
Friday, April 29, 2005


argggggggggggggggg...............i going CRAZY!!!!!我要疯掉了!!!!!!! stupid weather!!!damn hot~~~~~hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot!!!!!!!!!!! i wan to jump into a pool of ice water!!! i wan to sleep on snow!!!!! i wan to switch on AIR CON!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...........
>.<..........stupid idiotic weather 害 mi sian diao.... 害 mi totally no mood to do my tutorial!!!!!
n today is a STUPID DAY......

morning pe sux......f***ing pe cher made us run up the stair n down the stair in 20 sec n pumping 4 PUNISHMENT...so 幼稚!!!!then run n run n RUN.....sweat until siao....muscle pain....i feeling sucky now!!!!

then had to carry 2 big BIG file!!!!!!! ahhhhh......i DUN WAN TO BE SECRETARY!!!!!! pw sux la....n tat pw cher fantastic....my pi topic is "the world without colour"......she sooooooooooo support my idea tat she realli added colour on my paper....=.=......accidentally splased water on my paper n the red ink just spreaded.... -_____-""""..........yayaya...now my pi topic become "the world wit colour".......diao.......y i so suay....偏偏 is my paper kanna the water.......arggggg........the oni thing i am happy abt is my idea was accepted....oni need to put in more details can liao..but still must type again...NT TO BE HAPPY ABT!!! Zzzzzzzzz

gp oso sux la........today tat gp essay dunnoe wat the hell i am writing......2 pages of rubbish.....think tat cher going to vomit blood when he see my essay.....I HATE GP!!!!!

I H A T E  H O T  W E A T H E R !!!!!!!i hate sun!!!y nv rain!!!????i wan to drench myself in rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


<猪猪上> ^@^
10:47 PM

Sunday, April 24, 2005

ding dong

0.o so long nv blog le...=P....sian diao liao le....haha....everyday seems to have no time...even though i am doing nt...lolx...>.<.....ok tok abt this wk .....

basically this wk is a B~~A~~D~~ wk....cos had to rush finish the stupid totally useless PI(pw)....n got phy n maths test....n of course...TUTORIAL LA.....-___-

actually i cant remember le...lolx....but i remember phy prac must take....PHOTO~~~~ yeeeeeeee....i hate to take photo....cos i think it looks fake...have to force a smile and maintain it 4 like 10 sec(??) at the dead camera....yuck....so artificial.....i am those kind who find it weird to smile at a camera lor...then somemore i always look 无精打采 de....so the photo of mi will look...
=(.....n the super camera will photograph my super pimples n super 黑眼圆 la....ZZzzzz...i just HATE TO TAKE PHOTO....lolx...but i like to take other pple photo...kekeke....=P..

tue was fun......went to siew hui's house wit da monsters(our class gals)....lolx...first went to buy super small pizza...realli small...then went to NTUC to buy the ingredients 4 意大利面(lolx...dunnoe how to spell...so use chinese...hahaha =D)...then way to siew hui's house...wooohuuu...the place realli big leh...condo wor.....got mani swimming pool....羡慕 wor...lolx..but then...the house abit...ahem...small...lolx...but not bad la....then tat puay ming aiyoyo...always look at the super big mirror at siew hui's house....lolx....then xiang ting n fong chi kept playing piano...oni left siew hui, san san n mi to cook....actually mi n siew hui did nt la...lolx...cos dunnoe how to cook ma...so oni left mummy san san to cook...hahaha....

hmmm...the yi da li mian not bad lor....mani ingredients...but little sauce....lolx....then watch 海豚湾恋人....then bad thing happened lor....siew hui got a call...n this call shocked her life la...she 4got to put back the music cd which is super impt...cos her club got a big performance n they were having rehearsal...then got no cd....so everyone waited 4 her cd lor...then she
紧 张 until siao...almost cried...n kept saying sorri sorri sorri....then can see she perspired until crazy....n couldnt even walk properly.....

then we all rushed back to sch lor...just in time...lolx...cos i almost late 4 cca...keke....

