
Monday, March 28, 2005

Orientation -- last day..

today orientation was quite fun la...made a mess of myself...=P

morning first time wore jc skirt...the skirt so weird one...got the 2 褶子 there...n somemore the zip is behind..my sec skirt not like tat one ma...so 不习惯....haha...then finally got to meet ah mak n took the same bus....0.0.....at first wanted to take 196 one...but then got mani pple...n THEY DUN LINE UP ONE!!! when the bus came...all cheong arhhh...then ah mak asked mi i got confidence wit him or not...hahahhaha...cos he wanted to take 197....tat was when i left 10 mins ++ to assembly....

but decided to listen to ah mak...took 197....then on bus tok tok tok lor...then he received one sms...it was from one vs sitting behind on the same bus....0.o....then i told him to 打招呼...but then he hor...act cool la...ignore the vs guy.... =.-.....

then reached the side gate.....wow...quite close to the audi leh...n oso the assembly ground...nx time take 196 or 197 better...=P.... hmmm....today although reached on time...I WAS STILL TOO EARLY!!!!!! went into audi liao so few pple leh... ZZzzzz......but then ah mak reached exactly on time i think...-___-....

at the audi...hmm...the 28th sc came to advertise the sc lor....then they acted a skit...funny sia...
it started wit 3 guys who have no gf lor...then got one other guy told them tjc got one super goddess....they can do anithing to her...bla bla bla...then the "goddess" came out...her name is called student council.. -___-"".....then tat guy told the 3 guys they shl run towards the miss council.....kept running..... then they can run the council... -____-""""......after tat they have to sign up cos miss council got mani 追求者....after tat they need to have a intro speech.....then the 3 guys said,"huh...so difficult ar...still need to say in front of the whole tjcians".......then tat guy said,"cos miss council is public property...so must have the consent from the whole tjcians"....CRAP!! =.=.....

after tat got wet game...n is REALLI WET!!!! below r wat we had played...
1) played something call catching...in which the diff grp have to grap other grp pple...this is CRAP...cos we gals dun care...just grap our own pple n pretend pretend...n this game ended veri fast...not fun
2) then got this game some pple must blindfold themselves...i am one of them..=.-....after blindfolded liao someone must direct us....but...BUT...NO ONE BOTHER TO DIRECT MI N MY FRIEND!!!!go n die la...we must crawl under a table...n becos no one direct us...our head got banged mani time...ZZZzzz....they no gd one...direct the pple infront but not us...>.<....after crawling liao i oso dunnoe wat to do...cos the same again...NO ONE BOTHER TO TELL US WAT TO DO!!!! 去死啦!!haha....oh ya...while i was crawling...dunnoe which idiot brushed some toothpaste on my hand...yeeeeeee.....so sticky n hot....lolx...
3) this game is called animal farm....again must blindfold...ZZzzzz....after tat we r put in diff spots.....then we r assigned to one animal...i am... A PIG!!!YEAH!!!CUTE PIG...then i must go find my piggy grp...must made sound OINK OINK...hahahahhaha.......veri fast found the first person...then we oink oink here...oink oink there...managed to find 4 piggies oni....still got one more...dunnoe where he or her is....lolx...
4) at the track field: we had to pass bowl of water from one end to the other using oni 1 finger...but we cheat one la...heck care...hoho...=p
5) this game we had to fill water bomb again....then got 3 pple r the receivers..they had to catch the water bomb thrown by us....then got other og pple surrounded our receivers to block us....this game oso not fun la....
6) at the other side of track field...the game master sang one song...the other version of 两只老虎 ....."water melon water melon papaya papaya...orange orange orange...apple apple apple...rambutan...ranbutan..."....then we must change the fruits but rambutan must remind the same...then u noe wat my og convert the song to?? "我的美人。。我的美人。。看过来。。看过来。。可爱可爱可爱。。可爱可爱可爱。。。rambutan...rambutan..." =.="".....after tat they must put a spoon of tooth paste wit a string attached to it into the clothes of one person to another...
i didnt play this...=P
7) behind audi: basically is line up in 1 row n sit infront of the other og pple...then must use one leg to pass the water bomb into their own goal post....the og were separated into 2 grps....so is cg1 n cg5...i gong gong one....i am cg 5 i went to cg1....-____-........but aniway in the end i didnt play...cos i was wearing sport shoe...YEAH!!!i am happy cos other pple backside wet wet one but i am not....hoho
8) we must again filled up our water bomb.....then must hide toilet paper somewhere on the body of one og person....then the other og must find who has the toilet paper n throw water bomb n shoot water gun to make the toilet paper wet.... n naughty zixian(sec friend) threw 3 SUPER bombs HARD N STEADY on 3 parts of my SUPER IMPT ORGANS(not R21 hor...)...OUCH!!!! pain leh....i got kidney failure leh....lolx....realli painful lor...my heart almost cannot tahan.....n i decided take REVENGE....i threw ONE bomb on her...-_______-..........then she hor...naughty somemore...shot water at mi....=.=.....
9) last game...n is the most fun one: first we had to blow balloon(got flour one).....after tat must crawl under the table(again...=.=)....my head kanna LOTS OF FLOUR....T_T after tat we must press our balloon to the back of the person infront using our front body...then we cannot drop the balloon....then i am the last la...cos behind all kanna kick out.........last thing must burst the balloon...-___-....heng the guys 大慈大悲....didnt burst it on my head....hoho....n...WE WON THE GAME....hehehehe......after tat i oso naughty naughty....took some flour n threw it on my friends....hohohhoho.....they suay la.....they were beside mi when i super high....HAHAHAHA....n got one stupid guy kept 袭击 us....threw large quantites of flour on my head when i didnt notice... >.<.......GO N DIE LA...MY PRECIOUS...wahahahhahah......

