
Friday, June 24, 2005

FeLicIa Chin???

can u believe tat i added mediacorp actress felicia chin aka bao bei aka 美人鱼 in my msn!!?? O.O............LOLX.....

just being curious after seeing joyce's blog...so...copy...paste...ADD... lolx.....

hmmmm...i can assure u tat this is 90% real...given the fact tat there are some 没有公开过的 photos in her friendster....n oso the fact tat she immediately accept mi in msn at around 3 pm which joyce said she will be online at this time...

but then i dun think i will add her in friendster...lolx...dun wan to make her friendster 2nd acc full again.....lolx...

n guess wat...in her friendster...got a pic of her n ZHANG YAO DONG!!!! >.<........hahahaz.....oso got jamie yeo.....

hmmmmm...n anione after seeing this blog dun bother to ask mi how's the chat wit her in msn...cos...SHE PUT BUSY~~ a big celebrity... lol...i oso dunnoe wat to tok to her....

"FELICIA...I LUV UR SHOW ALOT!!!" ?????? 0.O

so joyce...go add her in msn ba...不妨试一试......

okok..help felicia chin 打广告....Felicia's 粉丝...看清楚...增大你的眼睛!!

blog: http://www.myworldfelicia.blogspot.com/
friendster: foonling_chin@mediacorp.com
show ur support @ :http://celebrities-interact.blogdrive.com/

<猪猪上> ^@^
3:33 PM

Thursday, June 23, 2005

3 in 1 BloG

woo...early morning writting blog...cos i scare i will 4get the bad dream i have just now....

The DrEaM:
just now i dreamt of mi changing a new class in tjc after june holiday...it may seems nth...but then to mi..it's the worst dream ever...imagine urself areadi adapted to a thing n suddenly u have to change...-@-..... let mi give my example...

1) firstly posted to nyjc....got to try to be close to my og
2) then...when close to my og, we were separated into CT...gotten adapt again...
3) finally close to my CT...i am posted to tjc
4) in tjc finally got a grp of close friends in cg , now 1 is gone to NIE...the others separated into scg..
5) n imagine if i gotten change scg again after june...I WILL KILL MYSELF!!

i hate the feeling of forced to move away from the place u'r always comfortable in... n in my dream...i was like gotten start again knowing new friends...n i even dreamt of getting late 4 sch after lunch n missed one lesson...-@-..... i'm not able to describe the feeling la...just dun feel gd...0.o.....maybe i think too much...hahaz...it's just a dream....=P


~ChEmCIaL BoNdInG!!~
Posted by Hello

tadaa...chem ppl shl noe wat is this pic...CHEMICAL BONDING!!! yesterday studied this chpt until i got veri bo liao n took this pic....btw...chemical bonding SUX!!! -__-.....but 我会了解它,摸清它的底细,和它做好朋友...lolx..sounds familar?? quoted from 〈 小孩不笨 〉

actually after like realli looking through the notes....i realised i haven been realli looking through the notes last time...tat's y i failed my test...-@-.... i missed out mani impt points... -____-.... but nvm...i will get A for my chem!!!!....................................................LIKE REAL!! lolx...


Posted by Hello

lalala...PIGGY PIGGY PIGGY!!!! ^@^........ gotten this pic from a library bk i borrowed last wk...this pig here is 麦唛 ...a veri innocent pig....see the way he smiles n u will noe... =P awwwwwww..kawaii

Posted by Hello

Posted by Hello

tat's his mother...a veri nice mother who will do anithing so as not to 让麦唛失望...