ya then the cca...hmmmm....just sat there n stone n watch anime....quite funny la...but i think i will die in long term....cos it's so LIFELESS....last time got co then like fun la...but now...watch anime!!??hmm......althought it is the slackest la...but then...haiz....then co so busy one...haiz....i have oni one thing to say...I HAVE NO SENSE OF BELONGING TO TJC....yup...tat's it...sad....but i am close to class la...not so pathetic...

grp pe.....incline pull-up...TWO....standing broad jump...PASSED ONI AFTER 3RD TRY....yeah yeah yeah....=.=.......argggg.....i am damn weak...incline pull-up arm no strength....standing broad jump cannot fly....2.4 cannot run....1.6 OSO CANNOT RUN....lucky height...obviously CANNOT RUN.... -______-"""""".......yayaya...i failed almost every physical test....clap clap clap...i am the weakest of the whole tjc.....i am not bluffing...i am da last 4 the 2.4...li hai ba...

then.....ahem....the civic...i pon lor...kekekeke.....veri bo liao de lor...stupid tok...then no attendance leh...of course must run la....but then sad to say....someone told mi the next day tat the cher veri frustrated n asked everyone who attended to write name then go...tat means...GOT ATTENDANCE LOR.....=.=........watever la...dun need to scare one..since i am not the oni one...i got half of the jc1 behind mi....muahahhaha......

the suayest day i bet....morning still ok la...phy test....ok la...not bad la...can finish...can do....
^ ^...but...i think get wrong...lol....add in the wrong value i think...keke..nvm...i noe the concept can liao......at least can pass ba...must 知足常乐...haha..

but then is the make up lect n after tat......the make up lect lor... #$@$@ ......firstly nv tell us wat topic we going to learn...so i must attend ma....then just when i realised tat they r going to teach the topic i noe n mani pple running out of the LT n i am busying smsing my friend of the topic they going to teach n was stunned by their action n stone there n slow to react....I AM LOCKED IN THE LT!!!! Zzzzzzzzz........i oso wan to run.....but then the lecturer areadi started teaching...i cant possibly take my bag n walk out right....ding dong....so i had to waste my time listening to the topic which i had areadi taken the test in da morning...wu liao.....i can oni say i 反应迟钝...yup.... -__-

then 10 mins b4 the lect end....ah mak sms mi to say if i rushed to the bus stop at the side gate n take 31...maybe i can see him....then i thought shl be ok lor...since still got 10 mins n so near the gate....who noe...tat stupid lecturer ended the lect 5 mins late...n the suayest thing is...just when i climbed the bridge until siao n reached the bus stop....the bus areadi passed... -____-""""........in the end wasted time waiting 4 the bus la....if i take bus at the front gate...maybe can reach home soon....天啊...wat happen to mi tat day... =.=

mass pe...ran the stupid lucky height which is not lucky at all...must run the slope....diao....i basically was walking all the way....n of course la...over the time limit lor.... haiz....

then the pw......got grp liao lor...i am the oni gal....Zzzzz........then must choose leader n secretary...n of course I AM THE SECRETARY LOR....the oni gal ma...then our scg rep in my grp ma...of course he is the leader lor....n the other 2 do nt lor....

sian one leh....i must keep n bring the stupid big file 4 every pw lesson n every meeting...wth...but my grp not bad la...3 crappists....at least wont be so bored....

they realli crap la.....when writing the rules n regulation 4 our team.....tat zheng liang said must listen attentively to the speaker....n u noe wat he did...he looked at the REAL speaker(not the person...is the loud speaker).... n asked we all to look n listen attentively to the REAL speaker......=.=.......n mani other craps la....

then discuss abt our PI lor...sing wei one is super funny la...the idea lolx....wat malfunction the perspiring gland or st like tat...then we can perspire through mouth or urination...then zheng liang laughed until siao lor....say wat we become merlion...then we run 2.4 n urinate all the way...diao.....

but then...aiya...guys r guys....they tend to be abit...ahem....wat to say..i am the oni gal in the grp...cant help....haiz...suan le...they decide n do everything they wan ba...i have no comment...just dun let mi do the toking can le...=P

@#$#@$...........yesterday was simply...ahem....went to ah mak's speech n drama exhibition(??)...in the end less than 5 mins n my sis n i left the place...there the place so small...then oni see kids...we were like so xtra...then oso didnt take photo of ah mak....不好玩的..thought can take photo of his so call weird costume...in the end not weird one...then went to eat lor.....after tat ah mak n my cousin oso joined us.....then went to arcade la n walked walked la....sian la....stoned the whole way.....

