
Thursday, December 22, 2005

The toot toot of the toooot

eh...wanted to watch show de...but pig mama kept nagging...nag until i decide to blog n tell everyone the toot toot thing pig mama say today...-.-

i dunnoe whether to laugh...or to be angry...u all decide...

today ah...pig mama came back n nag at mi...cos the auntie staying upstairs somehow complain to pig mama tat dunnoe which person took the cats up....n i discover some facts abt her today...

1) she is SCARE OF CATS!!! omg...wat the toot toot of the toot...if she scare of cat mama..ok fine..she scare of the cute mao mao???O.o...wth...i even heard tat her daughter oso scare of them..-.-....

no wonder last time she saw mi play wit mao mao n cat mama n she gave mi big big eyes..n asked mi,"你不怕猫ah?"..hohoho..now i noe y le...

this lead mi to recall st...i remembered last time outside her house got one cat statue...so real until i thought is real one...O.o..if she so scare of cats...y she got tat statue?? hmmmm...

2) she dunnoe how to read eng...eh..i noe this is no big deal...but pig mama said tat auntie thought the note i left was from the HDB ppl wanting her to remove her stuffs..omg...even a kid noes tat tat note obviously was not from some authority...

firstly...it was written using a pen...will the authority so informal to use a pen n put it as a notice??? secondly...even if it's from the authority...they sure will investigate who the owner of those stuffs are...duh...thirdly...my handwritting obviously look like some kids writting...hahax..how could it be from the HDB...-.-...lastly...eh..the authority ppl got so cute and put a smile face =) on the notice ah...=X

3) nvm nvm...maybe pig mama anihow say de...O.O...but she said the auntie want to throw away those stuffs liao cos scare got diseases...diao..she shl have done it long ago...

see ah...she huh...put those stuffs there like is their space like tat...tat's y cat mama choose to give birth there...then hor...she left those useless stuff there obviously like she dun wan it liao....got so much dust liao...早就该 throw them away liao...

she even blame the cats for damaging her so call bicycle...HELLO!! i dunnoe see tat bicycle there how long liao...like since i was very young...NOT IN USE...wth...

ok...fine...now pig mama demanded us to bring the cats down again...duh...u noe how tiring it was to bring them up last time!?!?!?..idiot...

pig mama still say we 缺德...nv let the kittens go run around..now they everytime hide under the vat when cat mama not around...wa lao..as if put them downstairs they will move around like tat...they oni do so when cat mama is around ok...-.-

nvm...i will DO IT...but pig mama still want us to clear up tat place somemore..kao...we'r not sweeper hor...still clear up for them...the yellow plastic is their one de lo...idiot...

n the reason for making us do this is becos...she said..

"我们作邻居 hor..不可以得罪他们的 leh..以后还有事要他们帮忙的 leh.."

PUI...as if they got help us in my 17 years of life...n wat help do we need from them??? i dun need help from them...i 客气 abit then call her auntie de hor..if not..i wont even bother abt her...i 恨不得 quickly move away...

arggg...pig mama quite stupid somemore...told the auntie tat we brought the cats back...md...-.-...win liao lo...n she said wat later ppl tok bad thing behind us...wah...those who tok bad thing behind us still can call them gd neighbour ah...dotz...i oso can tok bad thing abt them...just like now..=X

aniway...4get it...i dun wan to think anithing abt it liao...so frustrating...

now tok abt my pig mama n pig papa...i think they r really 天生一对 la...both so stubborn...they hor...always tok the same way..nag the same way...their characters 简直是 same same de....

just now pig mama n pig papa quarrel abit again...n becos both r so stubborn...they always think themself r rite...but 所谓旁观者清...mi as the 3rd person see hor...both of them r rite la..duh...

y pig papa dun understand tat pig mama care abt his health so dun wan him to work so late n y pig mama dun understand tat pig papa work so nite to earn more $$ ?? duh...it's just so simple..Zzz

aniway...pig mama is so funny...she scolded pig papa when he came to nag to mi abt pig mama abit...n when pig papa went to work...pig mama came in n told mi not to bother abt pig papa n SHUN BIAN nag to mi abt pig papa..-.-..果然是同类...hahaz...

oh..btw...i think i got constipation..T.T..anione got 泻药?? hahaz...

woot...blogging is a gd way to 发泄...hahaz...wat i wrote just now maybe abit bias..but WHO CARES...this is my blog..wahaha..i wan to write rubbish oso can..hohoho... :D