Posted by Hello

this is the funniest part so far...小鸡也可以飞!!??lolx...wth...realli is a children's bk...误导小朋友.......haha.....but the bk is just soooooooo sweet....hahahaz......

oh ya...yesterday nite was oso damn funny...i wanted to change my msn nick...then i was watching 绝对 superstar....so i put tat....then my sis said,"放我是绝对superpig"...lolx...gd idea...so i put it...then still got the part where can put additional wds....i oso changed it...i wanted to quote the wds said by 有福...so i put 我会成功!我会造福猪群!我是小猪!!...muahahaha...tat 造福猪群 was changed by my sis...so funny...n i couldnt think of wat to change 4 我是有福...so i just put 我是小猪...lalalala...^@^

so this is the result>>>>
@LinG@ 《十六岁小猪》《我是绝对 SUPER PIG~~ ^@^ 》-我会成功!我会造福猪群!我是小猪!!



<猪猪上> ^@^
10:42 AM

Sunday, June 19, 2005


yesterday was totally a suay day...actually dun wan to go bbq de...thought of mani excuses wit my sis.....but then in the end...out of guilt( our classmates had to pay the pit)..i went lor...but i was super late....

by the time i reached pasir ris interchange...i was areadi 1 hr 30 mins late...then...i thought i was so lucky tat bus 403 came immediately after i reached the interchange...BUT... i alighted at the wrong bus stop....-____-

this was not the worst wor....the worst thing was i walked around a super big fish pond for 40 mins...n i didnt see a single pit... so silly of mi... so by the time i walked until no where...i was 2 hr 10 mins late...

then i called my classmate...n i realised tat i was realli at the wrong place.....while i was toking to my friend abt not seeing ani chalet...a kind lady told mi the direction to the chalet...so good...but then...i walked n walked n walked...in the end...back to pasir ris interchange... -_______-"""" ...walked so long until my toes 生水泡 cos wearing slipper...>.<

~waiting at the interchange~
Posted by Hello

so waited for 403 again lor....see the pic above...when i went out..the sky was still bright bright de...but by the time i was back to the interchange...the sky was totally dark....>.<

then realli pai seh la...5 ppl waited 4 mi at the bus stop....so malu...

when i reached liao...they were like "wahh...meiling u finally come liao".....-__-.....

then a gal liyun still said i so 大牌...so late then come..still got 5 ppl wait 4 mi... 0.-....as if i wan...i am not like slack slack slack until so late then go...is i'm totally 迷路 wat....say mi until like tat...she last time always like tat one la..so straightforward..just say wat she wan without thinking abt wat other will think...-.-

after tat reached the pit liao totally sian diao....oni 15 ppl like tat n my form teacher went 4 the bbq... n all i not veri close to them one...so i stone there eat mi fen...

then saw liyun n 2 gals walked to the beach...i nth to do...so i follow lor...who noe i walked there liao they walked back...then liyun said,"你是跟我们过来的 huh?"...-__-""......wa lao...不爽 her liao la...said mi until like i 跟屁虫 like tat...so i wan to save face...said no lor...

then i just stone at the beach...smsing...wanted to take pic...but sooooooo late until the pic couldnt see a thing....

~ the store~
Posted by Hello

the above pic taken at a store nearby...yup yup...i followed the 3 gals again...-___-......not i wan de...just tat i was toking to one gal abt James...my cg guy....tat gal oso noe him ma in first 3 mths at mjc...so bo bian...followed them...

after tat went back to the pit again...then sat at the seat n nv stand up again 4 the next 2 hrs ++...0.o......

then a few gals n few guys n mi sat around teacher n tok lor.....

~ see...so dark...oni see the light..~ Posted by Hello

then my class tat luppy ah...think he realli drunk or wat...kept toking rubbish...lolx...n saw his true colour...haha....原来他是个...变态!!lol...actually not realli like...just tat he n some guys sometime will tok abit *ahem* things la...but not realli tat bad...

lol...then got one guy delwyn said y i so quiet...so different from the one in msn...hahha..YAYA..i got SPLIT PERSONALITY!!!BEWARE BEWARE...0.0...

then i wan to ask..do i have a TJCIAN FACE!!??lol...y my teacher n some friends said i have the tjcian face??....hmmm...wat is a tjcian face?? i shall go compare wit some other jc someday...lolx...

