
Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Zzz...morning being pulled out from bed unwillingly by my dear mother..-___-....cos she wanted mi to help her clean the house...so tat she can go visit my great grandma...

in the end...didnt help her at all..cos she said,"反正你也帮不到忙"...O.o

nvm nvm...tok abt my great grandma...she had a fall yesterday..broke her arm...eh...almost got a shock when my mother received a call telling her tat she is in critical condition...luckily...false alarm -_- ...phew..

so went to alexander hospital at nite...saw my great grandma...eh..dunnoe wat to say to her..hahaz..i dunnoe how to speak hokkien!! -__-

but aniway..she's fine... :D....

oh...toking abt this hospital...very diff from wat i seen in tv..O.O....not room de..hahaz...i was expecting to see some great doc wearing the white outfit...haiz..wat a disappointment...no doc at all!!! many nurses..-_-
P.S: i went to hospital oni twice...one was when i was born..XP...one was when my auntie gave birth...but tat was...eh...long time ago...

aniway...some nurses were wearing this dunnoe wat...there were some wds..." giving medication..DO NOT DISTURB.." wah..cool sia...

then we went home lo..now i want to tok abt the result for superhost yesterday....haiz...

i thought this show is the fairest of all competition held by mediacorp...cos in order to eliminate 1 contestant....the judges have to vote...cool..very fair...the public has to vote...well not bad...even the contestants themselves have to vote...u see...so fair..


i understood one thing from wat i saw yesterday...the voting by the contestants is very useless...cos y...they r friends...they dun wan to spoilt the friendship...so?? the remaining 2 contestants to be eliminated each have equal voting..wth...

from wat i saw...tat 卓小佳 is better than tat 王茜 lo....the last qns given by one guy from the public was "对于小 S 未婚先孕有何看法" and tat 王茜 tok abt her abortion instead...

she said she married on july 1...got the news tat she was pregnant on july 2...she aborted it on july 3...bla bla...

yes..i pity her...she cried until very sad...but...i dun think this has anithing to do wit the qn lo...

but then...when tat 乃哥 gave his vote to 卓小佳...i almost fainted...wth...y he let 卓小佳 eliminated!? he said,"王茜是出自内心,真情流露,应该给他一次机会..."

eh..wth...just becos she cried she can get to 2nd round?? n on the other hand...卓小佳讲得头头是道 shl be kicked out..O.o..i dun get it...-__-

watever la...ani competition mediacorp organised is nv fair...like superstar..-__-...


<猪猪上> ^@^
12:05 PM

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

nv had a day like today...

eating dinner now...

the plain-est dinner ever...

just rice...n soup...

but i am happy+content...


NO VEG!!!!

almost 4got...dun get heart attack by the sudden music...
introducing...the music...
hahaz..i hope my future oso will be very 光辉...O.O


<猪猪上> ^@^
5:12 PM

Monday, November 28, 2005


hahaz...so long nv blog..Zzz...

just finished watching super sunday...the super mission today is to find 张清芳 tel boy friend...hahaz...too long liao..dun wan to elaborate...

but just made mi recall st in kindergarden....

remember tat time dunnoe i blur or stupid...wrote my tel and add on a piece of paper...and tore it into half...n...i passed to 2 ppl...one is my best fren...one is...eh...a boy i dunnoe..hahaz...

most ridiculous was...i passed my tel to the boy..my add to my friend...O.o

hahaz...in the end...one fine day..eh...tat boy called..O.O....n we chat...but i 4got wat we tok abt.. -__- ....

eh...but lost contact when went to P1...hahaz...yea..i 4got how he look like...i lost his tel no. ...most imptly...i 4got his name...or shl i say...i nv actually noe his name...haha..HAHA..HAHAHAHA...

i oni noe he went to thomas pri sch...O.o..dun even noe if this sch exist...hahaz..

maybe when i become piggy superstar....super sunday will help mi find this guy..O.o...haha...HAHA...HAHAHAHA....impossible...hohoho


<猪猪上> ^@^
4:29 PM

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Pathetic life


my father's nagging voice has been around my ears for ONE HR~~

now finally 耳根清静.....phew

everyday morning is a bad time of the day....shl have sleep until 12pm then wont hear him nagging...haiz...