<猪猪上> ^@^
4:23 PM

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


hahaz...today was adventurous...it began like this...

this afternoon pig mama told mi mao mao was missing again...so i went out to see...then cat mama was very very sad...can see from her eyes...n she kept meow meow-ing...like want us to help her find kittens like tat...

so yes...i went to library to return bks..then came back to find..but to no avail...

then pig papa came home few hrs later n told mi tat mao mao r at downstairs....so i rushed down to see them...n yes..i found them above the box for the fire hose!!...it's damn high...so wanted to take them back...but tat lazy cat mama dun wan to move..i oso dunnoe how to let her move...

then suddenly a bunch of malay kids ran to mi n told mi not to take them away..so i explained to them tat they lived at my floor there...n it seems tat they noe it too...

then they told mi tat they found the kittens at 3++ pm...and cat mama bought them up there...O.o...ok..i chose to believe..so i went home...

reached home liao pig mama asked abt mao mao..i told her they r at downstairs there lo...then she kept telling mi dun bring them up..say wat they can play downstairs..got those malay kids play wit them somemore...eh...from wat i saw..they r quite 粗鲁...hahaz...

4get to tell u all st...they even gave them malay name!!!eeek...hahahhaha...they r cheena cats k!!haha..XP

then just now at nite mi n pig sis went down....hahaz...then cat mama missing AGAIN!..haha...n mao mao were sleeping...then suddenly cat mama came back...n kept meow meow-ing again...seem like she cant even get up the box..so think pig sis was rite...maybe the malay kids r lying...O.o..

but well..think they really protected the mao mao..even used their textbk to eh i oso dunnoe wat's its use..hahahha...n they managed to get many boxes..O.O..so li hai..pei fu...

n yes...we tried to get the cat mama up..but this cat mama..dunnoe izzit got 产后忧郁症 or wat..kept moving around...-.-''....but in the end..YES...mi n pig sis use a cardboard n let cat mama took lift up..hahahha...but it came down again..-.-'''''...idiot..hahaz...

then 2 kind couples came wit cat food..n cat mao mao happily eating...n they told us to bring the mao mao down cos later they fall down...hehe..=D...

but hor...they came down liao then naughty naughty...meow meow here meow meow there...sooo noisy..so bought them out...then they kept moving around..-__-...so hyper...

after tat..tat cat mama seem like wanting to go back to the old place again...she kept meowing to her kittens..like wan them to follow her like tat...but mao mao very naughty..nv listen to cat mama...so we helped her lo...she moved abit..we brought the mao mao forward abit...wah..very tiring leh..

then tat cat mama dotz...move abit..dun wan to move...then suddenly move again..Zzz...then when she didnt see her kittens...she moved back again...-.-...so after tat we must quickly moved her kittens up..hahaz...

then reached the staircases...cat mama like scare dunnoe how to bring her kittens up...so eh...pig sis just brought the kittens up...n i go shoo the cat mama up..hahahaz....

think cat mama gain trust on us liao...she would follow us up...but she still like baby like tat...still need us to 哄 her up..hahaz...

then FINALLY back to the old place...tat cat mama went down again..
-.-'''...气死我了!!! so we went down again...shun bian brought the cat food up...n haha..another cat was eating the cat food..O.O...i wanted to give the cat some food..but it like so scare of mi..><...haha...n yes...we used the food to 引诱 cat mama up..hahaz...then hor..she super noisy la...kept wanting her food..Zzzz...this cat mama so greedy..hahaz...

n YES...finally got her back again....placed a yellow plastics on the floor...n cat mama happily lie on it..hahaz...n poor mao mao fighting to drink milk milk..hahahaz...

then pig sis went to take some water...n mi wrote a note to warn the ppl not to take the cats away again...