yeah...here come the fun part.....our class guys created a new scandal...lolx...they realli aiyoyo...used keru's hp to send luv "letter" secretly to a guy(kenny) who didnt come....

n then luppy asked mi u noe how to use this hp...actually he wanted to show mi the luv letter...but dun wan to let keru noe...n i was like huh huh huh all the way n kept shaking my head...then he was like 0.o??...lolx...then he finally asked mi,"see finish the sms ma?"...then i still blur blur said finish liao lor...then it took mi 10 mins to realise the whole scandal...

then after tat keru realised wat they had done n was like running around going crazy...muahaha....n then continued to send alot of 肉麻 smses....

eg. 1) y u nv come??i miss u leh...
2) actually i like u since sec 3..but didnt tell u...0.o
3) u wan to go out...( muahaha)

n u noe wat...kenny actually replied---"still got who go?? if oni 2 of us..we go watch movie k?"
lolx...but after tat i blurred le...cos keru suddenly said,"aaa...y i got 2 kenny in my hp??"then we realised tat luppy actually add his hp no. into keru's hp n put as the name of tat guy...so tat means some smses were sent by him n some were not..so i oso dunnoe which was true...which was false...-__-........

after tat went back...took bus wit keru quan chin luppy n 2 guys...then they were discussing how they go home...i said i took bus from interchange lor..then keru was like "wat!!!"........cos tat means nobody pei her take mrt ma...she lived near bedok interchange n thought i will take mrt to bedok...then the 3 guys oso not taking mrt...........then she gone bonker...kept saying reali ar realli ar REALLI AR....-__-"".......

then reached interchange liao...she at first followed mi to take bus lor...then she saw the 3 guys walking towards the mrt station...n she like"0.0 wei...你们骗我.."......then luppy they all said they going toliet la.......they she followed mi again...N THEN...the guys said 骗她的la...wth...so she followed them again...wa lao...把我当什么...-__-.........fine lor...i prefer sitting on bus alone...

yup yup...tat's all 4 yesterday...n i wasted the whole day AGAIN...1 more wk left...ahhhhh.....no use..i will still slack..=P


<猪猪上> ^@^
12:47 AM

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


歌手:王力宏 专辑:心中的日月





















forever love forever love




















i love you ~~



forever love

forever love

forever love

<猪猪上> ^@^
10:35 PM

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Can anione tell mi wat am i going to do!!!???

I need to do these within 2 wks:

1) 3 vectors tutorial
2) function tutorial
3) induction tutorial
4) AP/GP tutorial
5) summation tutorial
6) 6 differentiation tutorial
7) 2 trigo tutorial
8) transformation tutorial
9) 3 chem tutorial
10) 6 phy tutorial
11) study 3 chem topic
12) study 3 phy topic
13) study 3 maths topic

Total no. of tutorial: 21!!!!!
Days left: 13
average tutorial per day: 2
time spend on 1 tutorial: left a day....-__-

ahhhhhh......tell mi wat to do!!!!??? i going to die soon....HELP HELP HELP!!!!

私は! それをもう取ることができない!! T_T

can anione kindly help mi plan a timetable!!???


<猪猪上> ^@^
4:01 PM

Monday, June 13, 2005

FrIEndz DaY...

Today is friendzz day....haha...went out wit joyce...my best friend cum best pipa partner in sec....=P....long time no seeee...hahahaz.....n the 见面礼 she gave mi was....late for 20 mins...
-____-""".........waited at the mrt wait until my legs 酸....lolx...then she called mi...n told mi...she will be LATE FOR VERI LOOOONG TIME...ehhhh...1 hr sia....厉害....her reason 4 being late was....she yesterday did work until veri veri late...then....overslept...0.o....hahahaz....but shuan le lor... got a free drink in return...hei hei hei...