MUAHAHAHA...WE R THE SUPER OG1....we won every section n we r the fastest...tat means we earned alot ALOT OF PTS.....yeah!! OG1 4ever super la....1st orientation og1 oso the best og...hoho....i am in the best og grp n the best clan....hei hei hei....=P

hmmmmmmmmm.......after tat raining....wooooo...顺便 washed my hair...haha...no use...=.=....then mi n wenjie while walking to toilet...we planned to pon ma...then i said,"ohh...i feeling sick...i am caught in the rain....i am all wet...i got a fever...i am sick...i need to go(quoting from the cheer)....then wat my body all over is flour....七孔塞住...ahhh...i cannot breathe....i got asthmas....i cannot see...i cannot hear...i cannot eat...ahhhhh"

basically is CRAP!!!!....after we went to change liao we told the ogl we not feeling well then siam liao....hoho....then aiyo....during the 5 hrs game...got 3 smses...-___-....nv reply immediately...SO SORRY!!!promised one of them to sms each other to cure boredom one...but in the end...>.<....sumimaseh(dunnoe how to spell =P)....then went to buy notes....wahhhhh....$12++....pain....in the end cannot buy uniform...T_T...haha...aniway oso dunneed to buy liao la...cos can wear the polo tee...i will have to buy it tml....n I 4GET TO BUY FMATHS NOTE!!!!awwwww......tml oso must buy....

after tat went home lor...went to interchange to buy bus stamp....then home by 2++......hehehex
poor ah mak 5++ then sch end....lolx...

aniway...i found someone to go fmaths lect le...YEAH!!!!HOORAY!!!......^ ^........haiz...tml start lesson liao....sianz....

hmmmmmm.......today i felt esp diff...i suddenly feel like a big gal....wearing jc clothes...hands having thick lectures notes....抬头挺胸 walked pass those sec n pri kids....hohoho...veri 威风...hahahahha.....i noe veri childish thought la...but then...just feel gd....=D.....


<猪猪上> ^@^
6:02 PM

Sunday, March 27, 2005

long wkend....

yoz~~~to my 忠实读者....I AM BACK AGAIN!!!! =.= ....lolx...hmmmmmmm........long time nv write liao...too lazy......=P....okok...tok abt this few days....

went to watch miss congeniality 2 wit ah mak n lao jie....at first wan to watch house of fury one...then 拖拖拉拉...in the end missed the time...haha....aniway...the movie not bad la...quite funny....after movie went to eat ice kachang n hao jian.....woooo.....yummy yummy...i mean the hao jian oni....the ice kachang...=.- 4get it...bland like water....

bad ah mak...didnt go to co...so we played gb.....afternoon was just slacking slacking n SLACKING!!!! didnt study abit...NO...SHL BE NO BIT 4 my maths...ZZZZZzzzz......so watched anime the whole day...addicted to anime now....veri nice....0.0.....finally addicted to st tat
Y-generation will do....i am like dun belong to the young pple like tat...dun watch anime...dun see comic...dun listen to music...dun play mani com games...i oni like to.....SLEEP!!! -____-

at night went to RC near ah mak's house there to watch free movie..incredibles....basically we r there to eat chips n listen to ah mak crap...cos cant hear veri clearly wat the characters said....=.=......then the kids there veri noisy.....n got 1 malay boy....naughty sia...kept bumping into mi...n even wan to step on mi sia.... -_____-...... i even planned to shout at him if he continued...haha...but...no chance....hoho......

hmmmmmmmmmmmm..........morning was slacking time again...but this time watched hk show...haha...then at first wan go play badminton one....ah mak went to ask my cousin to go oso...hmm...abit weird...not close to them ma....but then in the end still didnt play la...cos i oso dunnoe...hahahahahah.....=P.......then ah mak came to our house lor.... but veri late...cos...he watched JAPAN HOUR!! 0.o...不可思议...haha...

then as usual...ah mak n sis crapped...n i stoned there...hoho....but after tat played king of fighters...not bad la...

then hor....ah mak lao jie n my mother BULLY MI!!!!!! T_T........haha....they hor...gang up la...asked mi to wash the dishes...cos i didnt wash the last few time.... =.-....then ah mak laughed like siao la....(sew ur mouth...).......nvm lor...wash oni wat...no big deal....

after tat we played a childish like crazy game...STARING AT ONE ANOTHER EYES....crazy...actually not staring leh...can blink eyes one lor...then ah mak no use...haha...like tat oso eyes got tear....=P.......

basically today is lifeless....nth much...... poke poke....hahahahha.......

poke poke 的流星雨

<猪猪上> ^@^
10:12 PM

Thursday, March 24, 2005

TJC-- orientation

hmmm......stayed in tjc 4 two days....i can oni say...TJC IS QUITE BORING!!! =.=........no life...not like nyjc....but aiya...ok lor.....