我的妈呀...爸呀...watever la....T__T


<猪猪上> ^@^
11:42 AM

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

A Good Start Of tHe Day

wahaha...today 的天气真好..空气新鲜..鸟语花香..绿意盎然...hahha..wat crap i toking...

actually i happy cos morning decided to play maple 4 a while...then i realised long time didnt find tat idiot guy who cheated my $$...so i search for him..n...I FOUND HIM!!!! 天助我也...

so in desperate to find him..i took a taxi..without noticing...it took mi to dungeon..THE MOST DANGEROUS PLACE!!! ahem...aniway..thanx to ah bao 的指点...i got out of tat scary place n went directly to kerning city where the idiot was through buying scroll...hiak hiak...next time dun take taxi liao..scroll much cheaper...

so..yes..keep track of where he was..he oso kanasai..jump ch so many time..feel like killing him...so finally found him but realised i couldnt defame him...felt
一肚子气...so in the end i paid someone to defame him..LOL...lose $7000..but it's worth it...$$ not impt to mi...the most impt thing is to 去处恶人...

aniway..anione not playing maple areadi...kindly give mi acc..so tat i can further ka jiao tat idiot guy...hahahha....

oh...must personally thanx AH MAK!!! good ah mak gave mi his/her acc...hohoho...

YEAH..achieved my motive..can 安心 go study..woohuuu...


<猪猪上> ^@^
11:53 AM

Saturday, November 12, 2005


ahem...i must say sorry to angeline...cos i didnt realise tat i didnt put her blog in my link after changing template...n NO ONE TELL MI OSO!!! until my sis say so...

sorry angeline..=)


<猪猪上> ^@^
10:40 AM

Friday, November 11, 2005


damn angry AGAIN!!...idiot...within few days...maple made mi angry twice...wtf....

it all began like this...

2 gals scolding at each other....then i see liao oso pek che...so wanted to make them stop fighting...i told them to keep quiet....ok..maybe wrong use of wds la...but hor....they in turn both asked mi to shut up....

then i was like wth la...then they still told mi they r sis..WTF...so i said sis then go home fight la...then they instead shoot mi lo...wth...crazy gals...

wa lao...they shoot until very shuang lo...kao...i see their attitude very bu shuang lo...so i defame one of them lo...ya...n of course she noe la...

then guess wat...the one who kanna INSULTED by her sis in turn ask mi y i defame her sis...WTF...

i really find these 2 sis ridiculous...insulted each other like enemies like tat...then in the end both go hand in hand to shoot mi...白痴!!! realli find it stupid abt their behaviour...

ok...NVM...tat stupid gal noe i defame her liao then she came to ka jiao mi...i go where...she oso go...kao...bastard...snatch my monsters somemore...i noe she higher lv than mi la...so wat..i think her brain oni 5 yrs old...so childish...

tat's not the pt..the pt is...she defame mi too!!! ok..nvm...we both 互不相欠...but u noe wat...she ask her sis come n defame mi oso....idiot la...feel like killing both of them...

oh ya...i shall list out some of her childish act

1) try to use her weapon to kill mi..which is obviously IMPOSSIBLE...dotz
2) i use proper chi...but she wan to make mi angry..say mi chi lousy...which was
obviously 自讨没趣..i sure she is oso 半斤八两....
3) like i said...followed mi around n snatch my monsters....
4) ka jiao-ing mi n still so happy...the childish act i ever seen...
5) most imptly...scolding one another in the public like nobody business when they r sis...omg...dotz

so...cant stand her....i switch channel lo...then my sis say they wan to find mi..wth...as if they so li hai...so many channels..see how they find...in the end..i thought of the best idea...dun play lo..confirm cannot find...

haiz....now fame -2...dotz..so 难看...last time add tat stupid guy's fame BIG WRONG...now defame OSO WRONG...wat the tooooot....

i really dunnoe wat to say le...wat is fame abt? i really dun understand...shl be ppl think u have gd character then add de rite? y now become like ppl going around trading for fame n bla bla bla...isnt this suppose to be one's decision...n so does wat defame shl be wat...

this really make mi wonder la....fame=$$???? even games oso have this kind of thing??...then i really nt to say liao...

watever it is...one thing i noe...maplestory made mi see how SOME(not all) ppl from SEA can be so dishonest, so ridiculous, so cheapskate..so......stealing my $$ and stuffs in front of mi while i am fighting...cheating my $$....see mi fight monsters still snatch from mi...



