
Saturday, August 27, 2005


thought of st today while seeing a 广告...it's the 哎哟我的妈呀 or st like this...

one said 女儿如拨出去的水...then the other said 女儿如从一杯水倒到另外一杯水...n the next one said 水是珍贵的...lol...quite interesting...quite true...

i feel that women r realli like water... n there r many types of water oso...let mi analyse..hahahaz..

(ps: the whole thing will be in chi...hohoho..dun become like this @_@)


汽水: 热爱户外活动,喜欢刺激的女孩

绿茶: 清秀的女孩
红茶: 活波开朗的女孩
中国茶: 传统的女孩
柠檬茶: 羞涩的女孩
肉骨茶: 有内涵的女孩

芝麻糊: 外表平平,深藏不漏的女孩

豆奶: 可爱甜甜的女孩

香槟: 高贵典雅的女孩
红酒: 成熟,有魅力的女孩
白酒: 大方,有气质的女孩

啤酒: 一句话,辣妹一个
鸡尾酒: 妩媚动人,开放的女孩

果汁: 可爱,孩子气的女孩
甘蔗水: 吃苦耐劳的女孩

麻辣汤: 脾气暴躁的女孩
自煮的汤: 乖乖的女孩
加味精的汤: 外表好看,没有内涵的女孩

温泉里的水: 热情奔放的女孩
两极的水: 冷酷高傲的女孩
雨水: 自然,不做作的女孩
露珠: 没有心机的女孩

浆糊: 性格复杂,摸不着头绪的女孩

很浓的香水: 爱慕虚荣的女孩 [ no offence...=) ]
清淡的香水: 有自信的女孩

aiya..cant think of ani le..but..O.O...原来 got so many type of water de..wahahaha...=)



<猪猪上> ^@^
10:23 PM

Saturday, August 20, 2005


[idiot...accidentally closed the window...my entry all gone...kanasai..got to rewrite again...but wont be so full of feeling again...Zzzz]

hmmmmmm....so fast a wk gone again...again is a wk full of events...

firstly...JUNYANG IS OUT LE LA...Zzzz....another gd one gone...not tat weilian is not gd la..but then i feel tat derrick, junyang, leon, wei choong and weilian shl get into the final loh...then choose one winner...at least not so bad...hahaz...=P

ok..again..like derrick...must 纪念 him oso...


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awww...this pic so nice n sweet...think he will be very disappointed tat his album is not going to be released...haiz...but then...we continue to support him n derrick can le..=)

not oni tat...this wk many ppl got sick!! 3 gals sick..even junyang n weilian oso sick!! =.=

dun tok abt unhappy..tok some happy stuff...=D

i going to announce...I PASSED MY 2.4!!!WOOT....soooo happy..dun need to run again..hahaz...must special thanx to the gals...they realli help mi alot..if not 4 them..i wouldnt be able to pass..=)

but hor...abit malu leh...cos one of the gals say must focus on one thing ma...then i joke say think of derrick loh..then hor...i ran until i cannot tahan liao..n the gals kept saying derrick derrick..think some gals in front heard it..MALU~~hahaz...

then that friend fierce sia..i stop rest abit she scold mi like crazy..ahahha...a great mama..opp..=X...hahaz...

oh...i 4got to say my timing...it is...17 MINS 40 SEC!! O.O 50 mins faster than my previous run...hahahahaz....=D

now going to tok abt my pw grp...hehex...i like my pw grp..3 nice funny cheeky guys...think i am very lucky..cos i scan through other grp n realise the guys some r too quiet..some too serious..if i join...sure mati..hahahaz....

ok..now intro my grp members...they r jinseh singwei and zhengliang....

jinseh is the leader...a nice guy..did a gd job...always save the tutorial file into his super thumbdrive...hahaz...think the tutor abit irritated liao..hahahaz....