then during the 1 hr....went to library lor....read bk...n borrowed the bk....then she finally came after 1 hr....went into the library again..-__-.....n she borrowed a bk too using my card....(joyce...U BETTER RETURN HOR!!muahahaha...)....

then went to eat....

then went to challenger...she wanted to buy microsoft cd...WOOT...$250++!!! (joycecc...u veri 有钱 wor...lolx...)...n i couldnt imagine she actually brought $300 CASH!! wth....0.o

after tat went to TM cinema...hmmm....not mani show....so went to century square cinema....more show than TM de....then dunnoe wat to watch...see here see there in the end decided to watch....GHOST MOVIE!!!0.0.....first time watch in cinema...hahahaz...then hahaha...dunnoe how to pronounce the movie name...so push joyce to buy the ticket...=P...

then still got 30 mins ++.....so went around lor....then...HMM....went into a accessories shop...n there was a woman kept following behind mi n joyce....n i am like thinking.."WTH R U FOLLOWING MI!!??WORRY WE WERE STEAL UR THING IZZIT!!??CAN U STOP FOLLOWING US LIKE A DOG!!??"....

then i cannot stand it...i looked at her...n she looked at us n asked," ehh...刚才你们拿那个 rubber band 好像没有放回去..."..-___-"".....so we said," oh...放回去了。。"...but then she looked at her like dun believe like tat...so we took our bag 4ward abit n we said," 不相信我们可以让你 check..."....then she like thinking we so 爽快 give her check..plus our innocent look...muahaha...so she apologised lor...said this is her job....hmm..quite true la...cannot blame her...maybe next time i shl make my movement 夸张一点....to show tat i have put back the things....LOLx...

after tat it's abt time...so went to buy pop corn n drink....then after we let the auntie tore our ticket....an uncle realli super...he like got sixth sense or watever...he pointed to us where cinema 4 was when he didnt even noe wat show we watching....0.0....佩服佩服....

then yup...watched a movie call premonition....i shall write a review of this movie...

hmmm..this is a jap ghost movie...actually not realli a ghost movie..cos there isnt ani ghost..lolx...n it's more of touching at the end than scary...oni a few scene quite scary becos of the stupid loud sound effect....haha...

okok...tok abt the story...

it began wit a happy family going somewhere...then they were driving the car...then the husband wanted to send st to his colleague...so he asked his wife to u-turn.....

then while he was using his laptop to send st...(the weird thing is....y he is in a public phone boot to send st?? hmmm...jap so high tech??can use internet in public phone boot?? hahah..i dunnoe)...but ok..tat's not the main pt...it was nite by then...n his wife n his daughter was in the car....then while he was waiting 4 the transferring of the doc to complete...he saw a super old newspaper....then he veri 好奇 go take a look...n he was shocked becos he saw an article wit his daughter pic...n it said tat his daughter died in a car accident at 8.00 pm...n then he looked at his watch...it's 1 min b4 8...n he was like look back at his wife n daughter...mouth open big big..couldnt believe it....

in the mean time...his daughter told her mother she could not open the seat belt...n her mother tried to open but couldnt...so she told her daughter she go call her father to help...then the mother walked out of the car to her husband....

then the mother saw her husband like in shock n asked him wat happen....then at this time....BANG!!...a truck crashed into the car....n then exploded....it was exactly 8.00 pm...(eekk...the sound was damn loud...n i was like "ahh"...but not so loud la...lolx...first time in my life i made sound in the public when i am scare..0.o....hahahaz....but then when the daughter called PAPA...i was like awww...so sad..the gal sure veri scare when she saw the car on fire...n then her papa haven yet to save her...she kanna explode liao...haiz..)...

then after tat...the husband like gone bonker n kept asking ppl got see a newspaper or not .....

then after this incident....they divorced..becos the wife dun believe wat her husband said abt the weird newspaper....but then the wife kept researching abt the newspaper thing cos she want to believe wat her husband said...n the husband who is a lecturer hate newspaper veri much...n so they lead their own life...