then ah mak dunnoe y ...damn suay yesterday.....kept seeing his co senior...n he here hide there hide...=.=....so obvious tat he is hiding lor....i think got one senior noticed him....lol...the suayest was when on bus la...aiya...my sis areadi wrote it in her blog...go see can liao...haha....

bla bla bla...again...didnt do tutorial....wat's wrong wit mi!!?? every tutorial oso dunnoe how to do...n oso no 心情 to do....sianz.....can i dun do!?? CANNOT.....Zzzzzzz....... suan le...my bad habit wont change de...cos...i had just wasted 2 HRS ++ WRITING THIS BLOG... -_____-........


<猪猪上> ^@^
12:15 PM

Sunday, April 17, 2005


忘了有多久 再没听到你 对我说你最爱的故事

我想了很久 我开始慌了 是不是我又做错了什么

你哭着对我说 童话里都是骗人的 我不可能是你的王子

也许你不会懂 从你说爱我以后 我的天空星星都亮了

我愿变成童话里 你爱的那个天使
你要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里

你哭着对我说 童话里都是骗人的 我不可能是你的王子

也许你不会懂 从你说爱我以后 我的天空星星都亮了

我愿变成童话里 你爱的那个天使
你要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里

我要变成童话里 你爱的那个天使
你要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里

我会变成童话里 你爱的那个天使
你要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里



<猪猪上> ^@^
2:06 PM

Sunday, April 10, 2005

~ThIs Da wEeK~

LinG:*ahem* when is the last time i blogged? ahhaha...last fri...0.o...am i mad...hmm...4get it...ermm...i shall write my this blog according to events instead by day....maybe it will be organised? watever....

hmmm....i am the oni 2nd intaker GAL in my class....hmm....n the first lesson i went into the class numerous pple wit numerous eyes STARING at mi...scary sia...n u noe wat i do...i stoned there...haha...funny hor...=.=.....

hmm....my SCG not bad lor...the gals veri united...everything oso do together...then the guys some quite funny lor...(but nyjc 05S9D guys better...=P)....then...hmm...our class alot of foreigner...from china n india...scholars wor 0.0.....

then hmm...the gals r music crazy....sang n sang n sang wherever they go....so i have free portable "radio" everyday....hahaha....i think i oso must listen to more music le...or else got...代沟!? haha...

waaahhhh....this wk veri stressful...esp the first few days...kept forcing myself to finish the impossible sum of tutorials...i am CRAZY...almost broke down...haha...now i am thinking how did i have so much determination tat few days...cos now i got no determination le...haiz...三分钟热度...lol...but better than in ny liao la....cut down alot of msn time...last time almost seven-eleven le...now leh...倒闭了...oni online a few mins then offline....=/....think now better le...no more stress....cos can 跟上 liao...yeah!

pri classmate:
hmm...dunnoe when on bus a guy called my name....this guy looks abit *ahem*...then dyed hair....n I COULDNT REMEMBER WHO HE IS....so u noe la...give him a blur look....then he tok here tok there trying to recall my memory...but stilll...haha...in the end...he gave one conclusion..."maybe u dun have a enjoyable p6 life"...lolx....then i was smsing while he tok ma...then he asked 4 my number...ok lor...gave him...but...dunnoe how to use his hp...-___-...
dunnoe how to unlock...kept typing the wrong no. n dunnoe how to cancel...great! =.=....in the end he typed it himself....haha....then he said he give mi a miss call so tat i can have his no...GREAT...I DUN HAVE ID....=.-....so in the end pretend pretend got his no. n pretend pretend typing his name....lolx....

then when he alighted....i could remember him...lolx....i can remember his embarrassing moment in 6/9....shl i write...hmmmm.....u wan to noe...ask mi lor....haha...

stupid ah mak-part 1:
ya i shall scold him!!!!this stupid sotong ah mak dunnoe how he lost the bear i gave him..>.<...!@#!@$@......how can he lost it!!!!! the bear so cute...-__-...somemore lost it in sch...hmm....then he smsed mi to tell mi abt the bad news la...ya realli bad...then said wat he veri sad...in the end become mi console him...he said the bear contains mani happy memories ma...then i told him memories r meant to be remembered...so no bear oso can remember de ma...n u noe wat he said..."when did u become so mature??"....*AHEM*....sad still can suan mi hor...n he said he act sad to seek my 4giveness...wth!!later shall scold him...scold until his face full of saliva...HAHAHA...(which is quite impossible...my power compared to his power...haizz...)

