10 pts...total...95 pts...wooooo.....
but the happiest part was....I FINALLY BROUGHT A JEANS TAT FIT MI PERFECTLY!!!=P.....wow....realli perfect....long length n perfect size....hehehhex.......veri happy....

ok...tok abt today....first was fmaths lect.....ok...not bad...abt to fall asleep but i didnt...^ ^

then chem tutorial.....ohohohoho......heng didnt go through much...cos...i haven finish...ohohohohoho....

then went eat early lunch at 9.40 am...=P....

then phy tutorial.....wooooo.......oso veri heng....didnt go through phy tutorial.....=P.....realli lucky.....

then gp lect......@_@.... veri scaaarrrrreeeeeee.........cos got presentation today.....waaaaaa.....veri lan....i acted soooo fake sia.....n i almost forgot to faint....muahahhaha.....

then wa lao...going to have a gp debate....n u noe wat is the topic...." women are the roots of all evil"....kao....stupid topic.......n somemore tat cher oso seemed to agree wit this.....SEXIST!!!! >.<

after tat was fmaths tutorial.....ohohohohoho.....heng heng oso didnt go through much.........waaa....today is my lucky day....^ ^

then break....T_T.....left alone again....muahahhaha......cos my friends got chinese......so went to do tutorial lor....then do do do...saw jingxiong (lao jie...in case u veri curious....this guy is tat pokka la) went into library.....ok.....guess he didnt see mi....then did my tutorial again......then saw someone passing...looked up.....waaaaaa....it's tat jingxiong again.....wa lao.....thought i saw ghost....y he went in tat door just now....then this time again went into tat door again.....O.o....ok fine....maybe he came out from the other door just now.....then continued doing my tutorial....then....saw one white figure behind mi......lolx.....n i areadi guessed 80% was tat jingxiong la....so i turned my head lor....wahahhaha....this was the first time we tok in sch.....hohohoh....everytime tok in msn one...aiyo...but abit weird leh..i mean toking to him la....prefer toking to him in msn...=P.....

haha..didnt realli tok much..quite pai seh.....

then got gp tutorial....aiyoyoyo...discussing tat topic....>.<.....our CT guys (some) r SEXIST!!!especially tat william....>.<....arggggg......n tat sailesh was BULLSHIT( william famous 口头禅....)....he hor....tok rubbish one.....idiot la him.....

then my hell began again.....PE!!!!>.<.........waaa....7 exercises.....ran 4 rounds >.<........it's hell....十八层地狱....i am the slowest...T_T...my CT ran so fast sia....haizzzz.....

forget it....wheeee........this wk is a gd wk!!......3 days no sch......ohohohohoho.....i am in a total festive mood...=P......cant wait 4 tml......wear my perfect jeans...^ ^.....play pipa....=P....ohohohohoho......


<猪猪上> ^@^
6:37 PM

Saturday, February 05, 2005


-___________- today decided to go early...actually not early cos i reached in time.....A WRONG WRONG DECISION.....as expected....mani pple came late again......INCLUDING TAT CO CHAIRMAN!!! -_____-
wa lao.....ask us to come early then she came late.....i promise...I PROMISE TAT I WONT COME EARLY AGAIN!!
today even worst....waited for 30 mins then door open....kanna shit......

then practise practise practise......

then i got ALOT of things to say abt our 伟大 co chairman......this chairman is damn f***ing basket old mother chicken no. 2 (jiewan...if u see this...dun tell her ya...).......she
hor.....@#$@$#@....after practice nag nag nag n NAG.... k fine....she wan nag then continue nag lor.....wa lao....i close the 谱架 then she big big eyes stare at mi....N I MEAN STARE!!kao.....she continue tok n i keep la.....like tat oso cannot....still like tat look at mi....my eyes bigger than her k....-___-.....this is call minimizing time k.....is not as if i nv listen to her lor.... in ngee ann....NOBODY STARE AT MI OK!!!......

k fine fine fine.....she continued toking...bo chap her...jiewan oso help in keeping tat pu jia...then kao...her attitude became worst.....said," 急什么急。。" .... 急什么急...急着去 toilet la....-___-....kao bei.....i going piss areadi lor....still nag nag nag n nag....she wan mi to urine in front of her izzit....if she dun mind la....then i let her have a taste of my 无敌尿尿....