1st day:
yesterday morning meeting ah mak one...but hor...he late leh...ZZzzz.....so must take bus on my own....then when bus came....someone called mi...i looked back...guess wat...is my pri sch friend chun hian....i shock dao...wow...he oso in tjc...not bad sia.....then i thought he oso 2nd intake ...谁知道....he is a ogl lor...btw...he got an ang moh name liao...call wat joyle or st...dunnoe how to spell... 0.o....

then reached there liao.... -________-......dunnoe anione there....so sat on the bench lor n stoned......after tat looked at the watch....time to start liao...but dunnoe where the place was....so looked at the label lor...Zzzzzzz.......i thought was upstairs....who noe...is at the ground floor la...duh....ben ben sia.....

then went into the audi...saw zaiyi(my ex-CT from ny).....so 巧...he same grp as mi...but diff og...then again...stone diao....then to my surprise...ester(my sec sch one) same og as mi....i cant believe i can be so lucky la....in nyjc oso got my sec sch in my og...in tjc oso got...super lucky la...but then hor....all not close one...ZZZZzzz.......didnt tok much.....

then got tok lor...sianzzzz.....fell asleep....after tat ice-breaking....oso sian diao one la....wrote our name on masking tape...then exchange wit og pple...then must say st abt the person on the masking tape...is no use la...exchange liao say liao i will still 4get.....n somemore passed around so mani time n the info not clear liao.....after exchanging liao....one of the pple started to intro the person on the masking tape la....then after tat intro 自己...then the person being intro by the 1st person must stand up n intro other pple n so on lor.....but then.....haven intro finish we got to go other place la....ZZzzzz.....but heng la...dunneed to intro myself...hei hei....=p

then went back to audi again lor....got some games lor...must have volunteer....n u noe wat...i saw another pri friend wee kiat....0.0....he was supposed to dance la....then he not bad wor...then the one who danced the most sexiest will get pt lor....n u noe la...he was the best la....VERRRRRRIII SEEEXXXY....hahahaha......after tat got presentation la....wat 4 OGLs went missing n later were killed...then got info of some suspects la....then funny la...got one guy the gender they wrote he is a gay....then got one other guy the gender they wrote still identifying....-__-""......

then we r assigned to one buddy each la....no use lor...in the end they still tok amongst themselves....n my buddy..haiz...just got nt to tok to her.....

after tat OG lunch...went out to eat....sian la...dunnoe eat wit who....then stood there dunnoe how long...then the OG started to disperse....then i couldnt click wit ester n some other gals la....so didnt follow them lor...so ate wit other grp of 3 gals....so they r my friends 4 the orientation....

u noe...the world is realli small la....of the 3 gals right...got 2 noe my cousin who is in the same jc as mi.....one is same cca as her...co....then the other one is same sch same class as my cousin since sec 1 la....0.0.....

then went to sport complex n stoned there....then mass dance..... @#$@#$ ..... the dance is so fast la...n somemore like aerobic like tat.....crazy....i 迟钝 one la..ask mi dance this.....CRAZY...then rained.... -___-.......we still need to dance...at the dunnoe where....

after tat went hall...woooooo......got aircon.....cool....then collected the o pack then went home liao....on bus hor...saw another pri friend again.....waaaaaaa......look like p 6/9 pple r veri clever wor...so mani come to tjc.....

ok......so yesterday saw mani familiar faces...got zaiyi....my cousin...pri sch friends....sec sch pple.....nyjc pple.....amazing...=P

yesterday chose the sub comb liao....4 sub lor...dunnoe can cope or not......

then tok wit ah mak lor....lol...first time i noe he will scare one....haha....his og no close vs friend lor...then he sian...then half way through orientation he slack at co room playing mahjong... =.=.......so he joined co in the end....0.0

2nd day:
today....hmmm.......intended to take bus wit ah mak.....but.....I REACHED TOOOO EARLY!!!n his bus still haven come....then going to reach 7am liao....so bo bian....took the bus without him again.....u noe wat...I REACHED TOO EARLY LA!!!!Zzzzzzz.......saw dean(nyjc erhu one aka ah mak's friend)standing outside audi...went to open audi door...n i saw....A TOTALLY DARK PLACE....no one was there...... =.=......then i realised 7.15 then start....so i am 15 mins earlier...
-_____-........then finally got mani pple came....so went in lor....then i kept looking at the door...cos....7.20 liao the 3 gals still haven come.....i scared till death la...if all of them dun come(they all r 1st intakers).... i will be alone la.....but heng...2 came...the other one overslept...in the end didnt come.... =.=

so morning got short briefing on amazing race....then amazing race started lor....quite ok lor...lasted for 5 hrs like tat....tiring la....n we cheated la.....hahahahha....bribed the amazing leader....treated her breakfask n lunch i think...(but i didnt pay a cent la...so i not sure).....

got some fun n bad part during amazing race la....let mi recap....
1) went to somewhere near bugis....must write tj on face using paint...tat amazing leader drew soooo big on my face...ZZzzzzz.....then must come out wit a skit....then we acted the 3 little pigs....so funny....i acted as the straw house....LOL....