First "outing":
okok...yesterday afternoon went out wit pokka...first time..hmm....thought i would be late...but i am not the latest....lolx....then stood at the bus stop n someone approached...hmm...pokka lor...couldnt get use to his xtreme short hair...lolx...

then went to fair price??hmm...dunnoe where to buy drinks...n u noe wat is the drink la...pokka green tea lor...haha...his favourite....then went to look at CDs la...games la...bks la....then went to bras basah....hmm...the whole process i was drinking n drinking n DRINKING....cos i dunnoe wat to do....oso quite 不习惯 toking to him...so dunnoe wat to tok to him...so he did all the toking...haha...i veri sian one right...lolx...

then at bras basah...went to 2nd hand shop...look look look...dun have the assessment bk he wan...so went to popular.....then while looking at assessment bks...a few dropped on the floor...then he kept saying "害死人呀..the popular wat wat wat..."lolx...then when a little gal dropped some bks on the floor...he said the same things again...0.o....then walked around lor...see wat things to add up to $25...cos he got voucher....then on the way he oso intro some bks to mi lor...not bad i think..nxt time can go borrow...=P....

then....hmm...i shl say he is a gd bro...kept calling his sis n ask her eat areadi??finish hw areadi??dun open door to stranger hor...hmm...not bad right...so i said he is a gd bro lor...but he said cos he dun do tat his mother will scold him...ya rite...i dun think so....then still said his sis so old liao still need him to take care...bla bla bla...somemore said her sis iq level abit more than zero oni...hmmm.... but i still think he cares 4 his sis...0.0.....口是心非wor....lolx...but hor...heng i not his sis leh...or else i will be 烦 till death...lolx...but how i wish i got such gd bro...haiz...lol..

then b4 taking bus to tiong bahru...he folded ships n turtle using his new bought notebk...waste paper sia...but he said the paper will be recycled right...so not wasting lor...-__-...like tat oso can....then took bus back to tiong bahru....n again...went to popular...-__-....then went to buy drinks again...this time not pgt le...haha...pink dolphin...hmm...i asked him the price izzit 2.15 n he laughed like crazy...-___-...he said total cost oni 1.75...how can my pink dolphin be 2.15....*ahem*...ok...so i said is 90 cents++ la...then he said oni 50 cents...0.o...是meh...so cheap de meh...watever la...

then went to eat...but i didnt eat la...then while he was buying...i was smsing wit bao bao lor...then s***....i sent the msg to pokka...-_____-""""........then when he was back...he didnt notice my msg....lolx....then again...drink drink drink....then on the way...kept thinking how to tell him...hmmm....then finally pluck the courage to tell him...then he saw the msg lor...nth la...hahahhahah....

then took bus to dunnoe how to spell...lolx...n i didnt noe tat i had reached near harbour front...which is the north of s'pore? hmm....quite far from bedok....then on the way walking...he asked mi the present bear i bought is 4 who one...0.0...ya...he saw bao bao's blog...=.=...then kept asking asking asking...hmmm.....then i asked when is his birthday lor...then he said today(yesterday) lor...Hmmm....so i took out the bear tat had suffered in my bag 4 a long long time...lol...then gave it to him lor...he still said wat's tat...ZZzzz...then i said he is tat person lor...yaya...n his expression nt lor n just put it in his bag...suan le...then still asked mi how much is it...-_____-......how can ask one...aiyoyo....ignored him...

then went to bowling...i didnt play...just see him play lor...then i...DRINK AGAIN....think i drank dunnoe how much of water le...lolx...hmmm....his score not veri gd...haha...but got better la..from 80++ to 130++...0.0.....then got 2 guys playing beside veri pro....their score were wow....haha...hmm...ya one thing...remember to bring a jacket when go bowling...tat was wat i learnt yesterday...lolx...tat place was COLD~~~~~~.........