then there was a murder case going on...a murderer killed 4 ppl using a knife...then one day the husband while marking test paper saw a student wrote " the 5th pple was killed by the series killer"...... then he go find the student...n the student told him st abt the newspaper...she knew he had seen the weird newspaper b4 just like she did....

then the other day at nite....a newspaper flew n "paste" on the window of the husband's house......n is the weird newspaper again lor....this time it shows tat his tat student will be the 5th ppl to get killed....so he ran to his student's house n then..."ahhhh"....he heard a scream n ran to tat place n saw his students got killed.....0.0.....

then on the other hand...the wife interviewed a woman who has the ability to think of a thing n took pic of it without being there la....then the wife asked if she could take a pic of the weird newspaper...but the woman refused cos it's veri dangerous...n she asked the wife to stop researching on this weird newspaper....but she didnt give up la...

then one day...the wife received a call....there was the woman sound saying wat now she cannot escape....then the wife went to the woman's house to look 4 her...but she saw nobody...then she saw mani bks n she took out one...to her surprise...it was a bk on the various pic of the weird pics written by a guy...n below the pics wrote the accident tat had happened...

ok...in case u all r confused abt this weird newspaper...this newspaper actually is like can predict wat accident will happen b4hand....then watever the newspaper wrote...the accident will realli happen....eg. the newspaper show there will be a car crash n 3 ppl died at 8.00...then at 8.00pm...the car realli got crash lor...st like tat...

ok...continue...then she saw a staircases...so she walked up...n then she saw the woman died...n the woman was holding st tightly...then the wife took the pic from her hand...it was a pic of the weird newspaper...it shows that her ex-husband will died....

(hmm..sorry ar...abit messy..cos the movie kept jumping showing wat the husband did..then wat the wife did....so abit 乱...=P)

ok...on the other hand....the husband dreamed of his daughter calling him outside the house door...then when he opened the door in excitement...he saw his daughter completely burnt...(yee...abit 恶心...but i didnt realli see it..hahax...covered my eyes...=P)

after she saw the pic..she called her ex-husband n wanted to tell him tat she believe wat he said 3 yrs ago(the yr when their daughter died).....but then the husband haven hear it then hung up the phone....

the husband was teaching a super 不听话的 students...then he was writting the lesson on the board...then suddenly he wrote st wit much force.......n the super 不听话的 students suddenly all looked at the board...then the husband turned n looked at them...then he looked at wat he wrote..he actually wrote tat a some soil erosion or st accident will happen at 8.00 n 8 ppl will die lor...then he oso abit shock...then while he was going home...he saw a tv news saying tat the accident happened...then he 0.0...couldnt believe lor...n then got a guy stand beside him n said," this is 不可思议"...n the husband say ya...then the man continued to say..." 不可思议 tat wat the husband wrote on the board will come true.."...then the husband like stunned by the man's wds n quickly walked home....

yup...then one day the husband go find the wife...then the wife told him abt the the guy who wrote the books on the pics...then they went to the guy's house...then when they went into one room...they saw tonnes of old n burnt newspaper...n they were veri shock la...

(btw...this guy always got the weird newspaper n he would always go tell the one who the newspaper says they r going to die to dun go to the place where the accident will take place...n thus he saved alot of ppl from dying...but the consequence is...he will get some marks on his body..n he will grow veri old in a short period of time...) ...

then the husband found 32 tapes...so her watched...n when watched the last tapes...the man became super super like ghost like tat...then they went to the other room n found the decay of tat man...yeeee....

after tat they went to a mental hospital to visit a dead mental prob man's cell(more like a jail...cos the door r locked)...( this part i abit blur...dunnoe how they get the info of the guy...)...then the doc there show them the pics of tat guy b4 n after...wah...he realli changed alot...a 13 yrs old boy looked like a 70 yrs old man after like a few mths...n then this boy can like predict wat will happen...like the newspaper...n he will wrote down on a bk...then when the bk has no more page...he will write it on the wall..then when the doc confiscate his pencil...he will carve on the wall...then at the veri end...tat boy died when he bite his tongue n use his blood to write on the floor...总而言之...he die die oso must write abt every accident la...