"the kittens have mummy...pls dun take them away..thank you..=)"

Omg..i so childish..hahhahaha....i pasted it on the vat..hahaz...

n the cat cat family live happily ever after...

n pig mama just nag nag abit oni..hahaz..she really is 口硬心软...

hohoho...pig sis going to place a note downstairs tml to tell those malay kids tat cat mama n mao mao had returned to the old place..so kind of us..wahhaha..=X



<猪猪上> ^@^
10:28 PM

Monday, December 19, 2005

SHopPing ShOpPing

shopping shopping shopping...hahaz...last last sat went TM to shop...bought 2 t-shirts and 1 jeans..woohuu...cheap n nice...

last sat...went to east pt...was hoping to see joyce...but duh...she was not in the shop...-.-....bought 1 shirt and 1 jeans..the jeans oso cost $10!!!!!! great buy best buy must buy...

recommending...THIS FASHION!!!!! the best place to buy youngster's clothes and jeans!!! now got big big sale..so GO BUY!! the $10 jeans is at east pt..go buy go buy!! TM oso not bad....but eh..dun go bugis de...not much nice clothes..hahaz..opp...DUN SUE MI!!!!

yesterday went to bugis...b4 going out..went to see mao mao again...but got 2 mao mao like stuck inside the vat for 2 days liao...but looked like they dun wan to come out leh..hahaz..then use stick to poke(gently obviously..NO ABUSE!) the cat out..oso no use...so gave up...

reached bugis liao wanted to go see my sec fren working there...-.- not there again...

then shop until siao...legs pain like crazy....in the end oni bought one shirt...

oh...there got alot of PIG STUFF!!!! so...next time my bdae...every present is pig i dun mine...wan buy pig...go BUGIS!! cheap n cute...hahaz...see i so gd..provide u all an easy way n not much effort needed in thinking wat to buy 4 mi..hahaz...so bu yao lian..haha...

buy pigs for mi pls!! hahahahahahhahaha...

was intending to go home since it's so late...but....-.- my sis say got This Fashion somewhere near the bus stop..n i went hyper again..LOL...

but reached there liao..ehhh...clothes not very nice...but saw some jackets there...n was deciding whether to buy or not...i scare pig mama scold mi cos i areadi got one(old and 脱色 -.- )....then my sis spotted one brown jacket...soo cool la...n nice..then i oso tempted to have it...in the end both of us were "snatching" for the jacket..haaaz....in a 斯文 manner ok...haha...

then we thought we like tat 拖拖拉拉也不是办法...so i suggested buying 2...hahaz...but still gave up on this idea...in the end..eh..bought the brown jacket..but...i still dunnoe whether it's mine or hers..hahaz...I WANT IT...hahaz...=X

oh ya..then came back saw pig papa...then told him abt the mao mao stuck in the vat...then reached home liao..pig papa 猪雄救猫..hahahah...
he pulled out the vat...-.- in a clumsy way..hahaz...he didnt take notice of the vat above..so scared tat the vat would fall on mao mao..then later become mao mao pizza..eek...

but still rescued the mao mao..wah..pig papa dunnoe how to 怜相惜猫...
used his hand to catch the mao mao on their neck and LEGS!!! wah...haha...pig papa say...this is the way they catch cats in the past..O.o...

aniway...YEAH!! mao mao r rescued...can play wit them again..wahaha...

now the mao mao all r sleeping..so cute..hahaz...n the cat mama is missing again..-.-...like my sis wrote...maybe she went to 纳凉 again..Zzz...lazy cat mama 真会享受..hahaz..


<猪猪上> ^@^
10:20 AM

Saturday, December 17, 2005


This morning super duper happy after receiving a call from my sis...


but to be exact...is my sis BROUGHT it back...not they come back by themselves de..

but haiz...my title shl have put 5 mao...but end up 4..cos...
T___T the cutest one somemore...tat bastard demon took the cutest away n threw the rest outside...bloody idiot...

but still glad tat the rest came back....n dunnoe is 母性的天职 or wat..the moment i looked at the mao mao...the cat mama came back..hahaz...n she was like SOOOOOO EXCITED la.....tat she meow meow here meow meow there....finally saw her kittens ma...but think she noes tat one of her kittens is missing...kept searching...could see tat she was disappointed when she couldnt find it...haiz..

then i looked at the box....so i went home to take a penknife n began my construction work..hahaz....just cut the box n made it into a home...but cat mama like dun like my design...T.T sob sob....hahaz..

oh...4get to mention...i was sleeping like pig when my sis called...hahaz...
then still thought wa lao..call 4 wat...but after hearing the news..wah..i quickly wake up n wash up n boooom....went out...hahahhahaz....

n my pig mama was like abit pissed cos i took her keys..opps...hahaz...but after seeing the mao mao...she oso nv scold..wahaha...

now i am wondering...wat kind of milk does cat drink!!?!?!?!?!? i wanted to give cat mama some milk but i dunnoe wat to give...><..i was hoping tat by giving cat mama milk everyday...she doesnt need to go downstairs to look 4 food...then the mao mao be looked after by her and then no one would dare to take them away again...