then veri late lor...9++....walked towards a bus stop at dunnoe where...veri long dist...on the way suddenly feel like going to toilet...ya i veri ma fan...had to turn back after walking quite a dist to find a toilet...-__-....after tat continued walking lor....then while walking...tok abt pri n sec sch lor...then reached bus stop....hmm...his house was just behind a sch...quite close...told him to go back lor...but he said,"dun send u home later u punch mi.."...*ahem*....

yaya...so he sent mi home...quite gd lor...not bad...yayaya...gd guy...took 1hr bus ride...hmmm...quite long....so on bus tok tok tok lor....then we compared our hand...OMG...first time i realised my hand can be so small one....lolx...his hand was like dunnoe how mani times bigger than mine....hmm....feel happy...haha...cos my hand was like veri long 4 a gal...lolx...

then veri bo liao...played chopstick...=.=....lost lor...then listened to music.....then aiya...wanted to take his photo one...but he...*AHEM*...just refused to let mi take...cos he dun like to take photo...then i kept begging him leh...-__-...but he still...nv give face...lol....n he still snatch my hp n wanted to take pic of mi...ZZzzz...i oso refused la...then he said," see...u oso dun like to take pic.."fine lor...绕了他....haha....

n ya...he kept saying abt mi n william....gave him my fist...waahhh...then he realli punch mi on my shoulder leh...bad sia...punched him back...no kick...haizz...

then the journey realli long la...sleepy sia...then finally reached at 10++...ya n i blur until i still asked.."is this the place" n he was like...hmmm....lolx...

then went to mac....he wanted to eat AGAIN...hmm...he realli shl not eat much...lolx...then bought an ice cream...hmm...eat ice cream at nite...the ice cream too sweet le...n i couldnt finish...gave him eat...hahahha....

after tat walked wit him back to the bus stop n waited 4 his bus lor....then finally came n bye bye lor...

ya...tat's abt the "outing" yesterday....=P....i think the oni impression he has of mi is i always say shui bian lor...n always shrug my shoulders....hahaha...a reminder to everyone...DUN ASK 4 MY OPINION OR ASK MI WAT TO DO...i will simply say shui bian lor or shrug my shoulders lor...so haha....

stupid ah mak-part 2:
ya going to scold ah mak AGAIN....u noe wat...crazy ah mak 3++ smsed mi....Zzzzzz.....n it happened tat i 4got to switch off my hp n i put ringtone instead of vibration...-_____-......yaya...n he smsed becos he couldnt sleep n wan to discuss abt today...hmm....but realli cannot tahan...sms a few time then went to sleep le...haha...

yaya...i going to die soon...haven done ani tutorial this wkends...yesterday too sian n went out the whole nite...today going to go out again...-___-....haiz...look like my mission to complete every tutorial this wk failed....haha...watever...play more impt...=P

yeah yeah yeah...dun feel like doing anithing now...-______-

希望做完 tutorials!!

<猪猪上> ^@^
10:38 AM

Friday, April 01, 2005

ThE hEll LiFe BeGiN...

wahhhhhhh.......this wk sch day finally over... -___-......

the hell life began on tue...

tue was realli a mess...morning assembly dunnoe where to line up...then asked a gal n realised tat she is a jc2... =.=... then walked all the way to the middle then found a guy who looked familar..so asked him if he is cg 1 or 5... then i think he realised i am a 2nd intake...so he said i shl go audi... -_____-"""........ heng he told mi tat...or else i would be late...

then lects started lor...i cant remember wat happen tat day la....but i mostly hang out wit 2 gals lor...now i shall esp tok abt 1 of the gals.......