then later the husband started to write alot of accident tat will happen....n they realised tat the husband have the same ability like the man who wrote the bks n the 13 yrs old boy...n he has oni 2 fate...1 is like the boy...continue writting n he will turn old like him eventually...2 is tat he will be like the writter...if he go help those "victim"...he will suffer...

then the husband n wife recouncile...n they stay together....then one day again...lolx...the the husband stay at home to read through his wife's research...while the wife went to work...but then the car cannot start...so she decided to take the train...n she left her phone in the car( always like tat de...-___-"")...then the husband at home suddenly saw the newspaper on the table...(this part abit 吓到 cos the sound realli too loud la..)..then the newspaper said tat a train accident happen at 5.30 pm n the dead ppl name list got his wife name...so he got realli frighten n called his wife...but u noe la...she left her hp in the car..it's 5 pm then...so he rushed to the train station hoping to save his wife...yup...he managed to pull his wife out of the train but then...his wife's friend still in the train...they called the friend to come out..but then the door close liao...then in the end the friend died lor...n her face was totally torn off...yuck...(but they didnt show the face la..hahaz...)....

then got one nite...the husband suddenly hear alot of sound...n he decided to open the door..but his wife ask him dun open...but he still choose to open...

now this is the funniest part n oso the scarier part cos u dunnoe wat will happen...

then when he open...ZOOM...he went back to the past outside his wife house...tat was the time when his wife refused to believe abt the newspaper...then his wife slamp the door lor...then he walked to the corridor...he saw a woman from far..it's his wife..but when the wife turn to face him..her face WA LAO...super scary...got like disfigured like tat..but again...i covered my eyes..muahahaha...

then suddenly...ZOOM again...he suddenly in another place..he changed alot of places la..cant remember the sequence.....the crucial one is the last few places...he was brought back to the place where his daughter kanna bang by the truck...but of course when he was brought back there the accident haven happen...then he 发呆 a few mins..then suddenly 清醒...n this time he ran to the car n pull his wife out of the car n asked her to stand aside while he try veri hard to pull the seat belt n save his daughter...he managed to carry his daughter out of the car...but then the truck came again..n his wife kanna hit cos she walked towards the car...-___-"".......(the ppl in the cinema was like AHHHH...cos this was unexpected...thought will hit the car de ma...who the hell noe it bang the wife...)

then suddenly the husband was brought back to the time b4 the family went out...then the husband cried like crazy when he saw his lively daughter again...then while they drove again...this time the husband saw a newsapaper flying again...so he asked his wife to drive faster..but then the newspaper continue to fly n then nearer nearer n PIANG...the newspaper "paste" onto the car window...n this time it shows a big big pic of the whole family...n then...the husband look in front..n AHHHHH...BANG**...the car got crashed...

(wa lao...this was realli scary la..realli veri loud the sound...then all the ppl in the cinema thought st bad will happen after tat...but then tat husband was suddenly brought back to the place where his daughter kanna hit again..-___-""...n all the ppl laughed like crazy...maybe laugh at our reaction...lolx...mi n joyce oso laugh...joyce laugh like HAHAHAHA....cos she was realli veri 紧张 then it turn out like tat...lolx..)

then ok...tat husband is back again...but this time he finally understand st...he pulled his wife out of car again n asked her to stay there n dun move...then he go save his daughter...then the truck came...n he hold his daughter n BANG...the car got hit...then the wife went to save them...but the husband ask her to carry the daughter away n run cos his leg was stuck...the wife dun wan lor...but then the husband kept asking her to leave...then she bo bian...run far far away...