<猪猪上> ^@^
11:38 PM

Thursday, November 10, 2005


today really dunnoe wat to say...yesterday was such a gd luck day..today was such a suay day....=(

early morning got the stupid fmaths lect...idiot...dun really feel like going...aniway later if have to drop then today 白去 liao....

but aniway..i went...n almost 窒息而死....the stupid technical staff or whoever didnt switch on the air-con in LT3...tamade...imagine being enclose in a place made of wood...every door closed...no air-con...no fresh air...with 40++ ppl inside...almost like breathing in carbon dioxide...wa lao...feel like dying...kanasai...

but tat mr ng like feel nt like tat...continue toking toking toking...Zzz...n the rest like not human...dun feel anithing like tat...oni mi,san san, fong chi and puay ming kept using paper to fan....-__- .... even the most attentive fong chi became 懒懒散散....


then this really made mi mad....this afternoon played maple...then got one bastard cheat my $$...10k leh...tamade...no wonder his fame is -1...shlnt have listen to him....idiot...IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT...bastard bastard bastard!!!

whoever playing maple...pls defame this guy named unruled if u all see him...he deserved to be defame...NO...he shl be kicked out of maple...idiotic evil stupid bastard....


ok...dun think abt it!!

aniway...my mother 弥补我受创的心灵..hahaz...she gave mi $100 to buy clothes n stuffs.....yipee...^___^....but hor..this money 不是白拿的 leh...still must help her cut st...-___- ....

see ah...within 30mins....helped her cut 4 times..each time abt 30-40++....wahhhh...hard to earn leh..this holiday think must everyday help her liao...T.T...hahaz...

AHEM...help her is 天经地义 de ok...hahaz...

hehehe...aniway...i wont spend all...dun need buy so many clothes..can save it....wheee...$_$



<猪猪上> ^@^
6:37 PM

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


YEAH!!! finally finished OP...feel so relax now...^___^

this morning like 6++ while sleeping i areadi feel super uneasy....kept 翻来覆去...n having sweat....then woke up liao heart pumping at speed of 100 heartbeat per sec...lolx..of course is worried abt OP lo...n oso how to tell my mother abt my promo result..haha...got to hand in result slip today...
then in the end..hehehe..乘 my mother blur blur 的时候 gave her my result slip..hiak hiak...

then went to sch early in the morning...idiot...3 cheeky bois late again...Zzz...look through our WR...eh...hahaz...until today still didnt read finish my WR...=X

then they came liao went to hub to practise...well well...having sore throat n still have to tok so many time..idiot...hahaz...but get really more fluent after practising many time...^.^

then went to have lunch...didnt eat at all..drank milo oni...too nervous to eat anithing...

then dunnoe which 小瓜 call my hp n hanged up...idiot..called 10++ times somemore...too bad no I/D caller...if not sue tat 小瓜 liao..hahaz....

then tat ZL dot dot dot...after eating chicken rice..he used his tissue and soy sauce to write st on the plate...n the words he wrote are...好难吃 !! -___-'''

after eating went to hub again....n PRACTISE AGAIN....-___- ....

then finally..........

time to go for OP....

went to guys toilet...i mean waited outside the toilet..idiot...cant go in...hahaz...

then went to the venue....


door locked..-____-'''

stayed outside the room....n last min read through the Q&A done by SW....

when the door finally opened...went in together wit san san their grp....

then the examiners came..hahahaha...2 oni...phew...n they dun look tat fierce...but 人不可貌相 wor...later i will say y....

then 出了一点小插曲....

our power pt supposed to have a video at the beginning...but dunnoe y cannot play...then we all very worried....but in the end used media player instead...hmmm...tat was the oni thing i feel abit 遗憾...haiz...

then...YES...JS started the presentation....dunnoe y he so fast tok finish...then my turn...hmmMMmm....not too bad...didnt really look at the cards...have hand gesture....didnt look at the screen often...frequent eye contact wit the examiner n san san they all...but dunnoe voice loud or not...

but dunnoe y...idiot ying cong laughed while i was presenting half way...IDIOT!!

then so fast...mi over liao...followed by ZL and SW...