<猪猪上> ^@^
8:25 AM

Thursday, December 15, 2005


hahaz..y i choose this topic..cos today entry will be very mixed..O.o


idiot..my mao mao went missing yesterday evening...arggg...if i noe which demon stole them...mi,the piggy demonslayer, sure go kill him/her...KILL KILL KILL!!杀无赦!!! hmmph...

I GOING TO FINISH MY HW SOON!!WAHAHAHA....greatest achievement in my life..cos i always left my hw until the last wk of my holiday...hiak hiak...

will start on revision eh soon..hahaz...omg!! left 2+ wks!! LECT TESTS!!alamak..hahaz...

I ATE TOO MUCH FRIES!!hahaz...eat until my ulcers pain..=X...the 2 evils ulcers like my mouth of much tat they station there for 1 wk! argg...one side each somemore...i going to kill them...POKE POKE POKE..OUCH...T.T

pig family is considering moving house!!yeah!! big big room...woot...i want to paint it green!!i going to deco the room myself!!

(in the process day dreaming...wit some saliva dripping...n evil black angel came to knock my head)

evil black angel: wake up la...ur pig gor gor haven agree leh...

hahaz...pig 家务事不便透露..敬请原谅...XP

just now...as pig was going to toilet..pig papa decided to crack a joke...

Pig papa: 人生很好
Pig papa: 人生 人参可以饨鸡汤
Pig papa: aiya...要幽默一点 ma....
mi thinking: (okokok lo...very 幽默...-__- )

i am laughing like crazy now...cos today 娱乐百分百 is on 阿杜听证会...n it's sooooo funny...hahaha...=X

i just realised...the Jianyi acting in 舞出彩虹 got TWINS BRO!!! they look exactly the same..O.O...

just now watched IN 女皇....they say...手最容易变老!!AHhhHHh...(quick hide my hands )...hahaz..i realised my hands look VERY OLD!!hmm..must start to 保养..

(Evil black angel appear again...)

Evil black angel:haHAHA!做梦...u this ultra mega super duper lazy pig...u wan to 保养?? IMPOSSIBLE!!


Pig papa say my pimples r getting better..O.o...i didnt put cream for 2 days le leh..=X

end of my entry..i wonder today i got 人格分裂 or not...hahaz..


<猪猪上> ^@^
4:49 PM

Friday, December 09, 2005


hahaz...these few days didnt blog...basically my great grandma was cremated...everything was over...then yesterday n today was very efficient...did chem n phy hw...almost finished...except some dunnoe how to do n the stupid data analysis...i hate it...><..haha...

but the main thing i want to blog is abt the 5 little kittens born 2 wks ago just above the staircases at my house...hahaz..kawaii!! very very cute...last time saw them still small small de...now abit fat liao..hahaz...everyday will go ka jiao them..=X...haha..but the cat mama abit too protective...haha..but sa yang her then can touch her babies le.. :D....

here r the photos!!!



<猪猪上> ^@^
8:34 PM

Sunday, December 04, 2005



hmm...my great grandma went to heaven 2 days ago...didnt noe tat tue visiting her would be the last time i see her...and i oso didnt noe tat time she hold my hand would be the last time....

quite regret fri didnt get to 看她最后一面...

aniway...yesterday went to attend the funeral...early morning went to my uncle's house...

then someone carried my great grandma's body there...hmmm...haiz...4 days ago was still a living person...4 days later was only a body without soul...

hmm...then some ppl went to put makeup 4 her...but we were not allowed to see....they covered the area wit a cloth...

there were alot of 礼仪 which i nv see b4...

then we saw her one last time...

then...pong pong...the coffin was closed....

many aunties and uncles cried...cousins too...

after tat went to fold incense paper...eh...dunnoe how many i fold...let mi count....10s one paper...1 min 6 papers...1 hr 360...2 hrs 720!! wah...maybe less than tat take in consideration of the resting time...but woot...alot...no wonder my neck pain...

so went upstairs to rest...then bathe...

then went downstairs again...this time got to listen to the priest 念经...cannot tahan...asked us to stand n kneel dunnoe how many times...and the way our hands shl put oso kept changing..@_@...

there will be more today...but nvm la...

got to be there for 4 days...wont be able to online often...T.T..hahaz...