n this is the most touching part....the husband said," i finally did it"....n he lied down n tear flow down his face..n then...BOOM....the car exploded...awwwww.....wat a great husband n father...he sacrificed himself to save his wife n daughter......sooo sad la...such an ending...haiz..

so my comment: this movie realli is not veri scary...n it's touching in some sense...n got good sound effect...can shock u...hahaz...a good movie i shl say...so...GO WATCH!!=P

n hor...tell u all st..dunnoe is i see wrongly or wat..during one scene in the movie..i seem to see a face at the lower right side of the screen...yeee...feel 毛毛 now...lolx...

yup yup...after finish watching the movie...we still left a large cup of ice lemon tea...n joyce was super full after eat 2/3 of the pop corn...so i must finish the remaining 2/3 or the drink..which is 21 1/3 oz of drink...ya...look at the size below...

~ The BIg Coke Cup~ Posted by Hello

see..super big la...then hmmm..went to another accessories shop...then i haven finish my drink ma...so i ask joyce can go in meh...then she say dun have the "no drinks allow" sign..so shl be can ba...then this time...*ahem*...a woman said,"sorry...eXCUSE... no drinks allow.." -.-.....

then...TADAA...finish the 21 1/3 oz of ice lemon tea...YEAH...-__-""

~ The place we took photo~
Posted by Hello

then joyce wanted to take some photo...but then...ehhh...in the public wit ppl walking around n we take photo??siao...pai seh leh...so i walk walk walk to choose the most secret place...hahaha...then...yup...chose a place...see the above pic...lolx...

Posted by Hello

tadaa...tat joyce..hahaha..a cute sweet gal...=P

~joyce n mi~ Posted by Hello

ehhh...y my smile so fake???>.<...hahahaz...hmmmm...we took like mani mani photos..in the same pose...-.-...hahahhaz...just trying to get the best pic...but look like...not ani better...hahahhaz..

~opps...didnt have enough sleep...~ Posted by Hello

YEAH!!hahha...look abit sleepy sia...both of ur slept late last nite...lolx...n...ehhhh...y my fringe like tat de!!??argggg...hahahhaz


<猪猪上> ^@^
6:16 PM

Sunday, June 12, 2005

My RoOm...

yaya...i veri bo liao....sian diao...nt to do..no...is dun feel like doing anithing...so...let u all have a tour around my...room...-___-""....


~ my table~ Posted by Hello

tat's my table..full of rubbish...lolx...can see the 089 no. tag?? tat my no. during the cross country...n the green thing below is a pic drew by my pipa peer...the pipa family...=P....ohh..n the paper below the tag is the ex-05S9D class list...haha...n then below the class list is a calendar wit all the friends' birthday....lolx...easy to remember....

opps...did anione see the vitagen bottle??? muahahah...4get to put away when taking pics....lolx

~My bed~ Posted by Hello

tat's my bed...or shl say OUR bed....mi take the lower one my sis the upper one...

~ Our piano~ Posted by Hello

this is our piano...above realli got lots of rubbish...n hmm..the black black bag up there is my violin...think rusty le...lolx...

~My bookshelves~ Posted by Hello

tat's my bookshelves...full of...books duh...hahahax....all da tys la...sec bks la...all threw there...

~My tv~ Posted by Hello

yup yup...tat's a tv...can see wat show i watching?? 真情 lor....wat's else can i watch on sun at 5.30 pm....hahaz...

~My sis's table~ Posted by Hello

tat's my sis's table lor...nt much to say...MuaHAha...

~Tweety~ Posted by Hello

tadaa.....tweety...ehhhh...tat's mi la...hahahaz...super bo liao...my sis refused to let mi take the pic wit tat tweety head...so i took over the job...haha....this tweety has a nick call 二郎神...cos...can see on the pic...she got a third "eyes" on her head...muahaha...

~Doggie~ Posted by Hello

whee...tat's my doggie...my birthday present...soft n fatty...muahaha...nice to touch...=P

~My bro's room~ Posted by Hello

my bro's room...nt much to say oso...lolx...took shuang de....-___-....

