
Tuesday, May 31, 2005


changed my blog template this morning....veri happy...lots of stars...^__^....like it alot....n i feel proud...cos i changed it by myself...i am a com idiot u noe....but i managed to stare at the blog template wit mani i dunnoe stuff 4 few hrs n tried to change it....yeah!!

but then....i feel bad now....yaya...i have serious mood swing...happy in da morning n sad in the evening....n the reason 4 being so sad is....I SPENT 4 HRS++ DOING A MATHS TYS TOPIC~~~=.=....dunnoe i am dumb or wat....a simple 10 qns topic i oso do so slow...somemore now haven finish....realli veri 气.....if i'm going to do my june common test maths at this speed...i'm sure i will fail like shit.....>.<......

n when i see mani mani MANI topics tat i need to do during june.....i will get a headache...there are just simply endless revision....tys...tutorial i need to do....ahhhhhhh.......

last time...i used to slack in june...but now...every day wake up...my mind will remind mi tat i have mani mani mani revision i need to do today....n today i spent the whole morning doing my blog...now i veri 后悔....shl have use the time to revise instead..... T_T

but now wat...i am actually wasting my time now writing blog n left my revision aside!!!!

Can i 4ever stay in my dreamland???

** 蓝色流星雨 **

<猪猪上> ^@^
6:12 PM

Monday, May 30, 2005

Last quiz...

am i annoying?? tell mi pls if i am....

Your power is: Time Control

Explanation: You have the ability to
freeze, push forward or go back in time. In
good purposes it is used to prevent bad deeds,
and the opposite for evil purposes.
As a person your emotional level has been on
hold. For one reason or another emotions has
reduced and now you aren't so full of life. And
of course, this does not sadden you since you
could care less. Sometimes though you can be
hit by emotioal waves inside but you block it
all out. You don't search for something that
could make you happy since you have no hope in
that area any longer. People probably see you
as annoying because you're not involved and
just stand there. You probably don't have that
many friends either, and you feel like you are
with them because that's what you normally do.
You stick to your habits and don't appreciate

Negative aspects: One day all emotions
are gonna surface again, and that day will be
very painful. Instead it is more wise to start
up the emotional level bit by bit, so it won't
come as a big chock.

What Power is Compatible With You?
brought to you by Quizilla

<猪猪上> ^@^
8:39 PM

Quiz 9

Maybe true....
pic too disgusting..removed...=P

You need friends.
You have been very lonely in your life and
people have, for one reason or another, stayed
away from you. The isolation is killing you
inside and all you want is to feel a connection
with somebody else. You now have little
self-esteem left inside and have dark thoughts
about life and relationships. However you still
have that crave of friends inside of you, even
if you won't admit that to yourself anymore.
And even if you do have a friend, you still
feel lonely because you have a hard time
letting people in since you have been isolated
so long.

What Do You Need in Your Life? [dark pics]
brought to you by Quizilla

<猪猪上> ^@^
8:30 PM

Quiz 8

same as my sis...oni true 4 the first part of it...


You are a protector.
Yes, you don't like to kill people. That goes
against everything you belive in. It's not that
you are a coward, but your ideals and morals
wouldn't allow it. You are the typical hero, do
the righteous things, get the bad guys and do
it all legally. But just because you don't kill
doesn't mean you can't kick ass. And that is
what you do. You use your brain and your
strenght to do honourable deeds and protect
people you know and love. If an evil guy is
going to take over the world soon, it's you who
will get involved. You hate watching innocents
suffer, and love seeing bad people getting what
they deserve. You are probably also happy and
optimistic and work pretty good in groups. And
the friends you usually make are true ones.

Main weapon: Anything at all
Quote: "You only live once, but if
you do it right, once is enough" -Joe
Facial expression: Smile

What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures]
brought to you by Quizilla

<猪猪上> ^@^
8:23 PM

Quiz 7

hmmmm...true too


Your word is: Brooding. You are a true thinker and
often try to figure out the meaning of life,
why we are all here etc. You may not be so
social, and often think twice before acting but
those thoughts you have in your mind never stop
flowing in. Sometimes you can be so
concentrated you forget about other things that
you have to do. Don't change, this world needs
deep people.

