
Sunday, July 31, 2005

NDP Preview!!

yea...yesterday went to the ndp preview...^__^....

hmm...dun wan to put too mani photos..cos my sis put alot areadi...go there n see can le..hahahaz...oso becos haven national day yet..so dun wan to let u all see those pics first..but..ahem...someone areadi put it...=P

ok..hmmm...the funpack was woot...i am ninja turtle!!!! hahaz....carried the 乌龟壳...in green somemore...hahaz...i luv green!!!=P

just an advice...arranged ur funpack immediately so tat u noe wat to take out when u need it...=D

ok...everything was quite fun...n...this yr quite special...cos...the parachutists were DANCING!!!hahahaz...sooooooooo cute....n oso got the s'pore wave...ahem...can they find more ppl or not...so little ppl do wave..abit malu leh...hahahaz...

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yeah...i finally managed to take PLANES PIC!!!!...^o^

hmm...then the police force veriiiiiiiiiiiii 帅!!!!!! *O* cool n organised...i wan to be a police!!!hahaz...

then hmmmm...those tanks and car n watever veri spectacular...

all the performance oso veri nice...

shake shake the tambourine
beep beep the whistle
wave wave the flag
shine shine the nokia torchlight
then...BOOM...放 party boopers...

whee...veri beautiful...=D

now...special video 4 u all...the FIREWORK!!!! XD....

nice nice!!?!?!hahaz...

tat's all la...the parade ended...

hmmm...took some pic of the police guarding the area...^__^... 警察哥哥很 wor...hahahaz....got one little boi beri cute ah....go shake hand wit every 警察哥哥 n 警察姐姐....hahaha....

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shall end here wit one last phrase....I AM MADE IN SINGAPORE!!!!^___^

ps: 支持正版,支持新加坡猪!!!!!


<猪猪上> ^@^
11:37 AM

Friday, July 29, 2005

“猪猪" 恩仇录

okok...i am getting fed up of everything...let's start from morning...

a bad day to start...morning ran 2.4...n guess wat...i FAILED again...well well well...i got nt to say...but...u noe wat i was thinking while running the whole 2.4?? i was thinking of...DERRICK!!!muahahaha...n oso the song he sang b4 he got kicked out..hmm..tat's piano by fan yi cheng.... :D...

then the stupid idiot useless learning journey to the watever museum...-__- ......@#$#.... tjc always organise useless stuff... wth they want us to learn when they want us to SEARCH 4 ans n complete tat stupid qns...treat us like sec kids again...-_-...nobody realli take time to appreciate n learn abt the culture of peranakan...they were just rushing to copy ans n say BYE BYE in 30 mins... oni silly mi n my friends realli seriously searching 4 ans n appreciating their culture..n wat's the consequence of this....we took 1 HR++ to complete tat idiot qns...n by the time we finished...THE WHOLE TJCIAN WERE GONE!!!

Learning journey= copying journey...
wat we learn?? the skill of copying ans in min time...
wat's the effectiveness?? learn to write faster during exams...-.-

( i actually took some pics..but then....no mood= no pic...)

u noe...i feel like i'm in some ulu ulu part of Africa..cos i was starving n thristy after the learning journey..n TIRED!!!

oh ya...saw this on the way to mrt...
eng version: " come with me by urself and get some rest."
chi version: " 跟着我暗暗地歇一歇 " ( or st like tat)

wth...wat a lousy translation...i shall not say where i saw this...just wan to point out this ridiculous translation... realli cannot stand it...s'porean chi realli got a BIG prob...this is not the first time i saw st like this...last time the translation i saw was even worst...i shall take notice of it n show it to u all next time...

ok..guess wat..i just saw another funny translation..from 有话就说。。
eng version: put urself in his shoe
chi version: 把自己放在靴子里

。。。。。。。。。。。。nt to say...

but aniway...saw a jap guy in bus...woot...cute..lolx...

hmm..now...i going to scold someone...TAT IDIOT BEAR BEAR!!!! (4 ur info...bear bear= jason in superstar)...argg..he realli idiot la...last time kicked derrick..now kicked wei choong(ok..i am bias)...is he trying to become a fish n 混水摸鱼混到 final round!?!? wit his sissy style of "hey, come on"!?!? dotz...i dun wan Energy to become a SISSY!!!!

n yesterday the girls' round was realli a disappointment...the girls(except kelly) r OMG...super lan...haiz...