<猪猪上> ^@^
9:15 AM

Friday, December 02, 2005

the day b4 today

eh...toking abt yesterday again..hahaz...

hmm...yesterday some cg friends came to my house...eh...supposed to watch vcds...but...

mi: eh..u all got bring vcds or not?

(quiet for a moment)

they all:we didnt bring..

nvm...heng my house still got a few vcds...

hmm..so we watched 我家有只河东狮 & 杀手公司....actually watched b4 areadi..but 4got some parts...

after watching...we watched 娱乐百分百..lolx..they still dun wan to go home...

after tat...watched...the most crappy cartoon i ever seen....SPONGEBOB!!..really very lame...but funny..hahahaz...i gotten watch it today!!XP

after watching for sooo long...they discussed the next gathering...eh...next mon...KTV!!OMG...i dun dare to sing..hahahaz...maybe go there then..

yea..finished the happy part...now...

morning got a call again...from my auntie....this time is real....not bluff one...my great grandma in ICU liao..eh...critical condition...now how..i oso dunnoe...pray pray ba...


<猪猪上> ^@^
9:44 AM

Thursday, December 01, 2005


" When you drink the water, remember the source..."

noe y i wrote this??

yesterday went back to nyjc...to attend the farewell party for mrs ho, ny principal....hmmm..long time didnt go back...changed alot...2 new basketball court...tennis court...a big big assembly ground...cool

walked around the sch...from 1st floor to 3rd floor...lolx...

saw yoga...n wenjun..hahaz...n huiyong..

waited at the fountain...Zzz...dunnoe y i stood there oso....i am not J1 leh..hahaz...i am ex students...shl go to hall ma...=P

principal was supposed to come..but....Zzzzz

aniway...saw many tutors who taught mi...my CIVIC TUTOR MR CHUA!!!woohuu..he still remember mi.. :D....n of course my fmaths tutor MR NEO aka mr anderson...hahaz...n my chem tutor MRS SO...oh ya..n the cute old phy lecturer..hahaz..still very cute..XP

too bad didnt see my gp tutor mr (king) kong...n the one whom everyone said i look like her...my fmaths tutor ms yap?? hahaz..4got how to spell..oh ya..n phy tutor..oso didnt see her..haiz...

ty very much..still waiting..-__-

but dunnoe y so many teachers waving..O.o...hahaz...made mi remember tat time mrs lim,tj principal, was going to leave the sch oso...and the dunnoe who made us wave at the camera..-__-..so 白痴..=X

YEAH...mrs ho finally came....then the "open ceremony" for the 饮水思源 rock...eh..in case u all dunnoe...mrs ho contributed this rock with the wd 饮水思源 on it so tat nyjcians will always remember this value..=)

then here went the trishaw carrying mrs ho around the sch...

eh..i dun wan to tok much abt this..too long le..

yea...reached the hall...then began the speeches by sc..mrs ho..then video

then concert started...
eh...1st was the cheer team..eh eh...not bad...

2nd was hip hop dance..it was..omg...how to say...冷...dunnoe wat they dancing..but still good...

then i oso cant remember the sequence..

there were 2 guys singing 4ever luv...O.O...cool..not bad...they can go take part in the 校园 superstar...

then a few tutors sang old songs..but very nice...tat cute phy tutor oso sang!! hahaz...十五的月亮..long time nv hear le..hahaz...

n hmm..a pretty tutor oso sang...very very nice...she can go take part in 2006 superstar...she is beautiful...she has beautiful voice...she is very 温柔..n she is young!

ahem...here came the exciting part..hahaz....a skit by O5S9D..my class!! hahaz...

dear peiyu acted as mrs ho...hahahaz..so funny...=D

then hmmmmmmmmm...the rest not impt la..hahaz...

the concert ended...went to the canteen to "eat"

well...the food was ahem..made mi wan to drool..hahaz...but wit 2 ULCERS on my mouth...eating those food will oni make mi painful..so
-__-...4get it..T.T

oh...saw "mrs ho"..ahem..correct myself...saw peiyu...hahaz..didnt tok much..-__-""

yeah...then went home...Zzzz

eh..got this very nice chi proverb said by mrs ho..but i 4GOT!!hiaz...so...

饮水思源 饮水思源 饮水思源 饮水思源 饮水思源

饮水思源 饮水思源 饮水思源 饮水思源 饮水思源

tat's all i can write...


<猪猪上> ^@^
11:06 AM



Piggish Whisper


Meow Meow Ameoni
Pig sis

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