What dark word represents you? (anime pics and 7 outcomes)
brought to you by Quizilla

<猪猪上> ^@^
8:16 PM

Quiz 6

ToTaLLy TrUe...=)

Water element

Your element is Water. You have a calm aura around
you and are in tune with the world around. You
observe it but rarely interfere. Because of
your shy and timid nature you will not have so
many friends in your life. But then again,
large crowds aren't your thing anyway. You are
comfortable on your own and are reserved to
others who you don't know or know very little
of. You know everyone out there does not want
to be your friend, and knowing that is good.
However, people who don't know you that well
thinks that you are cold and distant since you
don't want to talk to them. Although you mean
no harm, you can't always be perfectly
understood in the world. No one can. Life in
general are you quite serene with even if there
are some things you don't like. Your love-life
is not so full of boys/girls, but if you
flirted more with the ones you were interested
in I'm sure something would happen. The hobbies
you choose are calmer ones, you are no party
girl that likes to drink and make-out with
three or more guys/girls in one night. Reading
a book or swimming is more your thing.

What is your element? [with pics + 7 outcomes + detailed answeres!]
brought to you by Quizilla

<猪猪上> ^@^
8:09 PM

Quiz 5

woo...i am caring....hahaz

Caring soul

Your soul is caring.
Other people are your concern, even if you
don't know them. If you see a person trip you
worry is he is okay. You put your loved ones
first and you're very mature. When someones
sick you're nurturing and always try to help
family and friends when failure strikes them.
You can be called the motherly one, if you are
in a group of people, which doesn't have to be
bad. Love is something that's already in you
and you have a lot to give whether you believe
it or not. Your friends probably love you very
much and come to when they need help since
you're reliable. People can feel secure with
you and generally like you.

How is your soul?(pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

<猪猪上> ^@^
8:01 PM

Quiz 4

I am a Witch!?0.o


Your connection with darkness is because of your
interest in magic. You like spells, herbs,
maybe even voodoo-dolls. You like it very much,
and probably even have books or found
Internet-sites where magic is the topic. You
probably mean no harm with this, well perhaps
to some. Most people who are aware of your
interest mistakes you for a Satan-worshipper.
You're missunderstood, but have your friends.
You probably are a wiccan or something related
and are interested in mother nature, souls and
spirits. You prefer the forrest(or park) before
the city. Remember, all can't always

What is your connection with darkness? (pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

<猪猪上> ^@^
7:54 PM

Quiz 3

Interesting...but...i dun think i am tat pessimistic la....lolx


Your wise quote is: "Reality bites with a
variety of sizes of teeth"(-Tony Follari)
As a person, you think life is just plain
painful, horrible and everything else you don't
like. Happy people confuse you. Alot. I mean,
why are they so happy anyway? You are depressed
and perhaps utterly alone and live life rather
montone. You feel there is no reason to really
be here and feel helpless.

What wise quote fits you?(pics) UPDATED
brought to you by Quizilla

<猪猪上> ^@^
7:46 PM

Quiz 2

Am I ReALLi CoNtEnT wIt LiFe?


Life is good and bad. You know it can never be
perfect and that it never have been, and you're
fine with that. You still feel it's important
to live life since it can end any day and not
sulk because of some little failure in life.
You are often a happy person, still you don't
laugh all the time. You have a somewhat calm
aura and most people feel comfortable around

How do you see life?
brought to you by Quizilla

<猪猪上> ^@^
7:34 PM

Took a quiz just now...think quite true... n i like the pic below....

You are sad because of your grief

Why are you sad? [amazing pictures] For darker people
brought to you by Quizilla

<猪猪上> ^@^
1:17 PM

Sunday, May 29, 2005

~~TouRinG DaY~~

wooohuuu....today went out da whole day......went to expo 4 the S'pore Food festival to eat free food(typical s'porean) n oso went to changi airport 4 a tour...hahaz...

S'pore Food Festival:
wah....tat was veri veri bad....kiasu s'poreans....so mani pple went there....then had to squeeze squeeze SQUEEZE~~~~.......aiyoyo....then the officer there dunnoe do wat de....nv come n 指挥交通....in the end...the 2 doors ppl squeeze in n squeeze....ah mak li hai lor.....为 the ppl behind 开路...haha....