now...猪猪有云:金钱乃祸之来源....realli...money is the source of all trouble...reached home areadi veri frustrated...then..sis n pig mama nagging abt $$ issue...argg...真受不了...

y the world wan to produce $$??? sometime i realli dun understand...country A buy thing thing from country B n pay $$ to her...then country B oso wan to buy thing thing from country A.. in the the $$ tat country A gave to country B will be back to her again..wat's the pt!?!?

okok...piggy is being naive...but...猪猪有云: 知足常乐,才是快乐之根本( dunnoe grammer correct or not..if wrong..pls correct mi..)....tat's wat i believe..yea...so...dun bother abt $$ la...=P

now...going to continue nag again...y my piggy papa become a piggy auntie!?!?! y he like to nag..no..is repeat a thing soooooooooooo mani time!?!?!Y Y Y!!??

n....wat's wrong wit my nose!?!?! y everytime soooo itchy!?!?! argggg....rub(wit my tissue) until my nose going to drop...=/

last but not least.... 同心圆 is getting lamer n LAMER!!! -__-... realli cannot tahan liao.. mediacorp shl stop making LONG series...n stop using FOOD!!! wat nasi lemak la...fried fish la..now...FISHBALL!!! omg... wat's wrong wit them huh!?!? wat's next...dun tell mi is MEATBALL!!!!...lolx...if realli is...better dun use pork...or else....杀死你!! =P

okok...enough nagging...hahahaz...conclusion is...coke makes a pig happy...^@^...lolx...


<猪猪上> ^@^
6:53 PM

Saturday, July 23, 2005


YEAH!!!!!! today crazy piggy went to bishan junction 8 to support my superstar derrick!!!!!hahahaz...i siao le...ok...i shall began my whole journey 4 today...

morning went to junction 8...was still early...so went to mac to eat..n oso...shop la...hahaz...

then went to find the location 4 tat superstar 签唱会...then saw a paper on the door saying wat must have ticket de...then mi n sis abit @#$#@ la...then the paper oso say wat go long john silver to receive tickets..so went there lor...but find here find there oso cannot find...

then walked past a bag shop....n my sis said,"oei..got bag leh..."...then she look look look...n i shouted,"derrick 比较重要!!!"...LOLX...think i was realli crazy abt him...haha..influenced by my friend...=P

then finally found it...saw many ppl holding i 周刊...then we were like."wa pia...sure cannot get tickets lor...so mani ppl..."

but then..saw the crowd going through a staircase..then we followed..hahaz..n my sis was like scare later cannot go in..malu...but i 豁出去了...just 硬着头皮 follow them...n guess wat...we successfully "sneak" into the event ground...=P...lol...n we were like "WOW"...so lucky man..but after tat then realised tat the thing dunneed tickets de..hahahaz...happy 4 nt...but then...still realli veri lucky...we were like 20 rows away from the stage oni...n behind still got mani mani ppl...whee..lucky lucky...^___^

then adjust my camera position n the dist...veri veri happy..cos veri clear...

oh..n...got a "鬼" behind us...ok la..not ghost..just tat tat gal looks like a ghost n look like going to kill someone...

then wait n wait...4 like 1 hr!!! =.=...腿快断掉了...then continue waiting...listen to mani mani songs....finally saw...peifen....=.=

peifen..the DJ..
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then aiyoyo..she realli veri luo suo la...tok n tok n tok...不愧是 DJ...佩服佩服...n then...she went to drink water!!!!-___-

oh...in the middle the ppl all raised up their banner/board...watever...n ppl behind was veri veri 不爽...shouted at the ppl in front to 放下来!!! n got one st nicholas gal hor..wa pia...super fierce...shouted like crazy at those ppl...siao de...so 激动 4 wat...even her friends oso 吓到..0.O

continue waiting...
“我爱你。爱着你,就像老鼠爱大米...” (heard this song)
10 mins
still “我爱你。爱着你,就像老鼠爱大米...” (wa pia can dun play this song again or not...=.=)
30 mins
“我爱你。爱着你,就像老鼠爱大米!!!!...”(!!!!! 去死吧!!!!米你个头啦)
ok...*scream n shout*...peifen again...-_____-....n then...tok n tok n TOK again!!!qu si ba...lolx...n then...peifen:“我又要去喝水了...” (#@$@#$)
10 mins
“我爱你。爱着你,就像老鼠爱大米...” (wahhhhh...我要疯掉了!!不要再跟我老鼠爱大米了!!!)
30 mins
*让我们欢迎我们的女参赛者* (!!!! yeah yeah yeah...finally...)

gal superstar!!! Posted by Picasa

Awesome! Posted by Picasa

tat guy so tall..block kelly

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blocking again...-___-

wahh...they veri pretty leh...somemore wore white outfit...like angel...*envy*...haha..