2) got went to tanjong katong....then first we r supposed to entertain the ic la....then we acted the 3 little pigs again...but this time suay la....when i fell down(straw house blew by the wolf will fall ma..)....i stratched my knee la n bleed....-___-....then it kept bleeding...so i kept bending down to stop the blood using tissue...then the ic realised it...asked mi i ok or not then asked mi to sit down...then tat amazing leader said y i didnt tell her...haha....then my og pple r supposed to transport water using some methods....after the game ended....one of the guy used his wet pe shirt(his method to transport the water) n squeezed on the ic's head...then the ic poured the whole pail of water on tat guy...MUAHAHAHA....报应.....lol

3)got went to outside the esplanade....then we r supposed to buy 臭豆腐...sang nursery rhyme...then take photo wit the ronald mac statue.....so we sang the humby dumpy....then took pic.....lol...they dirty sia...actually we r supposed to do so la....cos they said must embarrass the statue i think....the guys asked we all to to point the finger at ronald mac 的弟弟....u noe u noe la...tat place lor....yee....haha.....then the 臭豆腐....wa lao...realli smell like shit leh..... -__-

4) we bribed the amazing leader at esplanade...she gave us ans....we treat her...haha...同流合污...so we got to lie....we must memorise tat we got went to this place n tat place(cos she gave the ans 4 the station at that place...)....haha...i heck care la....aniway i wont speak a thing when someone ask...=P

5) went to long john silver to eat lunch....i ordered liao then tat person said go sit n wait a while...then i wait here wait there oso haven come lor....somemore other pple behind mi areadi got it...so i went to ask her....then u noe wat...she asked mi,"wat did u order?" n followed by shouting to the kitchen pple to take out my order...wat the hell...tat means she didnt shout loud enough or didnt even shout la....if i continued waiting...i wait until i die my meal oso wont come la.... then i full like siao la...couldnt finish the last few fries...T_T.....n i was sooo bloated tat i couldnt stand properly la...kept bending down....n back to sch liao still feel veri uncomfortable lor...ZZzzzz..........

6)on the way back to tjc (we walked from bedok interchange to tjc =.=)....we must sang to get pt...then we kept repeating if u happy n noe u clap ur hand...n is HAND ONI LEH....lol...cos we walking ma...cant stamp our feet...haha.......

finally went back to sch....cannot tahan liao....wanted to pon n go home...actually thought of it in the morning liao la.......so the 2 gals n i kept looking 4 chance to run lor....but then first got last station at sch....cannot run...then got cheer...cannot run...then MUST GO HALL...CANNOT RUN!!!!cos haven take attendance.....Zzzzz.....then at hall liao...tat ogl took sooooo long to mark the attendance...somemore got cheer.... =.=.........

then finally the cheer ended n attendance marked....then we siam lor.....

then went to buy uniform n pe attire....i scare later 4got wat size wat thing to buy...so at hall wrote the things the size n the quantity down liao....then i gave the paper to the uncle...he said i 真聪明...heeeeeexxx =P......谢谢..谢谢(waving hands)........lol.....hoho...the feeling of being praised is GD....feel like 神仙跳舞....lol...

buy finish liao then WENT HOME!!!woooooohuuuuu.......finally can come home early.....veri tired...-_-......

tml holiday...YEAH!!finally......i WAN TO SLEEP!!! ~0~

很累的流星雨 〉〉〉

<猪猪上> ^@^
8:35 PM

Monday, March 21, 2005


haizzzzzzz......11 hrs 14 mins to another 打击.... T_T.....i dunnoe wat to say....一言难尽......tml still got CT outing n nasco concert.....dunnoe i got the mood to go or not.....awwwwwwww....=.=
okok....4get it...船到桥头自然直......tml actually 8 am log in to get the first hand info....then after tat 在做打算吧....=P

hmmmm......today sch was quite boring la....struck in hall 4 dunnoe how mani hrs.....first watched super fat mi or watever.....it toks abt a man trying to show if mac will harm his body n increase his weigh or st like this....he ate super size mac 4 30 days....incredible....lolx....he's crazy la....increased 20 pounds or more n have a big tummy....wahahahaha......

after tat break....after break movie time..."watched remember the titan".........not bad....at least i didnt fall asleep...haha...

then went to a classrm wit the 2 gals n ah mak n vikram n zhihong to plan the CT outing 4 tml...ZZZzzz......they tok abt anithing except the CT outing....=.=.....all tat ah mak n vikram fault....lolx....they hor...crappy la....aiyo......esp tat vikram...佩服佩服....can tok so much crap...n can tok here tok there n then 酸 back angeline....lolx....said she is a cabbage la....then they teased her...said wat she oni noe how to say eh huh etc n watever....made her dunnoe wat to say....then when she said those wds...they will laugh until siao....-___-......

n the funniest was....when they said st n angeline couldnt catch it....she said,"i cant catch wat u all r saying..."......then tat vikram said,"ohh...so cabbage doesnt have hands...cos she cant catch a thing...." LOLX....siao la.....果然厉害.....