then the traffic stuck just outside the path to hall 6 where the food festival is held....then totally cannot squeeze in...so we went to the books sale instead...ZZzzz.....all eng bks...MY 克星...everytime see eng bk i will like get 催眠 n feel like sleeping...hahaz

after tat went to see if can squeeze into hall 6 again...this time the traffic more smooth le...so went into hall 6 lor...then....ZZZZZZZZZZ......the place was....FULL OF PPLE!!! n the worst is.... there didnt seem to have ani food 4 us to eat!! cos i think those ppl see we young...no $$ to buy their food...so they didnt even bother to show us the food n let us taste...argggg..... in the end...the pathetic mi n my sis oni got to eat a small tiny pathetic piece of bear cookie....so sad....=P

Changi Airport:
yup...then we nth to do...so went to changi airport to tour tour lor....wheeeee...first time go there....so sad rite....16 yrs of my life i didnt even get to go to s'pore famous tourist spot....

aniway....as u can see...wat will a gal who doesnt step out of the east often went to changi airport become? A 山龟.....lolx..... n ah mak was quite embarrassed becos mi a 道道地地的 s'porean take photo here take photo there like first time come to s'pore like tat....hahaha....

~ThE ArRiVaLs BoArD~

took this when first step into the airport.....look like those tat i saw in tv show....cool...

ok....then we went to burger king to eat......i was still thinking how am i going to eat the burger wit 1 ulcer on my upper lip n 2 ulcers on my lower lip....lolx...but still quite ok la....not tat pain...n the burger taste quite nice.....

then ah mak was toking abt how vjc become 一片黑暗 cos mani indian vjcian...n how those indian vjcians smell bad bla bla bla...then critised malay n indian so bo liao...go pray to a cow...an elephant....n....moon n star...-___-.....then the islamic law...which i quite agree.......

it reminded mi of a doc i watched during gp lect abt the honour killing in pakistan....the pakistan men r realli idiot...kill the women like nth...see their women tok to men then they kill.... ridiculous..... then the most idiot thing is when asked y they kill...they said," becos the quran said tat if we see st tat is against 道德...we must kill...if we dun do so...we r against God..."...tat is totally rubbish...according to the doc...they r illiterate...they dun even understand a single wd in the quran...wth....then the dunnoe is prime minister or president of pakistan la...oso damn idiot...same mindset as the men...dun wanna tok much abt him....argg

okok...tat's is a sensitive religion issue...n is not my business since i can do nth...

~TaKinG tHE sKyTrAin~

after tat went to take the skytrain...ehhh....nth special....same as mrt la...but smaller....hahaz... n again...ah mak was embarrassed...cos the sign board i oso wan to take pic....LOL...seem like i have fallen in luv wit taking pic of almost everything( except mi...haha)...... n ah mak was toking abt 冒充-ing as japanese....hahaha.....

~tHe AiRpOrT tOwEr~

had always wanted to tak the pic of the tower..... s'pore famous 标志...=P...but took it in a rush...cos too mani tourists there...veri malu...didnt adjust the brightness....so not a perfect pic...>.<..


went to see the plane take off....but didnt see a thing... -____-........oni see a few pathetic plane at the dunnoe where...hahaz....then oso saw the plane arriving....but didnt manage to take the photo...cos cant see....arggggg...stupid hp phone...so laoya....

suddenly dunnoe y like to take pic alot....hoping to have a digital cam...can take lots of photo...>.<.....but shuan le la...too ex....wait long long.....must tahan my hp phone lor....haiz

hmmm...then we stood there 4 like 20 mins??haha...n ah mak was complaining....hahaha...he think we veri bo liao...go there see plane...lolx....

~BeAuTiFuL fOuNtAiN~

this fountain veri nice rite.....like it alot....heeee..... ^__^

okok....after tat took bus to tampines....n we like stone there for 20 mins deciding where to go....n ah mak become the millionair host....asking my sis wat to do...n wat no 50-50...no 电话资源...n....CANNOT CHEAT WIT AUDIENCE...which refer to mi la....diao...hahaha....then my sis oso funny la...wat got the sis esp...so i oso part of the contestant...ehhhh....

ok....so after much stoning....we decided to....go home....

tat's it 4 my day.....=P......