she realli is infamous amongst the jc1 liao lor....everytime this kind of attitude...i can even see tat the vice chairman abit 不爽 her liao lor...everytime the vice chairman wan say st....she oso have 意见 one....sometime she dun even noe the situation then say say say.... must sew her mouth(plus use 慢火 n cook her into 白斩鸡....nonono...shl be 黑斩鸡...since she so black...muahahhaha...n then throw it into the sewage cos nobody will wan to eat....lolxx)n i can see the frustration of our vice chairman....he oso laugh at her behind her back...muahahhaha.....realli dunnoe y she got chosen to become chairman..>.<..... she so unpopular n still can become chairman....天啊!!

n ya....WHERE IS MY LUNCH!!!!??????......i paid $5 liao n i see nt....NT....they say will provide lunch....where got!!!.......i cant even see a single tiny rice in front of mi.....Zzzzzz.....

now i oni got one thing to say...
"NASCO ROX....NASCO THE BEST....NASCO 顶呱呱....NASCO CONDUCTOR 一级棒....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" nyco oso not bad la....except tat mother chicken.....

希望将 co chairman 踢到九霄云外

<猪猪上> ^@^
2:15 PM

Friday, February 04, 2005



haiiiiiizzzzzzzzzz.............a sad day again.....n THE SAME REASON AGAIN!!!! again....maths test...again....didnt do well....n the worst....I COPY THE WRONG QN!!!!! T_T.....i realli dunnoe wat to say abt myself.....copy qn can oso copy wrongly....the qn is sin75cos75 n i wrote sin75cos25.....ZZzzzzzzzzzzzz...........

today first thing fmaths lect...WONDERFUL!!!!today taught binomial thm....my best topic in sec...=P....i like it........

then chem lect...omg...it's damn sianzz....slept half way through the lect....but i got hear wat the cher was saying la....

then 1 hr break....dunnoe wat to do.....mani hw but dun feel like doing....toking n toking to peiyu....

then after tat fmaths B tutorial...quite ok....

then....... -______________________- ............. fmaths A tutorial......n MATHS TEST... ZZZZZzzzz... @#!$!@#$@# ....... kanna shit ....... i am damn f***ing idiot n got serious eyes problem......argggggggg.........

haizzz.....wat shl i do!!????? no tys....no txbk.....how to practise??? -____-
think i oni feel happy when in co playing pipa....this is the oni time when i can 4get abt hw...test...sadness...tiredness....>.<


<猪猪上> ^@^
2:57 PM

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

JI LA KA BU DU........>.<

today abit pissed off by the fmaths lect....>.<...arggggg.....

first lesson is chem tutorial....not bad....quite relax....I LIKE CHEM!!=D

then fmaths tutorial.... at first veri reluctant to go tutorial....cos cher giving back tat stupid test back.....but....WHEEEEEE!!!!i passed.....=)....at least not as bad as i thought it will be....haizz...but then....realli shl buck up now n dun be careless....oni passing is noo gd....=.=

then phy lect....sat wit CT...^ ^....as usual.....veri sleepy...n then tat william kept crapping...害我 didnt listen to the lect...ahahhaha....aniway....not his fault la...even if he didnt crap....i were oso not be able to listen to the lect....cos i WILL BE ASLEEP!! =P

then got fmaths lect....@#$@!#$@!$@........pissed off by tat lecturer....tat f***ing basket old mother chicken is damn idiotic.....she is the worst cher i ever seen in my sch life...-___-...she kanna shit one....cheonging all the way just to finish tat topic today wit no regard of whether we understand or not.....still piss off when recall abt it.....>.<....she this gan cheong queen better watch out...if not walk down the stair trip n 跌个狗吃屎。。。。eat food n kanna 咽到....walk the zebra crossin n kanna 撞个希巴烂。。。opp...too evil....muahahhahahah

then after tat 2 hrs break....too mani pple at the canteen...so went out to eat....then did the cny deco....no 进展...

next got phy prac....>.<.....dun feel like going...haha....but today phy quite happy....cos my remark 4 my last prac was veri gd...hehehexx....then prac prac prac.....

after tat continue doing the deco...pon co....lolxx....william's fault...wahahhaha......then got no spray paint liao...went out wit peiyu n william to buy....>.<........ask mi to pay....$8 leh....T_T....心痛....wahahahha......but can get claim la.....=P.....then ohohohohoho.......got free drink from william...=P....muahahhhaha.....then crap on the way back.....

then peiyu wan to siam...so i oso siam lor...then tat william abit bu shuang like tat....hehehx....(william...sorri la....).......then ZZzzzz....traffic jam again!!!.........sianzzzzz.....

got to do tutorial liao....haizzzzz.....

希望大家天天快乐 =)

<猪猪上> ^@^
8:43 PM



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