then....Q&A!!!! the examiners asked JS alot of qns...i was quite worried...then my turn....WAHAHAHA....think i am blessed..the qns asked by them r those qns SW gave mi see previously...so of course...i just say out wat remember....somemore among all of us...mi got the easiest qns...lalalala...=P

then very very fast...our grp over liao...realli is 放下心头大石....

next is san san grp..but when they were abt to start...the examiners stopped them..cos...they haven discuss finish!!-___-....dunnoe y they got so much thing to discuss....*wondering*

then YES...san san's grp started....they have a skit b4 their presentation...i told the boiz to help clap hands after their skit...see..i so gd..hahaz...they nv clap 4 us..>.<

then watched their presentation...wanted to sleep...hahaz...saw their power pt many time liao...Zzz...

then..YEAH...they finished too...then Q&A again...wah..the examiners like 刁难 san san like tat...asked many many super hard to ans qns....then san san almost stunned...but still tried her best to ans...but tat examiners really @$@$#... 不死心...asked her qns again...can see san san's face red liao...like going to cry...feel like shutting up the examiners' mouth..hahaz...

then all finished...hmmmm....feel happy...cos dunneed to do the stupid PW animore...but feel sad oso...cos today last day of being together as a grp...haiz...wanted to go celebrate or st...but 我就是开不了口让他知道...LOL...they like feel nt like tat..so 4GET IT...-.-

yup...tat's it for OP...aniway...feel really relax..cos told my mother abt my result liao..including mi failing gp n chem..n most imptly the probability of dropping fmaths....but...well...she didnt scold mi..just nag nag abit..phew...


hohoho...finally finished writting...very very very tired...Zzz...i will sleep well today!!! =P


<猪猪上> ^@^
9:16 PM

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


hmmMMm...feeling uneasy now....1 day 25 mins more...n is OP!!! idiot...haven really prepare....i still dunnoe the details of the whole project...some part of my script haven memorise....haven get the exact timing....no confidence in Q&A....everything is in mess....@.@....

IDIOT PW!!!!!!!!! i gotten throw everything related to pw TML!!!!

ahem...aniway...feel very 玄 just now....cos...i borrowed 绝代双骄 yesterday again....n this morning while trying to find the page i stopped last time...i found...MY CARD!!!

" find ur card so 大惊小怪 for wat?"

yes yes...find my card is no big deal..BUT....说来话长.....

(Back to the day i return the bks....)

tat day after pw went to library to return mine n my friend bks...and is 2 绝代双骄.....then i 明明 remember tat the bk (3) on top is mine...n i intended to return it last so tat i can remember to take out my "bookmark" and oso the page i stopped...then in the end the bk i kept last is not mine...so...my card gone....

then this morning while searching for the page....the bk opened at the page i stopped n inside is MY CARD!! hahaz..久别重逢....

ok..crap..nt special...hahaz...just find it interesting to see my card again...hahahaz....maybe morning read the other bk n it is abt the 前世姻缘...so abit affected by it..hahaz...

but i wan to say...tat bk SUX...hahaz....乱七八糟....lol....

" TML WILL PASS VERY FAST!!!! " <<< 自我催眠 =)

<猪猪上> ^@^
12:15 PM

Monday, November 07, 2005

TheSe FeW dAys

hahaz...back again...hmmm...many thing happen this few days...but lazy to blog...=P....


>>The 3 idiot boiz<<
wah...tok abt wed...i pissed off sia...morning my 3 cheeky pw guys 放我鸽子!!!! WTH....n the reason is....THEY POSTPONE TO THURS!!!Zzzz....and this was wat happen....

Early in the morning....7.30 am...reached sch...go hub..nv open...sms jinseh...

JS:OMG...today meeting postponed...didnt zheng liang tell u???
MI: -___-"""...wa lao..idiot!!!

yeah..so...have a "happy" two way trip to sch....idiot...

then returned home..saw singwei online...