<猪猪上> ^@^
7:51 PM

Friday, May 27, 2005

~~Chen qin n yi duo~~ LES!!! Posted by Hello

<猪猪上> ^@^
9:21 PM

~~Da China Scholars~~clever gals...=P Posted by Hello

<猪猪上> ^@^
9:12 PM

~~Xuan Yun~~ Posted by Hello

<猪猪上> ^@^
9:11 PM

~~tjc best friend~~ Posted by Hello

<猪猪上> ^@^
9:09 PM

勇闯 VJC~~

ahahah....today pon sch...go crash vjc...wheeeeeeeeeee....fun....quite exciting n nervous....

morning early went to tjc to tap ez-link....after tat rushed to board tat bus tat transport the china scholars.....so we went back to dunman high....then rushed to change to vjc uni....
-_____-""".......the skirt tat chen qin borrowed was toooooooooo big.....kept wanting to drop when in vjc.....>.<....

after tat rushed to board the bus to vjc again...wahhhh.....we were late....cannot go 吓 ah mak...>.<...hahahaz.....in the end we had to stopped outside the hall....then they sang the national anthem lor...aiyoyo...mi n my friend cannot take the pledge cos we were acting as china scholars....LOL.....first time nv take the pledge....

then the assembly was soooooooooooooooooooo long.....argggg....stand until legs tired.... then the vjcians say say say but i couldnt hear.....=.=.....but then their sch spirit realli realli high sia....kept cheering....unlike tjc....diao.....not united de.....

then the scholars had to go up stage to say thank you speech.....then got one teacher look at us n said," those who didnt wear tie cannot go up stage..."...DIAO...as if we wan....if we go up...sure kanna recognise by our friends de.....dun go up better...hahaz....

then we went to the library....abit sian.....then saw ah mak....his eyes were O。O.....he knew i was in vjc la...but his eyes big big cos i'm in vjc uni...hahaha.....then asked where i got the uni lor...bla bla bla...

after tat went to tour vjc....ohhhh....almost 4got....i got to noe a few vjc china scholars today...they r nice....then we took some photos.... on the way saw 1 sec sch cum ex-ny friend....haha...she was SHOCKED....lolx....she said."i just now was wondering y got one china scholar looks so much like u..."......muahahaha.......

then when it's time to go....we had to change back to tjc uni cos must return the vjc uni to my friend.......then quite malu......cos 2 weird gal wearing tjc uni in vjc....LOL.....then quite embarrassing... went to hide beside my friend( wearing vjc uni)...hahaha...but in the end...大摇大摆 walked out...ahahahha......

awwwwww......so sad....realli gotten part wit chen qin areadi...cos she's going to study in NIE.... T_T...sad....

ok....enough of vjc stuff....

went to cut hair after tat.....hmmmm...not much diff.....still same length....but thinner....i like it!!yeah... but then the hairdresser arggggg..used so much force....my head pain....>.<..hahaz......then the other senior hairdresser better....more 温柔....hahaz.....

okok...tat's it....nt more to say..=P


<猪猪上> ^@^
9:04 PM

Monday, May 23, 2005

~My JaP nAmE~

My japanese name is 秋本 Akimoto (autumn book) 久美子 Kumiko (eternal beautiful child).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

hahaha...my jap name so funny...

<猪猪上> ^@^
8:55 PM


the moment i open my eyes in the morning...i areadi feeling moody....maybe my sixth sense tells mi tat st bad is going to happen??

ya...st bad realli happen....

On 23rd May 2005, 7.00am....our dear class kitten died....T_T.....
reason: dunnoe....
died at: dunnoe.....

awwwwwwwwwww........sad....y like this de!!?? sat still ok de leh....>.<.....awwwwwww

[In MeMorY oF xIaO mAo mI...
MaY iT rEsT iN pEaCe..]


<猪猪上> ^@^
1:14 PM

Sunday, May 22, 2005


yup yup...recently one of my classmate found a 10 mths old kitten n it has become our class mao mao...kawaii ne!!!!!! see below..=P

~In Da cLasS Rm~

~meow meow~

laZY mAo MaO~~

cute rite!!!!....brought it home 2 days ago to take care of it 4 one day...T_T.....this mao mao soooooo cute....the first 见面礼 it gave mi was...ITS POO....>.<....hahahaz.....then...omg...she looks cute when she sleep...n she looks cute when she stonee....awww....cute cute cute~~~ she is a lazy cat u noe...sleep aniwhere anitime it can....got comfortable place she will.."dongg"..n fall asleep...hahahaz....then yesterday took her down to void deck n 散步 while waiting 4 my friend to take her back....wahh...little cat power...walk n walk n walk...then stone n stone n stone...lolx... she's so cute tat mani malay little kids wan to look at her....heng she got 2 bodyguards(mi n bao bao)....or else...dunnoe wat is her 下场....haha.... but...soooo sad.....mao mao not here areadi...T_T....awwwww....