To Ah mak: i didnt say i dun like vikram k...n i didnt show i dun like oso....-___-""".....i am "COLDed" by him n U!!....lolx.....=P

n so....we discussed 4 1 hr++....n the conclusion is....watch movie.... -_____-"""""""

okok....10 more hrs to go.....=/

阿弥陀弗... amen.. 所有的神....保佑我吧。。。

<猪猪上> ^@^
10:10 PM

Sunday, March 20, 2005


hmmm....yesterday was a busy day......morning got co..... evening got wedding dinner...ZZzzz

morning co still ok lor...as usual cold to death la....=.=......then got some fun parts lor...
1) the vice chairman wanted to draw the way the conductor waves her conductor stick on the white board....but then....ehhhh.....hahahha.......funny la... drew all kinds of weird stuff which dun look like wat he was supposed to draw la.....and so he n emily made the whole co laughed like siao.....
2) recorded 赶街 using mp3.....then after tat the ding cher listened to it lor...then she hor listen until veri 陶醉....waving her hands la....smiling like crazy la....then kept saying wow veri nice leh...can record into cd liao la ect ect....but she oso got point out some parts tat were not well played lor.....haha.....then hor....waaaaaa....we played so loud tat even without using the earphone we oso could hear leh.....amazing......then it was so loud tat the mp3 oso cannot tahan...got the piak piak sound....hahahha....then every 高潮 will piak piak here piak piak there....lol....sound effect.....

hmmmm........then realised 3 things......haha
1) emily is xtreme concentrated during the practice....wah...kept staring at ding cher until her eyes going to pop out liao..... O.O <<<>
2) abt minghao.....i think he too stiff or watever....when he played erhu hor....his body all squeezed together leh.....lol.....the way he look quite funny la.......wahahhaha......=P
3) the zhong ruan grp finally got improve abit...at least ding cher dunneed to stop n say them n practise practise practise....yeah!! =)

btw....toking abt him....ding cher was practising wit the erhu ma.....then minghao had to play alone cos he is the oni 二声部....hahaha.....then got 5 erhu ma....then when ding cher said the four of u(the gals who are 一声部)play first....then minghao was like "WAT"...hahahha....his expression was shock shock n SHOCK....muahahha.....n gave a bo bian look...hahaha.....so tat was the first time i heard him played erhu ba....lol....

then when leaving co room......emily looked at mi n asked.."the tailor is coming leh..."....then i was like dunnoe wat to say.......then ah mak 仗义相救(ah mak...didnt mean to praise u hor..haha)...then he said i'm not staying in ny lor....then emily big big eyes looked at mi n asked again..."u not staying in ny ar??"........then....=/......how i going to ans her.....ya la i didnt put ny as first choice so cannot say i staying ma...but then i may come back ma so oso cannot say i not staying....矛盾 la....then bo bian i nodded my head lor...T_T.....hahahha......

oh ya....ding cher oso asked mi this qn... -____-........

ok tat's all abt morning....now the wedding dinner....

hmmmm.......i can oni say the starting was SIAN SIAN SIAN......=.=.....went there so early nth to do sia.....so kept drinking 7 up....Zzzz....then finally mani pple came liao...they here tok there tok n i just stoned there......cos not close wat n some oso dunnoe who they r.....

then finally went to sit down liao....sat wit 3 old granny(including my ah mak...real one hor...) n 2 uncle....ZZZzz.....y always like tat one..lol.....but hor....the 3 granny veri cute la...hahahha....then got one uncle must use another para to tok abt him.....lol

ya...abt tat uncle hor.....my father said he looks like 成龙 la...which i personally think dun look like lor...so i said he looks more like 狄龙 lor....then tat uncle laughed until siao la...then he said i look like 赵微...the eyes la...big big one....muahahahhaa....MUAHAHHAAHA....-___-""".......this was the funniest joke i heard yesterday.......lolx.....

then the bride n groom came in lor....wa lao...still must wait 4 the song sang until "this moment" then they came in leh......crazy la....we stood so long leh...

hmmmmm.......but then the bride veri pretty la...the groom toot toot one....hahahhaa......cute....he looks like a korean.....lolx.....

then the old grannies n my mother said i look like the bride.....ehhhhh.......the oni similarity i can find is....we both r thin thin lor....other than tat i dun find ani other similarities la....cos the bride VERI PRETTY leh...i am not lor...=/

then eat eat eat....drink drink drink....went to toliet dunnoe how mani time liao.....haha....

the wedding dinner ended at 11++.......veri tired...Zzzzzzz........my eyes now still cannot open...

today last day of holiday....hmm.......dun feel anithing.....just tat.....I DIDNT TOUCH MY STUDY AT ALL......haiz...........4get it....must enjoy the last few days.....haizzz....

later got wat activities i oso dunnoe....hmmmm........

