
Monday, October 31, 2005


LinG LinG is back!!

0.-..hahaz....yea yea...after i 闭关修炼 for so many days...i decided to 重出江湖...lol...but think i 24 hrs non stop 修炼 in being a pig...以致伤了元气 ... 本猪猪 needs to go 闭目养神 after recording my 修炼成果....

OK!!! enough of crapping..i oso cannot tahan liao...--

i must especially write out my 创举 on last sat....u noe wat...i went to singwei's house(pw member) to practise OP...then....think i 内功深厚....while drinking coke i accidentally
bite off the glass....

so pro mi...-.-...YEA....the 3 guys shocked...hahahhahah....恐怖的猪猪...


dun ever let mi drink from a glass ty...plastic one will do...=P

kk...then yesterday spent the whole day rehearsing my OP script.....n i kept repeating "TY JINSEH....bla bla bla" until my sis goes @.@.....XP.....yea...n i managed to memorised all of it...woohuuu.....已到了滚瓜烂熟的境界....


today...went for 3rd time OP( in front of tutor)....guess wat...my tutor 电眼神攻 so pro..tat i 电到
n almost 4got wat to say..so kept looking at my notes n the screen...ZZzz....

想当年, 31st Oct 2005 的早上 , my 倒背如流的功力得到了各界英雄(pw members) 的佳赏....却败在了pw tutor 脚下...正是死不足心呀!!!!

opp..crapping again...yea...so my tutor comment.....

1)u still speak tooooo softly......(wth...i thought i am loud enough.....)
2) ur voice dim off after the end of each sentence....(cos 体力耗尽....XP)
3) no eyes contact...(diao....大白天 dun have ghost...only can eye contact wit my tutor)
4) no hand gesture...(ok...i will try to learn from the mac latest ad....
every wd will have a hand gesture..=) )
5) Q&A....ans irrelevant to qns...T.T (i didnt read through my WR..heee....)

yea..so tat's it....thought i had improved liao..still give mi satisfactory oni...wat the toot toot of the toot.....arggggggg.........

nvm nvm....we stayed back for the next grp....evil mi think of a 致命 qns to sabo them..=X..but i think is quite constructive leh..haha...first time i noe i can give such gd qn...hohohohoho....
tutor said,"ahhhHHHHHH....gd gd gd"
hiak hiak(evil smile)

yup..then stupid mi offered to return my friend's storybk(cos use my card borrow one ma)....in the end heavy like shit......要我的命 ah....

then went to library..#@$@$@#$... no 绝代双骄....got wait until fri then go borrow...haizz...

ok...finish writting my 创举....now got to go Zzzzz...hahahhahah...YEAH!!



<猪猪上> ^@^
1:40 PM

Sunday, October 16, 2005


hmm...long time didnt blog le....didnt intend to blog today too...until early in the morning saw this ahem...ms or mr tjc alumni arts fac came to shoot mi on my tagboard...pls refer to it...

To ms or mr tjc alumni arts fac:

1) YES...i am from tjc...UNFORTUNATELY...

2) Pls refer to May 20 entry...i dun like tjc! n ahem..it's been how long since i state tat i was from tjc...so PLS...

3) My eng..yes..u have ani prob wit it...mi oso noe my eng very poor...i got C5 FOR MY O LEVEL! n yes..i FAILED my gp tooo...wondering y i got into tjc...becos my higher chi got A1...u have ani prob wit tat?

maybe next time i write my entry in chi...then u will say...well...u r not a disgrace to tjc huh...XP

4) I purposely write singlish in my blog..cannot ah...this is my blog...i wan to write in wat lang is not ur prob....

5) EVEN CJC students speak better eng than mi? yes..i dun doubt tat..but excuse me...did u imply tat CJC students speak very poor eng? mind u....they might sue u!

6) U didnt wan to scoop so low? u just did it...u said i was a disgrace to tjc TWICE....do u noe i can complain or even..sue u for tat...

ok...nvm if it doesnt...but...who do u think u r to say tat huh? are u tjc spokeperson?....if ur gp didnt get A1...PLS SHUT UP....ty (4 ur info...ty means thank you!)

7) Give my blog link to ms norseha...hmmmmm....who is she..i dunnoe...but...go ahead pls...she cant do anithing except to teach mi better eng....and i will be glad if someone like ms norseha teach mi eng for free...

Yes...i have areadi wrote wat i wan to say to u....MIND U...i didnt insult u or say anithing bad abt u...SO...dun u go complain to tjc whoever tutor or even principal...



<猪猪上> ^@^
10:22 AM



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