Cat mission:
lol....i tok abt waiting 4 my friend to fetch mao mao home rite....then my friend blur queen...take bus take 过头....n is mani mani stops away from the bus stop near my house...in the end mi n my sis walked all~~~the way to 637(my house is 622)....dun see the block no. like soooo close...actually very very far away...then walked like siao la....n my sis here grumble grumble grumble...there grumble grumble grumble...say wat wan to kill my friend...bla bla bla....lolx...we took abt 30 mins to walk there?? almost la....siao...leg pain....haha...then finally cat mission complete...got to walk back AGAIN!! muahahha...good exercise....LIKE REAL.....

TjC SuX:
yup yup...i going to scold my sch again.....anione who r totally in luv wit tjc or have dream of going to tjc better skip this part.... i have mani mani reason to hate tjc...

1) highly INACCESSIBLE.....
1.1) tjc is kenasai....toilets sooooo difficult to find one....n then is like located at veri 偏僻的地方...wth....
1.2) LT is like 2 here n 2 there....so far apart...go n die la....almost late 4 make up lect becos I COULDNT FIND LT3....
1.3)actually almost every place oso veri veri messy....i just hate it!!!!

2) no 亲切感.....yup yup...i have TOTALLY NO SENSE OF BELONGING!! i hate tjc....it gave mi a veri cold n distant feeling.....esp the pple from magic club...they r realli cold blooded la...go there they like no expression like tat.....hate them....the chi calligraphy club oso abit abit...but then better than the magic club..... yup...therefore i hope to pon as mani events as i can...i wan to spend the minimum time in tjc...

3) Tjc is bloody sucker...suck all~~~ my money...now i broke le...my hongbao $$ gone liao lor...wth...almost like $100++?? tys...notes...fund..everything in tjc needs $$....go n die la...bloody sucker....

4) Tjc got serious mental prob.....so mad n 变态 to lock us inside like jailbird.....i will always remember tat one day special experience of being a POW....

5) i hate tjc becos of the pdp registration thing thing...i 明明 register magic club liao then stupid tjc says i dun have cca record...=.=...I HATE U...

6) the sc n house com sux like hell...now tat's a veri long story....
story began...on fri....stupid tjc asked the WHOLE college to go support bball team...then....when it's time to get on bus.....MANI MANI ppl squeeze here squeeze there n waited veriiii long oso cannot get on bus....this was becos stupid sc n house com lack of communication and coordination....nv assign one bus to one class....they simply random pick a class to board the bus...wth...then in the end even worst....ppl just board on ani bus tat had empty seat...

then our class waited long long oso cannot board...so we went to the veri in front to grab the bus....then diao...when we were veri veri behind...the bus stopped in front...when we went veri veri in front....THE BUS STOPPED BEHIND....=.='''...n one stupid sc watever even scolded us...said wat we r not suppose to stand in front bla bla...n shouted,"U ALL GET IT!!??"...wat the f**k... still dare to scold us when idiot sc 办事效率 so lan....dunnoe wat's the sc n house com 4....they r simply useless...just a bunch of no brain ppl(even though they r from tjc...n i admit i have low iq even though i am in tjc).....

n u noe wat shameless thing our class did?? we snatched bus from other class!!!!! so 丢脸 .... tat class board from the front door...n our class so 不要脸...go board from the back door....so malu...kanna point here point there by them...没面子..-__-....

y the sc n house com so bobo!!???? cant they ask ppl to hold class label....then the class can line up accordingly...then bus come liao the class can 1 by 1 go up...save time n not so 乱....笨蛋!!might as well dun have them....

7) oh ya...n the last BIG BIG reason y i hate tjc is becos of the pae thing thing....I WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER the day when tjc let mi waited there for 3 hrs!!!stoning n thenrejected us( my friend n I) to go when we haven even see the stupid principal....f**k her...wasted my time n shoo us off wit just 1 sentence ....#@$@$....

but i must thank tat stupid principal 4 rejecting mi...if not i wont be able to meet mani mani good ppl in nyjc...i wont be able to have such a best class 05S9D!! n i wont be able to meet my best friend...the MAP....i wont be able to spend my happiest life during the first 3 mths....

but i oso HATE tjc...they so cheapskate...rejected mi liao then jae 11 pt they oso wan...wth...dun wan mi then dun wan mi la...y accept mi n spoilt my happiest life.... i hate them i hate them!!