*接下来...欢迎男参赛者!!* (SCREAM~~~~~~~mostly gals..ohh..u noe wat...3/4 of the ppl r DERRICK'S SUPPORTERS!!!!=P)

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awww....derrick realli realli veri cute...>.<...hahahz

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ohh..wei liang oso veri cute!!=P

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a poor gal kanna knocked by my cam on her head mani mani time...lolx...

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oh man...i thanx my mama n papa 4 making mi veri tall...tall enough to take photos in a crowd..

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just when i was engrossed in taking the photos...my sis told mi she saw leon at the side...then i turned my head n search 4 him...wheeeeee.....he realli there...n can see his face veri clearly..veri shuai leh...then wanted to take photo...just when i going to kacha...an idiot gal in front of mi bump into my cam!!!! wa lao...si gin na...areadi veri bu shuang her liao lor...while waiting she kept use her 屁股 to push mi...then now...害我CANNOT TAKE LEON'S PIC!!!! #@$#@$...realli idiot lor...after tat leon turned his head n dunnoe go where..cannot take le lor!!win liao lor...can nv see him again le...T____T...si gin na..跟她势不两立!!!!!!

the veri obviou guy in the middle of pic is derryl!!!
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nvm...at least caught derryl at the side oso!!! hahaz...can remember him??the shuai shuai guy who got kicked out in the first round...

him again..in blackPosted by Picasa

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then win liao lor...they just came to intro themselves...thank the supporters 4 supporting them...hope ppl can support them in semi final round..then...BYE BYE... -___-""...DIAO...y nv sing de!!?? wa lao...ask we all stand 4 two hrs just to see them 4 like 15 mins like tat oni...argg..

then after tat went out liao loh...legs super pain...cos wed did the six item...pain pain pain...then..fri ran 4 rounds!!!...veri pain veri pain veri pain!!!...stood 2 hrs!!!SUPER PAIN!!!

then went to the lift n find a corner n ... sat down in a veri ugly way...lolx...finally can sit down..=P...

then was complaining abt the leon's issue...argg..不甘心...can take his pic veri clearly de!!all tat idiot gal fault...argg

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ok...help voda voda to 宣传 abit...the bottle veri nice...they veri li hai...mineral water make it taste like normal water..=X opp...did i just spoilt their reputation...muahahaha

then guess where we went after tat?? tat bag shop la...hahaha

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ok...passed by this shop...my sis spotted it...ahem...see the pic n u shl noe y she mention it...ahem..

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....today 大收获...got my self a sling bag n a sch bag at $10 oni!!!!n 5 rubber band at $3!!!赚到了。。。

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n where we went after tat?? GO SEE TOYS LA!!!muahaha...pig!!!

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一粒头, 两粒头..whee...so mani turtles...cute leh...^____^

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now..THE PIGS WONDER!!!! 一粒猪头,两粒猪头...=P

hahaz..after tat saw a pasamalam...so...went to see...n...bought 3 wrapping paper at 30 cents oni!!!n 2 jissaw puzzle at $5 oni!! hahaz...=X...spent too much $$..die le...own my sis alot of $$...=X...shhhhh...=P

then went to tampines interchange...ate carrot cake...saw another idiot again...dare to cut queue...n tat arrogant look..wa lao..wan to 扁 her liao lor..ZZzz

then rush to ah mak's rc there...we were late...went there watch free movie..=P..watched son of the mask...hahaha..veri funny...the baby veri cute...

ohh..today saw mani cute kids leh...hahaha...aiyoyo...soooooooo kawaii...=P

okok...tat's it 4 today...this r my reflection 4 the day...