hmmm...can be very crappy..can be very serious...aniway a nice guy to tok to...大大只的..like a big gor gor..LOLX...XD

then is singwei..alamak...a realli responsible polite guy...he is the 支柱 of the grp..think without him our grp sure die de...lolx...then he hor..realli polite la...like everytime ask mi do st finish le sure will say ty de...it's like this is my job..y must say ty leh...lolx...weird weird de..

but aniway...nice n responsible guy...

next is zhengliang...hahahz..a realli super duper crappy guy...n is a 公认 pervert!!hahaz..no la..actually is the way he crap..n the way he look...wahahhaha...

he oso a nice guy la....the joker of the class...make mi laugh like crazy sometime..wahahaha...

in conclusion...i have a wonderful pw members..=)

now...tat was wat i thought of a few days ago when i suddenly feel tat i am fortunate..but then...they realli yaya papaya...

the written report hor...i found tat the format is wrong...so i edited it n post it to the pw email..then hor...tat singwei said dun have..n printed the non edited version...got the written report somemore..oso nv print...in the end 害我 write out the whole outline...

tat jinseh oso...yaya papaya...ask him the day b4 the content page n bibliography how...then he just dun care first..in the end leh...the tutor wan it loh...got to write out oso...

our whole written report realli 不像样...foolscape here foolscape there....hahahaz....but feel very 满足 when see the whole thing done...

hahaz...but then hor..i think the tutor abit bu shuang our grp leh...everytime see other grps but dun see us de...the tutor hor..even say she dun like zhengliang in front of him leh...O.o....有种...hahaz...make zhengliang very upset....=X

nvm nvm...she bu shuang then bu shuang loh...we did our job...we r the perfect gpr!!!wahahaha...

kk..crazy piggy..stop ur laughing...piles n piles of tutorial waiting 4 u...lalalala...Zzzzzzzzzzzz...kk...go do tutorial..if not...MATI!! lolx..


<猪猪上> ^@^
8:28 PM

Saturday, August 13, 2005


mUaHahaha...hmm...today did the 5 items...hohoho...quite satisfied...^__^

sit-up=> A!!
sit n reach => B
shuttle run => C
incline pull up => D
standing board jump => D!!!

muahaha....sit-up A LEH!!keke...didnt expect it....WOOT...=D

then sit n reach..hmmmmmmmm...aiya...abit disappointed...hahaz...44 oni...my friend wa pia..kanasai...54 sia...she was almost horizontal liao..O.O....if not 4 the xtra thing put so high n knock her head...she can get 60 liao loh...=/.... 妖怪!!...ahaha...

then shuttle run...lolx...11.6s...not bad la...but got mani xtra guys watching...ehh....lolx...

incline pull up...alamak...2 oni...hahahahaz...cannot make it...the third one no matter how i tried to pull oso cannot...=/ wasted...left like 5 cm n can get 3 le...

then standing board jump...WOOT!!...first time in my life...i jumped...164!!! O.O...hehehex....n is...FIRST try wor...kekekeke....=P...veri happy...=)

then add add add..hmmm....16 pts leh....

if not 4 the 2 D...i can get GOLD!!...if i didnt fail 2.4...i can get SILVER!!...arggg....

BUT...nvm...can retake...wit the help of the monsters...i can PASS!!!=D

haha..then 4 crazy gals walked all the way to bedok interchange...=.=...got bus leh...y must walk!!?? haha...

then 花痴的我们 tok abt shuai ge...ahahaha....derrick still da best!! =P

opp...beginning to adopt joyce's writting style...ok la..i mean the way she put the big big wds n mani colours...keke...quite nice..not bad...oh...but pw taught us must cite..if not serious trouble..so...hahaha...