ya...although i hate tjc...i still feel the tjc spirit la...since i am a tjcian...-__-...so now i shall tok abt a happy happy event....TJC BBALL TEAM IS DA CHAMPION!!! woohuuu...tat was a veri exciting game...a miracle after 20 yrs....they finally made it....=P

MiRaCle~~after 20 yrs...joy of tears

this pic was taken after the result was out.....our heart was realli pounding becos we at first was ahead of hci by few pts de...then after tat they catch up n even overtook us...we were all frustrated....then when tjc overtook hci...the whole college roared....n then hci overtook us again...n then again...we overtook them...this happened a few time...n we realli was 七上八下...then we continued to lag behind by 3 pts until the last 2 mins of the game....

at the last 2 mins....tjc bball players showed their full power n won HCI BY 8 PTHS!!!tat was realli fantastic... n the whole college jumped n cheer n cried n watever....n the bball team was supere super happy...they hugged one another n waved the college flag wit pride...0.0...

some other pics below....

TjCiAn~~~tat's the spirit

ReCeIvInG tRoPhY!! yeah!! champion champion...

Back to nyjc:
yup...fri went back to nyjc after 2 mths?? still feel like i belong to there when i went back...but it changed quite abit....new shelther...new parade ground...basketball court open liao..the surrounding looks green n open....veri nice....

but i went too early le...sat there n stone...dun dare to walk around cos i wearing tjc uni...everyone like keep looking at mi...maybe wondering y another college person here....then stone stone stone...then finally...peiyu appeared!! T_T....nv see her 4 a long long time....then we tok tok tok...walked around the track....

after tat waited 4 angeline n sintin...both of them came sooo late...-__-....but i was happy to see them again....the MAP finally unite...hahaz....

the concert was not bad...first time see peiyu plays piano...ahahha...not bad not bad....then got one cher played violin...awww....so 好听...y he can 拉 every note until so clear de???n the 梁山伯与祝英台 awwwww....so 凄凉...so touching...y y y!!??y he can play until sooooo nice one...>.<..i am jeolous!! i 拉 like kanasai n so 难听...he played so well...不爽!!...hahahaz....

then the concert ended quite late...9++...i was so tired tat i slept on bus...then veri funny la....when reached my bus stop...i opened my eyes...stoned 4 10 secs...stare at the bus stop...then mind suddenly clear...eyes big big....looked here looked there...AHHHH MY BUS STOP....then the door closed...then i quickly pressed the bell n ran down the steps...malu sia....=P

College day:
wahh...college day realli sian la....asked mi go there so early yesterday to do nt...just sat there n stone.... =.=...wasted like 2 hrs...in the end cannot stand it...find an excuse n siam...hahahahaz...

yesterday tried to practise calligraphy...-_____-.......my writing is...KENASAI...so ugly...>.<....n someone said if ur calligraphy is nan kan...then ur normal handwriting os nan kan!!??? i dunnoe...but calligraphy is realli can make mi 心平气和...ya...until i wan to sleep...n 手酸...lolx..

back to ngee ann:
going back to ngee ann next wk to collect o'level cert...hmmmm..abit sian...must go back again...haiz....lolx...

next wk:
next wk going to be relac?? dun think so ba...tue n wed timetable is kanasai...even though no tutorial lesson....i going to end sch much later than usual sch time!!! @#$#.... then thurs n fri got sport canival.....sian...tjc BETTER DUN lock us up again...or else... #@$@%@%#$%.....i going to find my way to siam too...this time smarter...the min i am out of sch...NV GO BACK AGAIN!!! yes...tat's it....

woooooohuuu...longest blog in history...hahaha.....yeah yeah yeah......now i going to fall asleep le...hahahhahahz..