~mi~ Posted by Hello

last but not least...TAT'S MI....lolx...look abit 凶....haha...dunnoe y....maybe see my father 不爽??



<猪猪上> ^@^
6:23 PM

Saturday, June 11, 2005

~PiG~ Posted by Hello

nt to do...put a pig photo to entertain u...hahahaz......

<猪猪上> ^@^
9:01 PM

Friday, June 10, 2005

HaPpY DaY...

Today veri happy...cos i made full use of today....studied from morning till evening....n i finally understand the vectors topic which i hate the most...=D....n...N...I GOING TO FINISH REVISING MY MATHS SOON!!!wheeeeee.....happy happy happy....^___^......

after finishing my maths...tml will finish revising my chem...then...sun will finish revising my phy...woooohuuuuuuuu....then i can use the remaining 2 wks to practise n finish up those 1st 3 mths tutorials...then...then....I CAN 重新做人 n be a real mugger after june common test...

my 目标 is to:
1) be able to do tutorial b4hand...like tat dunneed to 欠 tutorial n can be well prepared 4 every lesson....n oso...dun need everyday do tutorial...=P
2) since i dun need to everyday do tutorial...i hope to have time to revise wat was taught in da morning everyday...n oso have time to do tys
3) sat n sun totally tutorial free....can play like crazy without worrying abt tutorial tutorial n tutorial....XD
4) after being so well prepared...of course i hope to get 4As for my promo...=P
5) after being able to manage my time well n get gd results....i hope to resume learning pipa....dun wanna give up...>.<......

YEAH!!wat a beautiful 画面...lolx....hope realli can reach my goals....


<猪猪上> ^@^
6:40 PM

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


hmmm...another boring day....just now while looking at friendster...i saw this pic which xuan yun has uploaded....>.<.....nv give mi....hahahaz...

~at vjc~
Posted by Hello

ehhhh....i put this pic not to let u all see my face la...i noe my face abit *ahem*....hahaz...just to let u all see the vjc uni...wheee...maybe shall take photo wit my friends n i wearing tjc uni n compare...lolx...tjc vs vjc...请拭目以待....lolx...

aniway...yesterday...ermm..no...today morning 1.30 am while looking at autograph bk written by nas friends...suddenly remember last yr birthday my friend gave mi one chi bk which i didnt realli read it...so decided to look at it again...hmmmm...suddenly find tat it's actually quite meaningful...lolx... here r some phrase quoted from 《照相本子》 by 几米

[童年生活也许多彩多姿 ,只是我忘记的比记住的多。] 〈 超现实〉

但我很久以后才知道 ,
幸好它是从一个美丽的海滩开始。] 〈 无助 〉

[梦想抱着一只海豚 在清晨冰凉的海中游泳,
一圈又一圈 ,一圈又一圈,
一圈又一圈 , 一圈又一圈 ,
却只能在梦里实现。] 〈 梦想 〉

[昨夜凌晨三点零九分, 午后的凤凰树也全飘上了夜空玩耍,
漫天飞舞。 直到四点零五分时,
又安分地落回枝头。] 〈 数羊数星星 〉

[ 回忆像褪色的相片一般老去, 重新上了色, 却依然感觉旧。] 〈 美好的一天 〉

[我们必须快快快长大, 才能真正实现荒诞的梦想。] 〈 你到底要到哪里去?〉

[ 雨总是刚好落在寂寞的港道, 他依旧习惯先左走,
她依旧习惯先右走, 他们始终没有相逢.....

[ 冬天的树阴日渐稀疏, 路灯有一些感伤, 一些抱歉。
我对它说 :“没关系, 春天不远了。]

ahahha...still got alot...but type chi wds type until i siao...so end wit this...the best i think...=P


<猪猪上> ^@^
7:27 PM



Piggish Whisper


Meow Meow Ameoni
Pig sis

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