1) when u go 4 签唱会...TIE UR HAIR PLS!!! y i said tat..cos the poor gal who kanna knock by mi nv tie her hair!!kept brushing my hand..veri itchy leh...
2) dun ever wear high heel!!! u will die after waiting 2 hrs 4 ur idol...
3) dun raised ur banner!!!u will be killed by the ppl behind...
4) dun go to this kind of event if u r short(no insult)...cos u realli cannot see ur idol!!
5) train ur legs muscle 4 at least 2 mths b4 u attend such event..this is ESSENTIAL!!
6) u must learn this 独门绝招 b4 again..u attend such event...tat is...tip toe 绝技!!hahaz
7) the 必备equipment r: water bottle..tissue paper..n...DIGITAL CAM!!! dun use those LKK cam!!

okok..nt to write le...i can oni conclude...I AM CRAZY TODAY!!oh yeah...


<猪猪上> ^@^
1:11 PM

Sunday, July 17, 2005


I wan to kill the ppl around mi...they r just so irritating...杀!!!

I HATE ppl who r late 4 every meeting...esp those who live so near yet can be late 4 like 30 mins...

I HATE the person who stole angeline's bag...damn idiot...

I HATE ppl walking like snails...WOLS....cant they walk faster...=.=

I HATE ppl blocking my ways...idiot...

I HATE ppl who like 赶着去投胎 like tat...kept pushing n pushing ppl in front...go KK hospital n give birth la...push push push...argg...

I HATE couples tat behave 卿卿我我 in public places...kao...they think ppl no eyes ah...hug here hug there...kiss here kiss there...wa lao...they noe wat is 礼仪廉耻 or not...they wan kiss go private place kiss la...if my bf did this on public area...i sure bash him into 肉酱...

I HATE smart kids who r 没大没小...目中无人...

I HATE small kids who make a fuss on public area...wa lao...shut up ur idiot mouth la...shout here shout there...think parents realli spoilt their kids...how can allow them to behave like this...i sure whack them sia...

I HATE kiasu s'poreans....wa pia...every free thing they oso wan.....kiasu...

I HATE ppl who tok b4 they think...没经过大脑...n nv think abt other ppl's feeling...

I HATE those who scored well when they oni studied like the day b4 the exam...kao...老天没眼...

I HATE ppl who like so 大牌...take so long then reply my msg in msn...idiot...might as well dun online since so busy until no time to reply mi...

I HATE men 4 abusing their wife...treat them like shit...

I HATE terrorist 4 destructing the world.... go n die la...

I HATE xtreme christian(take note...is XTREME christian...not all christian..cannot say i am anti-christian hor..)...keep pulling ppl to join church...f*** them....i am FREE THINKER LA... i believe all Gods la...

I HATE ppl who make jesus like invincible god like tat..."i am the way, i am the truth, i am the bla bla bla"...wth...jesus is not so bhb la...when did jesus say tat...dun put wds into his mouth can or not...i believe jesus is veri 谦虚 de la...

I HATE my father nagging at mi at things tat i didnt do...

I HATE my father kept saying 迟早死掉...wa lao...can stop saying die die die or not...u still got 40 to 50 yrs b4 u can 升天 la...n i wont let u all die so early duh...

I HATE my mother being xtreme mood swing...更年期 sia...one moment can smile n laugh wit u...the next moment can use harsh wds to shoot at u...=.=

I HATE my mother 4 being bias sometime...重男轻女...treat my bro like 皇帝 like tat...

I HATE my mother repeating everything again n AGAIN...wa lao...as if i got short term memory like tat...

I HATE adults sometime...they oni noe how to compare results...exp b/w mi n my cousin...wa lao..i can always remember my auntie's face when she asked mi which jc i went during CHY...told her i went to nyjc n her face like ahem la...cos my cousin went to tjc..

I HATE my room...so small...

I HATE my room wall colour...I WAN TO PAINT IT GREEN!!

I HATE my hair...it sux...

I HATE my face...so mani pimples...argg...

I HATE the clothes i wear.....arggggggg...

I HATE my sch bag....all the argg...wat's tat call...the "拉链" r GONE!!...idiot...

I HATE my sling bag...got HOLES!!....

I HATE my sch uni...idiot...so 难看...

I HATE my pe shirt...wa pia...

I HATE pe!! cruel pe teacher shit them....折磨us...think we superman ah...run n run n run like 牛like tat..

I HATE phy!!! stupid laws all over....

I HATE pw!! useless thing...just a waste of time...

I HATE gp tutor!! real slacker....didnt teach a shit....oni noe how to 吃蛇...

I HATE TJC!!...it just sux...

I HATE myself...i think i am stupid...

I HATE myself 4 being unable to express myself...