<猪猪上> ^@^
12:12 PM

Sunday, May 15, 2005

I'M 16!!!

yup yup...y did i say tat?? becos yesterday a woman used her 2 suspicious eyes looking at mi from head to toes..from left to right when i gave her the "Kingdom of Heart" tickets...do i not look like 16???? =.=...

i shall now announce: from 15th may 2005....i am 16 yrs 5 mths 14 days 21 hrs 21 mins 12 sec old~~i am eligible 4 NC16!!! -.-....ahahahhahahz....i shall conquer the M18 in 1 yr 4 mths 14 days 2 hrs 39 mins 48 sec time....muahahahahah....-__-"""

aniway...S I A N Z Z AHHHHHHH....=.=...do tutorial the whole day...now dun feel like doing anything...haiz...but i am happy...^__^...cos i finally touch my tutorials during wkends!!!oh yeah....is this the starting of my new life?? will i be able to stay like this 4 long long time?? i dunnoe...maybe yes...maybe no...hope to...hope so...=P

lalalala...bleahxxx...booooo hoo hoo...poke poke...
ding dong....muahahaha...buahahaha...hehehe..hei hei hei...kekeke...hohoho...awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.......sian la~~~~ >.<....

sian sian 的流星雨。。

<猪猪上> ^@^
9:32 PM

Saturday, May 14, 2005


phew.....had a big filing n clean up session just now.....ahahhahha......feeling good~~~ so clean n look good....^@^...... shall have a good day today!!

hmmm....thurs n fri was quite a bad day....everything oso suay suay de......

i hate this day!!!!! a bad bad day....phy tutorial kanna sabotage by my friends....tat tutor( dun like him!!) wan a gal to go do a qn....then my stupid friend called my name....n so i 中 lor...the worst thing is...I DIDNT DO MY TUTORIAL!!! wa lao.....then i so stupid la....said "I DIDNT DO MY TUTORIAL" so loudly tat the tutor heard it....=.=...then i looked at my note lor...n my the other kind friend lent her tutorial to mi...but then i couldnt bring it to the front cos tat tutor noe i didnt do wat.....then tat tutor ta ma de....go expose mi....he said," dun bother to look under the table la...ur friend lend u her tutorial right.."...@#$@$...go n die la...made mi so malu.... i hate him sia....this shortie....shortie shortie SHORTIE....if not see he's old...i shall knock his head...since i much taller than him...SMALL LITTLE OLD MAN....

then the phy test sux la.....fail liao lor...all my ans TOTALLY DIFFERENT from my friend de...is either she 死 or mi 亡 lor.....- 。-......

the oni best thing on thurs is the chem spa....woooohuuuuuuuu.....i finally can do the calculation....shl be able to get lv 7 or 8 ba....^__^........oh ya...n i wore the ugly glasses cos i dun wan to wear goggles....omg...i look sooooooooo yeeeee.......I SHALL NOT WEAR TAT GLASSES AGAIN....unless got spa...=.=........dunnoe if my chem tutor finds mi weird or not....like nv wear glasses one...then suddenly wear it....hahaz....

then the phy make up lect....super sian la...tat tutor omg....tell cold joke....not funny.....

n ya....i 4got got another suay thing.....last wk i realised tat I HAD NO CCA!!!! wa lao....i got register leh....then the result like tat....#@$#@$.......then in the end i go join chinese calligraphy...dun wan to join anime club animore...so bo liao de...go there watch anime....so meaningless...n the ppl there sux...cold blooded one.....join calligraphy at least can like one skill...n it's so traditional...wooohuuu...i like it.... but then can oni hold the brush nx term!!!! -__-....cos now they r preparing the exhibition...DUN HAVE MY WORK!!!! T_T.....hahaz

lalalala....n mingrui came to my house tat day.....=P.....

fri the 13th....not a good day.....morning the stupid run made mi sweat like siao.....n muscle pain...>.<.....then maths lect cancelled cos tat lecturer veri veri angry....becos we r supposed to go to matrix n dl the function chpt n read it...but then alot of ppl nv even go dl....so she asked some classes to stay....my class kanna lor...but then some pple of the classes can go becos they got dl the thing....so mi n puay ming can leave lor....but then siao de lor...i oni dl it to see wat thing thing is tat...i didnt even read it....hahahah...she 被骗了....lolx....

after tat was frustrating....cos we got gp presentation but we haven print out the slides.....then the stupid printer 和我们做对....we wan to pring the slides like a few slides in one page but tat stupid printer go print one slide on each paper....-__-...then going to start pw but haven print....then the gals started to become frustrated....fong chi even 发火....0.0....realli black face....but in the end turned out ok la....we came back in time....so tat pw cher didnt scold us...^__^........then next is my pw leader 发火....n i think is becos he had an arguement wit his friend over the laptop or st like tat....then his face black black....then tat china guy so 烦 one...kept asking him if their slides can last 10 mins....no wonder my leader 不耐烦....