Chen Qin: this gal from china is in same cg as mi...she is sweet n intelligent wor....a scholar leh...she veri cute lor....she speaks eng abit weird weird one...got chinese accent...haha...we somehow got abit of 沟通问题.....cos her chinese too pro...dun seem to understand...then her eng i cant hear properly or cant understand...n my eng super lan la...u see...how to communicate...lolx...but we still spent quick alot of time together la....

one more thing...she say the chem phy bio fmaths watever watever in chinese one leh...alamak...chim sia.... chem is 化学...this one i still can understand la...but the periodic table..aiyoyo...the chinese wd for it veri chim la.... then in the end we had to communicate through drawing...muahahahahha....

aniway...it was fun to be wit her la....learn alot abt china n CHINESE TRANSLATION 4 THOSE SUBJECTS!!!lolxx.... =P

morning must tap my ez-link card on a machine to mark attendance...woo...high tech wor...haha...went there liao see nobody tap leh...still wondering if it is tat machine or not...haha...after tat saw pple tap liao then i followed lor...then morning assembly must wear tie...O.O...looks cool...then got stupid CIP tok...ZZzzz......then break break break...so long one...go n die la...actually nt much la....but got one i must write abt....tat is the civics....

u noe wat is the surname of my civic tutor?? Mr KAO!!! wat the....he surname OMG...lolxx...special sia...n is a bad wd somemore...lolx...but hor...hahahha...he veri 帅 leh...tall tall one...thin thin one...wear spec...looks veri 斯文....hahahhaah.....=P...

then got cg lunch....abit sian la...dunnoe one another...no...shl be..i dunnoe them...the guys....can oni recognise their faces...but dunnoe their name....

yesterday was da best....had friend to accompany mi during lects...=P....aiyo...sound so pathetic...haha....no la...just tat yesterday went veri smooth lor.....nt much....

today oso best...cos 9.45 can go home liao....=D

today april fool...so morning wanted to play wit ah mak...smsed to him n said tat i woke up late so i would be late....after few mins sent another sms to say HAPPY APRIL FOOL DAY....then u noe wat...he still ask mi serious or not.... -____-......he abit gong gong one...then at interchange then he told mi the truth....he didnt bother to see my first 2 smses.... T_T....bad ah mak...haha...cos he was doing gp hw on bus...0.o....

then today reached sch later cos ah mak was late...YEAH!!finally...hoho....everyday reach sch so early one....then hor...ah mak smsed to say my polo t-shirt behind got one hole...then i smsed him " GOT MEH!!!??"....then he said april fool.... -___-...报应....lolx....

then lunch at home was WEIRD!!! weird mac hamburger wit weird coke my mother dunnoe bought from where.... then the fries...my mother cooked one...ok la...not bad....

went back to sch 4 make up lect.....b4 tat wanted to buy the lect notes n timetable one...then the line sooooooooooooo long lor.....bo bian...cannot buy....went to lect without note...lolx...heng i studied the topic b4 liao....=P....then fmath lect....aiyo...cold to death....ZZzzzz.....

then chem lect...OMG...tat lecturer can replace the 2 damn f***ing idiotic stupid mother chicken n be the 1st...(i'm sorry...i have curbed myself from scolding bad wds for last few wks...but this chicken realli piss u mi off.....)....she hor !@$#@!$....teach the topic damn fast lor....skip here skip there...the speed is like a rocket...."shoooooooooo".... then can jump from pg 24 to pg 28 in 5 secs....go n die la.....

after tat went to line up 4 note.... then when finally my turn liao...my tongue suddenly 打结...SCG becum SGC....4 become 14...ZZZZzzzzz.......wow...my timetable is perfect la...everyday can go home lor....woohuuu.....shiok.....buy liao went home lor.....

hmm....these few days i realised st....
1) i became hardworking....everyday did tutorials... maths maths maths......this wk i got...15 TUTORIALS TO DO!!congratulation to mi.... 中奖 loh.....=.-

2) y pple r u gan cheong one....morning go tap the card....pple behind hor damn gan cheong one la...i haven tap leh...then they like worm like tat....钻来钻去...n 钻 to my front lor...kao...they dunnoe the basic manner izzit....they dunnoe the 江湖规矩 izzit....they treat mi as invisible izzit... tap the card in front of my presence when i am just 10mm away from the machine -____-........

okok...i shall stop nagging...i am stoning now....having a sian conversation wit ah mak ah bao n bao bao....dun be surprised...i am toking to 3 pple at a time....0.o

希望赶快和 SCG 的人交朋友.....
sian diao 的流星雨>>>

<猪猪上> ^@^
12:16 PM



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