希望珍惜与好友的最后时光 。。。

<猪猪上> ^@^
9:40 AM

Thursday, March 17, 2005


haizz....another boring day...GOING TO BE CRAZY!!!...lolx...but at least today got st to occupy mi...^ ^ ......

today morning played sega...wheehuuuu...long time no play liao...become veri stupid...my character kept dying... =.=....haha.....managed to play 2 games wit my sis...0.0....then after tat she went to sch...so i played alone lor.... but then.....Zzzzz...got 2 games cannot play....so repeated playing the first game again lor..but...BUT...THE THING BECAME SIAO SIAO....which means...I HAD TO RESTART!!! arggggggg.....so 4get abt it lor..dun play liao...

after tat tried playing final fantasy 1....WHEEEEEEEEEEEE.......not bad...abit funny...the character so toot toot one...KAWAII....hahahha....played for 3 hrs?? =P....all thanx to ah mak 4 giving mi links on this game...or else i would be bored to death...hahaha....(ah mak...feel proud ba...hahahaha)....

after tat decided to study phy...but.... -_____-......dun feel like doing it....in the end...I DIDNT STUDY A SINGLE THING!!!! T_T.......die liao la....wasted 4 days....太浪费了!!!haizzz.....

so decided to play ff1 again...ahahhaha....but.....4 dunnoe wat reason...THE GAME I SAVED WAS GONE!!waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.........played so long liao....level 10 leh...T_T......so i had to start ALL OVER again....@#@$....haha...bo bian....

now i got quite scare lor....so start playing a little liao then saved it...then close the emulator n opened it again to see if my game still there or not....tried a few time liao then realised i save it in the game no use one...oso must save it in the emulator(izzit??i dunnoe).... =.-.....

so played all over again lor...but actually not a bad thing...cos i realised can choose my own characters one ( i stupid la...)....then i oso dun need to 走冤枉路...hahaha....so within 2 hrs ++...i reached level 10 again....MUAHAHAHAHA!!!.....crazy liao la....lolxx....=P

okok....later MUST REALLI REVISE LIAO....(真的....才怪... -___-)....dunnoe when i will buck up abit....haizzz........

btw....i am quite sure the posting result IS NOT TML!!!!YEAH!!!!! wahahahha.......tat means i can see my CT pple again......(放鞭爆).....n it oso means i can have another 5 days of 平安日...haha...cos if i am posted to nyjc hor...my mother will nag n nag n nag la...u see like this got 好日子 to 过 or not...(but i hope this will come true...cos i wan to stay in nyjc...=P).....on the other hand hor...if i am posted to vjc or tjc....i will be sad la...oso no 好日子 to 过 la...haizz....

dun care liao la....must enjoy my last few days of slacking life....after tat i will have to face a life worst than hell...Zzzzzz........jkjk oni....muahahhahah........

@_@ 的流星雨~~

<猪猪上> ^@^
7:00 PM

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


awwwwwwwww......sian leh......haha.....aiyo...dun feel like blogging recently...dunnoe y leh...sian diao liao la..... =.= .......wat a boring holiday.......haizzz.....i rather there isnt ani holiday...at least my life will be more colourful....cos jc life fun wor....haha.....

hmmmmm.......cant realli remember wat happened the last 1 wk....but i will try to recall.....=P

erm....last wed....accompanied angeline to buy ps2...omg...she spent 1 hr++ choosing the game....Zzzzz.....bored to death..muahahha....then tat william..still say he is gd at bargaining....but in the end...hahaha....not a single discount was given.... O.o.....nvm.....finally finished choosing...i 饿扁扁...so went to buy milo...n 4 some reason...i couldnt drink cold one...so i ordered hot one...ALAMAK....HOT TO DEATH.....lol....almost burn my throat....-___-.......n it was so hot tat by the time the bus came liao i oso couldnt finish...so bo bian lor..... 伟大 william smuggled the drink up the bus...muahahhaha....he asked mi to take cover wit my file but i heard wrongly...i passed him the file n he didnt catch it....in the end....the file dropped... -___-""""........malu sia....hahaha

then...hmmmmmmm...thurs....during chem prac....tat william wanted to crash...but mrs so didnt allow....muahhahah......then u noe wat....oni 4 pple came 4 prac!!!! -___-.......they all so bad....haizz..... after tat got gp....angeline ponned....=.=.......watched a movie by tom hank....dunnoe wat's the name...4got liao...but veri nice n touching....hahahha....cried secretly....hohoho.....hmmm...i could oso somehow see tat peiyu is crying.....ahhahahhaha........

hmmmm...fri.....interesting.....a veri veri short day.....not becos of the half day thing but becos mr neo's class cancelled..(aniway the half day thing no use one...cos we normally ended at 12.40 wat... -__- )........so our CT went to play pool.....0.0......but first i went to peiyu's house....waaaaaaa.......soooooooo big the house.....the living rm is double of mine....haha....n somemore her kitchen can link to the pathway to her rm....then her mother veri...no is XTREMELY nice leh...treated mi wit drinks la....n when she heard tat i ate my lunch at 9++...SHE WENT TO COOK MI INSTANT NOODLE LEH.......sooo gd......haha....n i saw peiyu's sis.....wooohuuuu.....sweet n cute......