then gp...=.=......we r the last to present...mi heng heng oni 1 slide.....but then i still scare scare....my hand shivered abit...O.O....but better than last time le la....last time even worst...my hand shaked like siao...n my legs oso...can see tat my whole body 发抖...hahaz....n oso when tok like 结巴 like tat....now i speak more fluently....oh yeah...=P

after tat got maths tutorial make up....sian one la...almost fall asleep...hahaz....then tat siew hui veri cute leh...she slept throughout the make up...then when my tutor said some ppl is sleeping...then she suddenly become 清醒 n write down the things on the board....lolx...so cute....hahaz....

then got phy prac make up....awwwwwwwww......my tat prac cher is not teaching our class le...T_T.....nx wk will be the last wk....soooooooooo sad.....he soooooooooo gd.....n sometime cute....>.<....

after tat was waiting n waiting n waiting 4 chem make up.....i find myself realli realli stupid......tat make up is going through chem tutorial bk...but then i didnt bring lor.....then i waited 2 hrs++ to go there n stone....dun have the tutorial bk i see wat....tat lecturer oni put the ans...no qn... -___-"""..... 气死我了...waste my time...n my friends li hai lor....nv come....=.=......i shl have gone home.....diao....the ans i can dl from matrix lor..... arggggg......

but....^____^.....the worst is over...it's WKEND!!!!!.....oh yeah....

n COUNTDOWN COUNTDOWN....3 MORE WKS TO THE END OF MY HELL LIFE!!!!!! OH YEAH.....i so happy i so glad....my make up lect will end in 3 wks time!!!.....wheeeeeeeeee.....then i can 重新做人....go home early early n study hard hard 4 my june common test....then i will do every tutorial ahead....then i dunneed to everyday rush doing my tutorials.......OH YEAH!!!!LOOKING 4WARD TO TAT WONDERFUL DAY~~~

okok....stop thinking of tat...i shl go do tutorials le ba....wasted the whole morning....>.<..........GO GO GO....OH YEAH.....i am energetic....i am smart...i am cool... -____-""""..........hahhahahhahahhahhazzzzzz......

希望 3 个星期赶快过去!!

<猪猪上> ^@^
12:25 AM

Sunday, May 08, 2005


偶伟大的哥哥.... is simply a....bastard....he is a "MAN" who has pms...he is a "MAN" who is damn unreasonable...he is a "MAN" who is petty over super tiny little thing...he is a "MAN" who is a
......S I S S Y......he is oni a MAN when he dun wash his plates...when he dun keep his clothes...when he dun clear up his stuffs....when sit there n do nt....when he needs someone to serve him...when he acts as 大少爷...when he is so 大男人...yup...tat's my 偶伟大的哥哥.....

i noe i am pot calling kettle black(oni 4 the plates n not clearing stuff ya..)...yep... sometime i wondered y i am born so alike wit him... n i hate being so similar to him....cos i feel shameful to be similar to him...cos it's disgusting to be similar to him....cos it's a totally...disgrace...=.=.....

i had composed a rap delicated to my 偶伟大的哥哥.......

my bro is a bastard...becos he is simply a bastard....i can oni call him a bastard....cos i could oni think of the wd bastard....therefore i call him a bastard...he realli is a bastard...cos he deserves to be a bastard...n no one deserves to be called a bastard becos there is a truly bastard in my house...a bastard tat did all the things tat a bastard can do....a bastard tat even God from the heaven n the ghosts from the hell wanted to call him a bastard....oh yeah....my bro is a bastard...a sissy petty bastard... a bastard tat has mood swing....a bastard tat has pms...a super damn bloodly idiotic childish inmature freaky gu niang bastard....oh yeah...tat's 偶伟大的哥哥......

ohh...i am so touched to have this 伟大的哥哥....so touched tat i wan to hug him..(n stab him)...so touched tat i wan cook him st...(n inside is poison)....so touched tat i wan to help him keep his clothes...( n inside the clothes r tons of sharp needles)....

think i shl go 峨嵋山 n clear my evil thought.... i shall ask God to 4give mi 4 calling tat bastard a bastard.... n plead God not to let mi n tat bastard be bro n sis again...

4 further details...look at my sis's blog...her blog will give the full details of tat bastard... on my view...i can oni say...偶是冤枉的...ya...tat's it....i got scolded by tat bloodly bastard 4 nt...IT'S NOT MY FAULT!!!....

~The End~


<猪猪上> ^@^
6:16 PM



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