
Saturday, January 21, 2006


Zzz...everyone is getting sick one by one...伤兵残重...a total of 9 ppls around mi got sick...

first is pig gor...then pig mama tio it...then pig papa tio it from pig mama...on the other hand...almost half the gals got sick...fc was sick...followed xh...then mr...then 33 sorethroat...then 2 other frens oso sick...-___-...now i oso tio it...i was 双面夹攻..hahaz...hmmm...having flu+sorethroat+fever..Zzzz...这一波真强...

yesterday hardly able to sleep la...nose block..then difficulty in breathing...so forced to wake up at 11.30pm...then finally managed to sleep again...nose block again...so 1.30am forced to wake up again...so i tried eating cough sweet...n it worked...BUT...1 hr later...nose block AGAIN! argg...so bo bian...went to eat panadol n the cough sweet...then i got to sleep in sitting position...if not i cant breathe...

then everything was quite ok de..but dunnoe y the cough sweet no use liao..immediately nose block again...i was extremely tired la...but cant sleep...so went to the window to breathe in some fresh air...but no use...went to drink the cough drink my friend gave mi last time..yuck..not nice one..but got to force myself to drink...

then FINALLY can breathe better...went to sleep...this time finally slept for some hrs...then when i woke up...i can breathe smoothly..happy happy...but guess wat...I GOT FEVER!! ZZzz...

then burning like crazy inside my body...anione wan to 炼丹?? hahaz..

aniway...later going to clinic to work..shun bian kope some med from the doc..hahahaz...hopefully get one mc..then tml dun need to do CIP!!YEAH!

ok..shall go study phy..poor mi..haiz..=(


<猪猪上> ^@^
8:51 AM

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Freak out!!

hahaz..yesterday 1st day of work n i got freak out by the heavy responsibility i have to handle...hahaz...let mi list out thing i must remember to do...

1) Open the clinic b4 the doc come n switch on every thing! =S...mi alone somemore...
2) note down every patients' particular who came to visit n the medicine they took on one book...this is IMPT! i almost 4got to write down one yesterday..luckily my ms teacher reminded mi...phew
3) be a cashier! =S
4) pack those medicine! but i dun noe how to do yet...dunnoe how to die next wk..-.-

i think taking up this job is like taking alot of job...an asst nurse cum cashier cum secretary cum shopkeeper...ALAMAK!

aniway...yesterday ms teacher, stefanie, taught mi alot of stuffs...eg: registration for new patient...printing out the labels...printing out the receipt..some admin stuffs...n some procedures...

Stefanie is patient...nice...n pretty..hahaz...oh..she is TRIPLE LINGUAL..hahaz...she can speak eng..chi...n HOKKIEN...hahaz...very fluently somemore..O.O...i shl start learning some hokkien to handle old patient..XP

the most scary thing of taking this job is......I DUN UNDERSTAND THE DOC'S WRITING!!!...-___-...dunnoe y doc always write sooooooo messy....cant even read la...later take wrong medicine how how HOW!?!?...hahaz...

yesterday kept bothering my teacher asking her wat the doc wrote la...so ma fan..argg...

but actually it's quite fun la...u see ah....it's quite shuang..hahaz...as if i am professional nurse like tat...=p...

next wk got alot of stuffs i need to do b4 doc come...

1) noe how to use the printer PROPERLY..hahaz..cos i tore one receipt yesterday..-__-
2) quickly take out the list of medicine n memorise hard
3) take down the alphabet of the name of the patient card on the drawer n MEMORISE!! cos i took a long time to find the card yesterday..i am WOLS...
4) learn the doc's handwriting..hahaz...
5) practise how to close the back door..cos it's SPOILT! hahaz..

hope everything will be fine next wk...hope i can handle everything by myself..=S hope i can my $$ soon..muahaha...hahaz...


<猪猪上> ^@^
4:47 PM

Saturday, January 14, 2006

thurs fri sat

blogging again..hahaz..

thurs was a bad day...got 3 hrs of break..so happily go home...n guess wat...i dropped my purse on the bus..-.-'''...n i only realised it after happily slacking for 1 hr n went to the bus stop again...then went home searched...but couldnt find...in the end went to bus interchange to ask lo...luckily some kind soul picked it up n returned it...phew...

but the interchange uncle somehow dun believe mi or wat..kept asking some qns to confirm...@%@$... felt like telling him tat "I AM RUSHING TO SCH!!!"..tmd..hahaz..

but the kind soul who returned it to the interchange will be 多福多寿..=)

thought i would be late for lect..but..heng ah...many ppl haven reached..=p

then got pe...TJC REALLY NO 人性!! raining still wanted us to run around the shelters..@$%... almost got a heart attack after running 3 rounds!! hahaz...so evil..argg..

fri the 13th..hmmm...not really a bad day..but almost late for sch..-__-..thanx to ah mak's bus 69...in the end bus 196 went off...bus 38 oso went off...the only chance would be bus 608...luckily it arrived on time..

so i rushed to the assembly ground n was relieved when i realised only a few ppl there..then i was quite puzzled y so few ppl when it had areadi bell rang...

walking half way n i suddenly remembered we got to go to the audi..-__-...no wonder so few ppl n all of them were J1..dot...but hahaz...when i reached audi...so few ppl oni..hahahaz...so not late afterall...=D

aniway..i listed out some unbearable act tat i observed in the canteen..

3) tjcians r very talkative ppl...here tok there tok...tok until SO LOUDY...transforming the sch into a market place...-.-...a bunch of ___(esp the J1)...didnt they see tat there r some ppl studying or doing hw? ...

2) some ppl think they r 门神 or wat..... or maybe they think they r ghost...blocking the pathway n think ppl can pass through like tat..-.-

1) wah..the last one is the most unbearable..2 gals acting like les couple 打情骂俏 n displaying their cha cha 功..one step forward n tickle the other...then one step back to avoid being tickle..wth..they think they r at the dance studio ah...dance here dance there...n we the poor ppl got to train our siam 功 to tackle their cha cha 功..-__-'''

ok...finish nagging..hahaz...later will be going for my 1st day of work..=P...will be working at the clinic near my house...pls come n visit mi..=X...


<猪猪上> ^@^
9:48 AM

Sunday, January 08, 2006


ok..finally blogged...haiz...

haven been blogging since sch start..guess y? i am either busy sleeping to refill my energy..or busy rushing for tutorial...

let mi recap..hmmm...wed busy with pdp exhibition until 4.30pm...totally exhausted...thurs busy finishing maths tutorial...n yes i finished everything...but i almost dropped death...somemore i got to study for phy mcq test..hahaz..

i would like to congratulate myself for managing to survive this wk n being a gd pig studying n doing tutorials..=)

i had:
1) finished in advance one chem and one maths tutorial
2) finished 3 articles for gp!! ( so poor thing...kanna a hardworking gp tutor..hahaz..but he is nice!=p )
3) completed 3/4 of the hydrocarbon ws

yea..i did those during the wkends...muahaha...i am a mugging pig...

n guess wat...i am reading ENG BK!!! hahaz...i am going to improve my gp!! =)...but a leopard cant change its spot...i still feel like sleeping after reading a few pages...lol...

aniway...i was very angry this morning cos i finally plucked out my courage to write an email to my class gals and pressed SEND...n i thought "yes..finally sent..." and i msged everyone to check email..

but guess wat...nobody receive!!! kanasai...n the email was not in my sent folder...idiot...stupid hotmail...now everything was gone...n i cant possibly write the same msg animore..argggg...



<猪猪上> ^@^
7:22 PM



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