after tat went to play pool lor......abit reluctant to play at first...cos nv play b4 ma.....then peiyu n i just stood one side n see them play lor....then angeline kept asking us to play.....then huixin n dunnoe who passed the pool stick?dunnoe wat la to us.....then we played lor.....haha...we lousy one la.....huixin taught us how to play....(tat pool table became the teaching table...).....but malu la...i couldnt even hit the white ball....ZZZzz.......tat shun gui laughed until siao.....lol...n tat eric gave a bo bian look....muahahah......then finally mastered some skill liao we played lor.....

then here came the unhappiness part 4 angeline on huixin.....huixin ar....abit abit tat one lor....angeline abit 不爽 her attitude lor...she said huixin taught us as if we r idiot like tat lor...which was in some way quite true la.....then said teach us oni n then let us play...but after tat most of it was played by her lor...n we just stood at one side....=.=....then she oso said dun wan to play our table...then jumped to another table....then angeline was giving out a sigh of relief...haha...cos huixin finally away.....but then......=/.....tat huixin jumped here jumped there......一脚踏两船.....haha....tat's abt the unhappiness part la....(weida...if u see this...dun tell huixin k? i dun wan to spoil the relationship...=P)

after tat william n i went to angeline's house to play her ps2....wooohuuuu.....fun sia.....haha.....then waaaaa......u noe we secretly went to her mother's rm to play one leh....actually is cannot one lor....then i thought i heard sth n turned my head back....haha..n william scared till death cos he thought i saw angeline's mother.....but in some sense it became true cos her mother realli came back.....waaaaaa...quickly rushed out but her mother areadi saw it.....-___-....we were like a face of embarrassment or sth like tat.....haha....but her mother not bad leh....still let us played finish...n oso her father....both of them r quite friendly....still asked if we had eaten or not.....haha....

after tat went home wit william lor....he hor....=.=.....dun wanna said much la....later he argue again...muahhahah......

hahhaha.......surprisely i had nth more to say abt emily n tat zr jc2 gal......haha......cos emily has changed her attitude....n finally dunnoe how n when the 调音器 reappeared........so no more unhappiness abt it........YEAH!!天下太平。。。。。。hohohoho........

ehhhhhh.......went to IT fair..sian diao.....soooooooo mani pple......became pan cake....squeeze here squeeze there....and kanna 撞 by some pple......Zzzzzzzzzzz..........NOT FUN!!!!then wasted 1 or 2 hrs oni bought 1 cd dunnoe wat......=.-.........after tat returned home lor.....as usual....played com....haha.....william li hai sia....found an exciting game in my laptop which i dun even noe...muahhahah.........n tat game was soooooo fun tat william n i played until siao...played 4 at least 2 hrs++?? hahah......

hmmmm...yesterday....william asked mi to played badminton....but then....GOT 4 OTHER VS GUYS!!!Zzzzzzzzz........if i go...i am the oni gal..yeeeee....dun wan.....haha.....n so the rest of the days was spent on playing playing n PLAYING...haizzzzzzz.....haven revise...T_T........

haizzz........spent the morning tidying up the rm......now still haven finish...Zzzzzzzzzz......n therefore....I HAVEN REVISE ANITHING!!!!!!!awwwwwwwwwwww.............haizzzz......now guess wat....hahah....playing again.....hehehex........oh ya.....just now played stepmania.....wooooowwwwwwwww...........shiok man......haha....tat ff7 battle veri diff....=.=....couldnt even complete the song.....haizzz........must 发奋图强.....muahahha....

希望下个拜三才拿到 posting result...HAIZZZ....

<猪猪上> ^@^
4:02 PM

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


today...hmmmmmmm........exciting day......lolx....cos morning 10 mins late 4 sch!!!!wooohuuu......first time in my life.....hahahhahah.....actually quite fun....i oso dunnoe y...maybe my life is too boring...haha....

ok....shl tok abt yesterday first....

yesterday the oni big big thing was zaiyi made mrs chan veri angry....cos zaiyi asked abt the a'level phy result...then mrs chan started toking abt it n going to told us a grad gal's story...then zaiyi popped out one qn..."but wat has tat got to do wit phy??"...... -_____-......no wonder mrs chan sooooo angry.....how could he say tat when in the first place he was the one who asked abt it.... i think he realli abit ap la....

then hmmmm........during the long break.....played chess wit jingxiong....ZZZzzzz.....thrashed by him...... >.<.........

tat's all 4 yesterday...tok abt today.....hoho

today morning waited at the bus stop....wait n wait n wait oso no bus.... mi no bus = dickson no bus = william no bus....lolx....so the 3 of us were late....then tat william got on a single deck bus which was full of pple tat dickson n i couldnt get into the bus....then william got off on the next bus stop after my bus stop cos hahaha....he promised to get off the bus if i didnt get into the bus...lol...not bad...讲义气...不愧是兄弟...muahahhahaha.....then got an extra surprise...minghao oso late 4 sch...muahahhaha......so in the end....the 4 of us were late.....