I HATE myself 4 being bad in eng....arggg....cant even say eng properly...明明 practised wat i wan to say in my mind le...yet can 结巴 when i speak...shit mi...

I HATE myself 4 being sooooooooo thin...wear anithing oso like 竹竿 like tat...I WAN TO GROW FAT!!!

I HATE myself 4 being 乖乖 in front of others...yet in my heart i am scolding them...pui...

I HATE myself 4 being so pessimistic...n super inactive...

I HATE myself 4 having so mani friends..yet not a single one i can tok to...bleah

I HATE ppl thinking tat i can do watever they think i can...when actually i am useless...i cant do a single thing...

I HATE myself 4 being clumsy sometime...kept bumping into others...>.<

I HATE myself 4 being 乖乖 when i am sometime bad.....

I HATE myself 4 being so weak...run 1 1/2 round the track then cannot run liao...

I HATE myself 4 being like an elephant like tat...jump oso cannot jump...n land so heavily...

I HATE myself 4 having weak hands...can oni do ONE pull up...pathetic...

I HATE myself 4 having no talent....argg...

In conclusion...i hate myself..i hate the ppl around mi...i hate sch...i hate the life...i hate world...i hate everything...

aiya...but I LIKE PIG!!LOLX...i like my dream world...

ok...i'm writing rubbish....life isnt tat bad...lolx...

白痴的流星雨 XD 。。。

<猪猪上> ^@^
6:38 PM

Sunday, July 10, 2005


lolx..okok...not mi graduating...but my sis...

*~*~THe GrAdUaTiOn CeReMorY~*~*

woke up real early cos have to reach there by 9am...n my father was as usual...make a fuss 4 nt...

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the tunnel towards NUS....

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finally reached there after 30mins++ without mi knowing tat i was actually in NUS...cos it looks just like ani other places...hmm...NUS is realli big...

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the hostel NUS ppl live in....

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the shelther looked beautiful...

ok...happily taking photos when *BANG*... a taxi driver 4got to close his door n the door bang into a van...dotz...

realli an idiot...drove off n act nt happen...like my father said:“如果有人站在那里,早就被他撞死。”

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inside the dunnoe where...saw this cafe or watever...so high class...a hotdog cost $3! -___-""

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waiting patiently to get into the hall...

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finally lining up to go in...

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woot...finally starting...mani professors up there wearing weird costumes...n the veri front is NUS president i think...n in front of the president is a veri beautiful thing tat looks like the fire touch used in the 奥运会...=P..but is made of glass...i supposed...lolx..

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finally...miss bao bao's turn to receive the ermm..wat is it called? the thing thing la..u noe u noe..XD...but my phone cam veri weird hor...every photo i took was big big de...except this...i have to enlarge it..so it looks blur...-__-

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when everything finally ended...we were kanna "袭击" by NUS balloons!!lLOLX...XD...but the 场面 was realli nice la...sooooo mani balloons...whee...

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n u noe wat s'poreans will do wit these "enemies"...杀!!!n so...mani poor balloons kanna baboom by those ppl...=P...including my MOTHER!!duh...so 小孩子...=X

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tadaa...balloon 的下场...lolx..

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finally can leave the hall liao...hmmm..."Au Revoir"..wat it means ah??lolx...dun tell mi it means "not goodbye" =/

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ok...back to the same place....mani graduate....but no shuai ge...=X

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went to take photos...the above pic...our family photo......0.o...abit blur...ahaha..dot...ehhh...this was wat i concluded from the photo...

1) i realli got serious 黑眼圈 prob..
2) i think i shl go do 矫正手术...my jaw abit crooked
3) i shl do st to my hair...

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ok...this was wat i got from them...the book containing mani mani NAMES!!...ok...so i start searching 4 bao bao's name...

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hmmm....ENGINEERING! turn to page 105...

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page 105...


...then...my mother showed mi...

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dot dot dot...is bachelor of COMPUTING!!NOT ENGINEERING!!!-____-...

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TADAA!!finally found it...0.o

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my cousin(the first one)...in environmental engineering..=D

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AH BAO!!...refused to tell mi which fac she is in...>.<

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so...pls rise as i announce...i shall now ceritfy tat miss bao bao HAS GRADUATED!!

~*~* ThE eNd*~*~
*names r coloured in black to protect the ppl*


<猪猪上> ^@^
1:36 PM



Piggish Whisper


Meow Meow Ameoni
Pig sis

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