(Koh. 2005 . 快乐为主* HAPPY wanted! . [On-Line]. Available: ahem..go to friends la..=P. eh..dunnoe when i access leh...lolx...)

ok..crap...lamos!! XD


<猪猪上> ^@^
12:58 AM

Friday, August 12, 2005


well...today blog will be kinda naggy...-0-

wat to sad abt...of course is...DERRICK IS OUT LE LA!! >.<

haiz~~ i dun mind spending $3 to vote 4 him...but realli is...HAIZ...700 fans!! still can get kick out...mi got nt to say le...actually y they cant just let 3 get into final n pick a winner!?!?!? y must kick out 1...then next wk kick out another 1??

yesterday saw derrick cried...>.<...sad leh...n he sang the most touching song somemore...=(

to 纪念 him...i shall change my blog song to his most most touching song ever...aiya..will change watever there is in my blog to st related to him...

永远 superstar--derrick!!

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today oso sad becos i failed 2.4.... AGAIN!!!!sad sad sad sad sad....cried a little... but well..at least i am not the last...haiz...think i am the oni one in my class failed 2.4....sian de....dunnoe can retake or not...watever watever...retake 也是死..不retake 也是死...这样多死死....=______=

tml still got 5 item!!sian~~~~ idiot tjc....

then i realised everyday surely will have some bad things happen...

well...thurs got phy test..n i oni studied...FOR 1 1/2 HRS!!.. becos..i oni noe it...on wed...11 pm!! =___=...so wat's consequences?? shl be FAIL LA.. ZZzzz....

this wd seem to be quite related to mi huh...fail chem...fail phy...fail 2.4...everything FAIL....-_-

first time in my life i got to think how to spend 70 cents wisely...=__= ...thurs 4got to bring $$...only left the pathetic 70 cents in my wallet... in the end skipped lunch...but must thanx xiangting...gave mi half the burger..^__^...well..so how i spend my 70 cents??

30 cents=> soya bean milk....15cents=> photocopy( idiot...4got to bring GP ws..=.=)....40 cents=> 旺旺 biscuits...oh...more than 70 cents...becos gd calligraphy club leader said,"五毛钱不用啦.."(buy 毛笔)....

then today...almost 4got to bring pw file...k fine...i remembered...then...went out liao...4GOT TO BRING MY UNI!! idiot...climb back to take it...

tat's not the worst...today almost late 4 sch...realli is almost...the min i reached.."DING DONG~~" @__@....being quite slack recently..dun feel like going sch early sia...



<猪猪上> ^@^
2:41 PM

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

HaPPy NaTiOnAL DaY!!

*Yawn* so long nv blog le...kind of sian diao...yeah...lazy piggy lying on the piggy bed...day dream as always...nv touch ani tutorial...ZZzzzz.....actually got mani things happen last wk de...but..too lazy to blog...>.<

ok...basically last wk mani things happen...

1)PIggy got SICK!!attacked by mysterious pig flu...HMMmmm...is like 莫名其妙 got sick de... n i became a sinner piggy...passed the pig flu to the gals..wahahaha...=X...

oh ya...even ah mak oso got sick...HMMmmmm...not by my piggy flu...too stress le ba...let's hope he get well soon...=)

2) AHEM...this is an impt announcement...our class 04/05...has...become...a...BOTAK CLASS!!!

hmmmmm....为什么这么想不开!?!?aiyoyo...一失足成千古恨 leh...wahahaha...crap...

maybe they were influenced by ah mak...maybe they r enlightened...hmmmm...maybe they 对人世间的事已感到绝望!?!?!wahahaha...

let mi present...the botaks!!

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WAHAHAHA....so funny rite...all botak de...O.O...luckily the gals 想得开...nv go become 尼姑...XD

3) Piggy 坏蛋!!pon sch yesterday..wahahaha...aiya...no lesson ma...go there bo liao oni...

but...morning still got go sch la...tap ez-link card...pon oso must pon 得干净利落...hahaz...then oso must pass the pw research to tat jinseh...=______=....ma fan 的家伙..=X...

but after tat went home..hohohoho...

AHEM AHEM.....tat's not the main thing i going to write today!!aiyoyo...gp fail liao...文不对题....
-____-"""...veri lame okok....




<猪猪上> ^@^
10:50 AM



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