heng got there liao tat mr dunnoe wat was not there...so we sneaked into the sch...in fact was 光明正大 la....actually we not late la...but reached there liao mrs ho was toking lor....then saw mr chua wit the attendance....so william n i ran to him...haha...heng he haven left....wooohuuuu......

aiyo...but then tat mrs ho ar....nag n nag n nag....even mi listen abt 5 mins areadi wanna sleep(standing leh).....poor nyjcians....lol....

so usual day started again....chem tutorial...fmaths tutorial....

then PHY LECT!!yeah!!!can sleep -____-"""..........hahahhaha.........n i realli fell asleep...cos the doc was realli SIANZZZZZZZZ..................n the LT4 air-con realli cold like siao....freeze to death man.....heng i got jacket.....poor peiyu...no jacket....almost froze...haha...

then fmaths lect lor....still got air-con..... -____-.........peiyu cannot tahan the cold liao...so i lent my jacket to her lor....haha...then i kept saying..."心静自然热"........LOLX....

after tat 2 hrs break.....went out wit the 2 gals n william n zhi hong to eat.....then as usual...tat william crap crap n crap......n tat zhi hong laugh n laugh n laugh until siao....hahhahahah.....n i'm going to annouce...WILLIAM IS MY GOD AH MAK....muahahahhaahhaha........=P

after tat phy prac....ok la....finished veri fast.....hoho.....

ok...now i going nag again.......I NEED TO DO ST ABT MY 黑眼圈!!!!!!! ahhhhhhh......last time zhi hong said i got serious 黑眼圈...today peiyu oso said tat....wahhhhhhhh.........没脸见人... =.=.......i need to search 4 神奇药方 to cure my serious 黑眼圈....haizzzzzzz........

the end of today...... =)


<猪猪上> ^@^
8:37 PM

Saturday, March 05, 2005


okok...i haven blog 4 mani mani days...cos i no time...n everytime i wan to write...i fell asleep...ahahhaha.....hmmmmm.....wat happened this few days.... (thinking)...dun realli remember...haizz...

hmmm...wed....co i wanted to pon one..cos jiewan didnt go...but then tat william wanted to go teach the inexperience jc2...wan mi to go...ok fine...decided to go 4 one hr...bad decision...went liao heard emily nagging n then...SHE CRIED...hmmm....pity her...see liao i oso 心酸...haizz...can understand her feeling la...she realli too stress...."emily...relac la...=P"

then in the end i went 4 the whole practice cos I COULDNT 逃...everyone including emily n jenny saw mi liao...how to escape... >.<...bo bian lor..practise practise practise...one pipa...T_T.....then tat ding cher asked mi if i am staying...i said maybe not....then i can see her face abit 无奈...haizz...oso can understand la...so mani jc1 leaving....

but in the end...i still pon the da zhu....haha...=P

then hmmm...thurs...phy lect veri 爽 lor...watched document oni....can sleep...woohuu...next few phy will oso be watching doc...YEAH...can pon liao la....haha

then yesterday...hmmm...chem test....quite ok la...the 气氛 realli dunnoe how to say....so stressful...then couldnt finish the test...no time...haizz...but at least i 尽力了..so no regret...haha....

then accompanied angeline,together wit william..hui yong..vikram..n elvin, to compare the price of the PS or dunnoe wat la...sianzzzzzzzzz...........i am totally stoned n blurred....i dunnoe wat they r toking abt...n oso dunnoe wat they going to do....>.<......then somemore hungry until 扁扁...ahahhahahha....in the end....everyone sian....so wanted to go home...so angeline had to went to sim ming on her own....haizzz.....

ok...tok abt today...haha......i am not going to scold anione today...cos...I HAVE NT TO SCOLD...lol...n in fact...i wan to praise emily abit...cos...she impress mi abit today...haha...

today...i could see tat she realli veri 认真 lor...nv tok...n listened attentively to the conductor...n she oso tried to 摇 abit lor....this shows tat she realli wan to get gold la....GD....abit 欣赏 her...hahahhahahha.....n today she didnt nag...=P......shl have done this long ago....hahaha....today was short n sweet....GREAT....

then oso 弹拨乐 finally found the 调音器 (i think).....ohohohohoho........HAPPY.....dunneed to lend my 调音器 liao.....yeah!!.......

but hor....wahhhhh......today cold to death man......the aircon soooooooooooo cold~~~~~..........四肢发冷.....shl do st to the air-con...smash it!! hahahhaha....

aniway...today was quite 平静....didnt scold anione....hahahahha.....

haiz.....but today SIANZZ.........whole day dun feel like doing anithing.....then headache....alamak...i realli no life....wan to commit sucide sia....haha...jkjk....i not so stupid la...hahahhahahha..........

谢掉的流星雨 〉〉〉〉

<猪猪上> ^@^
9:19 PM



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