MI:HEY...meeting postponed...y nv tell mi!!!??
SW: oh...i thought JS will inform you...so did u go sch today??
MI: of course la....
SW: oh....paiseh....

ya...like tat...so is SW thought JS will inform mi...JS though ZL will inform mi...wah..so fun sia...merry-go-round ah...DOTZ


yeah..haha...my sis "very gd" leh..."treat" mi dinner becos she got another job...^__^...hahaz....yummy yummy...very nice..hohohoho....blessed pig...hahaz

oh...went to expo first...yea...n i spotted a bag..quite nice..n is the one i want..so..hohoho..BOUGHT IT...yea...$23...ex...but...dear mama pay for mi...n my sis abit bu shuang..hahaz...

after dinner...i pang seh my sis and ah bao..hoho...dun disturb their 二人世界...=)

yea...so finally..PW MEETING...at JS's house...tamade...pasir ris...far leh...took some time to search for his house....took many 冤枉路 oso..Zzz...

then...stupid SW late again...everytime the last one..."佩服"!!!
then go there do nth one..dotz...dunnoe y have a meeting....O.o

at nite went to eat jap food..hohoho..wit sis n ah mak...
recommending...SUMO HOUSE!!!!...the best food cheap food in bedok..haha....

the "BEST SERVICE" TOO....a warning to all...nv rest unless u finish all the food...they will quickly take ur food away...-___-""....yea...so my orange and my soup gone b4 i even touch it...

maybe i 反应迟钝 or 口痴...so not their fault oso..hahaz...

after tat...have a bet wit ah mak...those who 猜拳 lose will eat the wasabi sushi..hahaz...n of course...I LOSE!! yea...but nvm...nt wat..hahaz...nice to eat...

then went to NTUC...to buy...RICE....not us..but ah mak...hmmMMmm..i dun wan to say..but...HE IS STONG K...hiak hiak..purposely put small small..lol..

then went to bedok reservoir and chat..hahaz....then got the Green Wk event..then got chairs..so hahahaz...yea..comfortable...

then there got newwater oso..hiak hiak hiak....顺手牵羊...took a few away...

ya..then tok tok tok...no..shl be continuously being 酸 by ah mak..lol...给我记住!!!

yesterday nite rushing for I&R...idiot...waste my time for 3 marks...dotz...dunnoe write wat crap....msg many ppl for help..but...haiz..还是靠自己ba...hahaz...then by the time i finished..-__-..my bro sleep liao..cannot print...

Early morning on my laptop to print my I&R...hmm...woke my bro up..hahaz..

hmMMMPH!!....stupid SW late again...still say meet at 7.30am...go eat shit la...everytime meet so early..in the end...arghhh....this time worst...late for 1.5 HRS!!!...tamade...no matter how ZL msg him n call him...he didnt reply...becos...HE WAS SLEEPING!!!!WTH....can come join my pig club liao...

so went to collect result slip instead....mi morning brain dead i think....cos...

woman: CG?
mi: 04/05
woman: surname?
mi: Tan...

(in the process of searching)

woman: Tan bla bla?
woman: tan lala?
woman: the rest r the guys....

(mi looking blur...cos those name r not from my CG...)

woman:r u sure u in 04/05?
mi: (without thinking)..YES...
woman: it cant be...dun have ur name....

(looking sad...then DING DONG!!BRAIN FUNCTIONING)

mi:!!!!!! is CG ah!!??
woman: eh..yes
mi: ohhh...mi is 05/05
woman: -____-'''..no wonder
my class guy: AIYO MEILING AH!!!

(mi gave a silly smile...-___-)

think tat woman abit dunnoe wat to say..hahaz...mi sotong pig...hahahaha...

then YES...大少爷驾到!!!! finally....then went to hand in I&R...

then dotz...classrm not open...went hub print slides n line up for using the laptop+projector available for testing our power pt...

those guys!!!! 大懒猪!!!! go play com...left mi stoning there...waiting for 1 gal to finish testing...

wa lao...she si bei dot dot dotz...after testing thumbdrive...i was EXCITED!!...then she took out a CD n continue testing..-___-'''...n think she saw my happy face...n gave mi a paiseh look...lol

then..finally my turn..but a guy 虎视眈眈...think he didnt see mi lining up...i quickly go bk the seat..hiak hiak...

then went to canteen again...rehearse ONCE...n bye bye..-__-"'..wth...waste my time...

yea..the end...until now still haven do any hw...T.T....dun feel like doing...oso dunnoe need to do maths or not...have to wait until next fri to see if i need to drop fmaths..!!! T.T...i dun wan to drop!!!haiz...

playing maplestory for the past few days..eh...ok la...hahaz...



<猪猪上> ^@^
5:51 PM



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